
Desire of Impeccable Love

ace_hs · Teen
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61 Chs

Sons Desires Fullfills by Mom part 3-Tim loves the taste of Mom

On the way to the airport Tim tried to think of everything but his mother's full firm tits and her wet pussy. He tried to concentrate on the road and traffic. His father was outlining all the things he wanted done while he was gone. Reminding Tim that part of the deal with his receiving college money was helping around the house especially helping his hot mother.

I definitely am going to help mom, Tim thought. First I'm going to help her out of her clothes, then I'm going to help her feel better by sucking her big hard nipples. If that isn't enough I'm going to help her feel full by easing my cock into her wet pussy. Yeah, I'm going to help her all I can.

The trip out to the airport went faster than he expected. As he started home he smelled his fingers. The faint odor of his mother's pussy sent electric shock waves up and down his shaft, which immediately sprang to attention, bulging his pants out in a tent like shape. He was tempted to pull over to the side of the road and masturbate, not caring who saw him. Only the thought of his mother waiting at home with her puffy aroused pussy kept him motoring down the highway. He roared into the drive and charged into the house.

Jill was standing by the sink cleaning vegetables. She was totally nude, the tan skin of her arms and back contrasted with the shapely white cheeks of her exposed ass. Tim was instantly hard. He moved toward her, but she held up her hand.

"No touching. You can look, but don't touch."


"You heard me, you can look."

Tim quickly sat down at the table where he could watch her.

"How was your drive?"

"Ah, it was okay."

"Was there much traffic?"

"Traffic? No…no not much."

Jill turned and walked to the table. Her 36c breasts jiggled and swayed as she walked. The nipples were rigid little nubbins thrust from high on the ends of the firm mounds. They were magazine picture perfect. Tim's eyes swung from the full white flesh to the light hair covered mound between her legs. The wet lips, slightly open, were visible between strong thighs. His cock lurched against his pants and for a moment he though he was going to cum. It was one thing to see her in the bathroom naked, but in the kitchen it was much more shocking. She wasn't just nude she was bare-assed naked. He felt it in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to grab his raging cock and beat it until it blasted his juice into outer space.

As she bent over to pick up a plate for the sliced veggies, her breasts tilted forward until they were only a foot away from Tim's waiting mouth. He groaned. A little smile appeared at the corner of Jill's mouth. As he was about to reach out and touch them, Jill turned and returned to the sink. Tim was again excited by the fact he was watching his mother's ass moving in a sexy rhythm and bare as the day she was born. His cock grew into a steel bar.

"If you want, you can undress," Jill said.

Tim stripped off his clothes. His rigid cock slapped against his belly as he dropped his shorts.

Jill watched as the red, firm meat quivered from his movement.

"Some little virgin is going to get a real reaming one of these days. That thing should be registered as a lethal weapon. Be careful what girl you marry. Once a girl gets a feeling for that much meat packed in her, she's not going to want to give it up. There is no way you'll ever be able to divorce her."

"I have to find one that'll let me pack it into her first."

" I think you ha…never mind. I'm about done here. Why don't you come into the family room and talk to me while I do a few things in there?" Jill said.

Tim stood, and making no effort to control the bobbing of his raging hard-on, he followed her to the other room. He grasped his meat and slid his hand up and down the long pole once then released it and watched his mother's naked body moving. Her ass about drove him nuts as she wiggled ahead of him. He wanted to thrust forward and drive his cock between those wriggling cheeks, and he didn't care which hole it entered.

Jill stole a quick look at his hard shaft sticking up proudly, but kept walking. "You like looking at my ass, don't you?" Jill asked as she turned to face him. "You want to feel my bare skin against your cock; put your cock between those cheeks."

Tim sat down on the sofa and nodded his head.

"Yeah, you've got the best looking ass in this whole town."

"Why thank you, honey. For that you get a special look."

Jill moved to a couple of feet in front of him, turned her back to him, and slowly bent over. Tim caught his breath as she thrust her twin globes at him. Her puffy pink pussy was displayed slightly moist and open right before his eyes. Her cheeks spread and her puckered little anal opening was also exposed for his pleasure.

"Oh god, mom, oh, I want to touch you…I have to touch you."

"Later, maybe later. If I were to let you, would you lick me there? Not my butt, my pussy."

"I'd lick them both, mom. I'd lick all of you, every inch."

"Really. You would lick me all over, even my butt?"

"Every inch."

"Oh god, just the thought almost made me cum. You're a horny little monster. You may get a surprise, I just may let you do all that. Your father has never been much for pussy eating and he wouldn't think of doing anything with my butt. I suppose you'd like to fuck me there too?"

