
Trading In The Survival System

Work of has brought comfort continually,but a product, idea, service produce by a man wants to be enjoyed be other humans also.

Due to straineous and though way in creating this comfort producing items or idea, human now develop a strategy in distributing his own ideas, creative means, service and labour to other people in the population.

Human thought outwide and created and initiated a value medium for exchange of product, labour, service around the population.The value medium is included with valuable object (value media) such as Jewelry, Precious stones,Gold,Cowry,and Money...

Man invented money and made it so precious and vital in the lifestyle of man.Money is given the power of Universal Purchase.It can buy all the things created by man on the surface of the earth.

The Strategy of product purchase activated human initiative and motive to work hard so as to aquire Money,for the purchase of various products made by humans.In this modernized universe money is rampant as a media of exchange for product, service, ideas etc.

The has now change in the sense that few human brings up idea to create a product while more human individual works to acquire money.This is where an industrialized world comes into human lifestyle.Where we have the boss and the workers.Therefore people have the ability to enjoy more comfort if they acquire the required money...