"Mom, I'd like to fuck you anyplace I could get it in."

"Quit. If you keep talking like that, you'll make my pussy drip even more than it is." She straightened up and taking the dust cloth she had brought from the kitchen she began dusting the tables and lamps. Tim followed her every move. There was something extremely sexy about sitting naked in the family room watching his mother also naked doing her housework. It was the most exciting thing he had ever seen. He watched as she bent over again to dust a tabletop. Her pussy with the light hair fuzzy on the upper part of the lips and the lower part almost free of hair was now parted and moisture coated. The lips glistened. He knew from his one swipe across those same lips earlier that the moisture was slippery. His cock lurched at the thought of sliding his rigid member into the folds of her pink showing pussy. He wanted his cock to feel the slipperiness of the juice as it penetrated her body.

"Stroke it," she said.


"Stroke it. Jack-off for me. I want to watch you jack-off."


"Use your hand. I want to watch you pounding it. But don't cum…you're not to let it shoot…when you're ready to cum stop and tell me. If you shoot, we won't do anything else tonight. It will all stop here. Understand?"

Tim nodded. He grasped his hard prick and quickly began to slide his hand up and down the throbbing shaft. Jill knelt down in front of him and watched as the purple head disappeared and reappeared inside the circle of the clutching fingers.

"Slow," she said. "Do it slow."

She felt her pussy spasm. She wanted to grab the angry looking meat and slam her hand up and down the pre-come covered length. Instead she allowed her fingers to trail through her cream covered pussy lips and flick lightly against her hard protruding clit. She gasped as the little nubbin responded by quivering and becoming extremely sensitive. She wanted to scream and jump on Tim's massive cock, burying it to the bottom of her channel. She held back, the wait was torture. An exquisite torture.

In the back of her mind, she was shocked at her actions with her son. Sex play with her own tits. An incestuous bitch. Worst of all, she already knew that before the week-end was past she was going to let this manly, muscular, hung-like-a-horse son bury his magnificent cock in her pussy. Let him fuck her until he couldn't cum anymore, and until her pussy was so full of cum that she couldn't hold another drop.

Tim was staring at his mother's beautiful tits as he drove his hand up and down the corded pole. Jill became aware that he needed to examine her to keep going. She stood and placing one foot next to him on the sofa, she spread her pussy lips. Tim's face was only inches away. He could smell the mild and intensely exciting odor of her sex. He could see into the cavern of her inflamed channel flanked by the rosy red inner lips, see the hood of her clit pushed back and the meat coloured tiny tip sticking out.

"Oh. god, mom. Oh god. Oh I think I'm about to cum. Mooooom."

Jill dropped her foot to the floor. "No. Don't cum, quit doing it, don't shoot. Don't shoot." She pulled his hands away from his throbbing cock. "Stop. Save it."

Tim groaned, but let her pull his hands away and was seized with frustration as the boiling in his balls subsided.

"Mom, mom I was ready to shoot. Why didn't you let me finish? Why? Do it for me, mom. Jack me off, please jack me off and let me shoot on your tits."

"I've got a better idea."

Jill dropped to her knees and leaning forward she took hold of Tim's rigid member. Before he knew what she had in mind she lowered her face to his purple and red head and engulfed his cock with her pouty mouth. With one continuous motion she slid her lips down the long shaft until she felt the head touch the back of her throat.

Tim grunted. "ohhhh, mom. That did it, I'm going to cum, going to cum. Now. Now. Noooow." The white cum rocketed up his shaft and flooded Jill's mouth and throat. She gulped as the hot liquid spurted down her throat and squeezed out around her grasping lips to run down her chin. She was only partly ready for the amount of juice her son shot between her sucking lips.

Tim grunted and groaned as Jill sucked his still dripping head. Drawing out the last of the white liquid she had caused to form. She had waited until she knew he couldn't hold back if she sucked him and was rewarded with more juice than she had ever experienced from a shooting cock before. She had deliberately teased him into being too hot to control his ejaculation. It was what she wanted. She wanted him out of control. She would get him in the same shape when she let him fuck her. Which according to the way her pussy was quivering had better be soon.

Tim was amazed at his mother's actions. He had hoped to be able to feel her pussy and maybe finger her a little bit, but he had never seriously considered the fact that she may suck him or fuck him in spite of what she said. He didn't think his own mother would actually go through with it. Not only had she sucked him off but, she had swallowed his cum like she expected to. Like she wanted it. And it was only eleven o'clock in the morning on the first day his father was gone. They had six more days together before his father got home. His cock gave a twitch at the thought.