
Draft Chap 5

It was roughly 8:00 in the evening, with the crescent shaped moon already overhead. A cool spring breeze blew by, causing the trees to rustle as their leaves were pushed around by the wind.

The sounds of countless voices at once jumbled together, resulting in a cacophony of indistinguishable noises that could be heard hundreds of feet away from the castle.

Alone on a balcony was Natalie. She wore a white dress that exemplified her already astounding beauty. Her glossy black hair that reflected the moonlight, her bluish green eyes that sparkled like the most valuable jewels, her radiant smile that could brighten even the darkest of days. She was like a precious artifact from a museum, in that it could only be observed, never touched.

However, there was one man who wanted to challenge that notion. He had auburn hair that waved along with the wind, and silver eyes that shone like precious metals. He wore a white collared shirt and black dress pants, and held a sword at his side. As he walked closer to Natalie, he gradually attracted more and more gazes towards himself. He chose to ignore them as he kept walking forwards.

Natalie had yet to notice him as she gazed off into the distance. So when the man stopped and stood beside her, she was surprised.

"Hello, may I ask why you have come over to me?" Asked Natalie in a confused voice.

"It's on nights like these that one should stop what they are doing and just observe the night sky." Said the man in a relaxed tone, looking towards the sky.

Natalie looked over to the man's face and towards his eyes that were directed off into the distance.

"It's a shame that most people waste nights like these at parties and dances, unaware of the bliss of nature." Said the man, now turning his head so that he was making eye contact with Natalie. "You do agree, don't you?"


Pyrite awoke with sweat dripping from her forehead. She looked around to see that she was sitting on her throne, and that the pile of papers on her desk hadn't decreased by even the slightest amount.

"Milady, are you awake?" Said Christopher from behind her.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Asked Pyrite with a yawn.

"I'm sorry, milady, you just looked so peaceful and relaxed that I decided against it. You may punish me however you please." Responded Christopher, who was now kneeling on his left leg.

"No punishment will be necessary, Christopher. Have we gotten any new information about the Draconian?"

"Milady, we have learned that the Dune Wolves have been slain by the Draconian, who was last seen entering the Border City inside of a caravan car. They were headed towards the parking area."

"Good. I'm glad they are alright. Have we had any messages from other races?"

"The Lesser Lamia's have requested assistance in secession from the Basilisk Empire. The Highblood Lamia's have requested our assistance in quelling this attempt at revolution."

"Oh dear, it looks like we will have to choose a side." Said Pyrite with a sigh. "Christopher, would you please remind me of why the Lesser Lamia's want to secede?"

"The Lesser Lamia's have accused the Highbloods of both abuse of power and disregard for the Noblesse Oblige act that was passed two years ago."

Pyrite went silent in thought for a moment, before speaking up once more.

"Send Neil and Nile to guard the Lesser Lamia's during their secession. Their presence alone should be able to keep the Highbloods in check."

"As you wish milady." Said Christopher before exiting the building and jumping off the side to fly off.

Pyrite stood up and walked towards the entrance. She opened the door by herself and closed it quietly.

Outside of the door, two guards were stationed.

"We have been stationed here as temporary replacements for Neil and Nile as they assist the Lesser Lamia's." Said the taller one. His bright orange wings were extended outwards as if he was preparing for flight.

"It is nice to meet the two of you." Said Pyrite with a slight smile.

"Sa- Same… It's… nice to me- meet you, too." Said the shorter guard in a shaky voice. Her wings, unlike the other guards, were tucked inwards a little bit, suggesting that she was nervous or shy.

"I am expecting great things from the two of you."

"Yes ma'am!"

After meeting with the replacement guards, Pyrite walked towards the staircase and descended. She looked around, observing each and every leaf on each and every tree as she walked downwards.

When she reached the ground, Pyrite walked towards an opening hidden between two trees that was just barely big enough for someone to walk into.

Pyrite entered and saw the entrance to a cave in front of her. She walked into the cave and, at the end of the cave, saw a pool of water that had a greenish hue.

Pyrite took off her clothing as she dipped her foot into the water. She recoiled from the sensation of the cool water touching her warm body. Pyrite dipped her foot in the water again, but this time instead of getting back out, she submerged her whole body in the water.

As Pyrite rested in the water, she felt that everything weighing down her mind was lifted, washing away her troubles. Pyrite closed her eyes and a video started to play in her mind.

In the video, a woman who looked very similar to Pyrite was standing on a balcony alongside a tall man with handsome features. Pyrite could see people talking in the ballroom behind them, but no sounds came out of their mouths, with the only people that Pyrite was able to hear being the woman and the man on the balcony.

"It's a shame that most people waste nights like these, unaware of the bliss of nature. You do agree, don't you?" said the man as he made eye contact with the woman, who blushed and looked away when he did so.

Suddenly, Pyrite was thrust into the point of view of the woman. Pyrite tried to move, but she had no control over her, no, the woman's body.

"Wh- What's your name?" Asked the woman. Pyrite could feel the nervousness that the woman felt as if she was the same person as the woman.

The man started to grin and bowed towards the woman.

"My name is Isaac." Said the man as Pyrite was forced back into reality, with her eyes jolting open.

Her feelings were jumbled together with those of the woman from the dream. Pyrite could feel her heart beating inside her chest as she took deep breaths to try and calm herself down.

When she was finally calmed down, Pyrite exited the pool and put her clothes back on. Before leaving the cave, she took one last deep breath and looked back at the water, before turning back around and exiting.


Sitting atop a golden throne was a tall, muscular male with a golden crown resting on top of his long, blonde hair. Standing next to him was a young, blue haired woman with jagged blue wings on her back. She wore a collar around her neck and had a maid outfit on.

"Your majesty, I regret to inform you but Cole Diadem has slipped from our grasps once again." Said a kneeling knight wearing a full set of armor, minus a helmet. His hair was a light green color, as were his eyes.

"Aleph… What did I say was the punishment for failure this time?"

"One week of imprisonment and torture, your majesty." Replied Aleph in a somewhat shaky voice. He had heard stories of the hellish torture that prisoners had undergone and was worried of what he would have to undergo.

"I may be able to grant you one more chance, Aleph."

"Really? I will do whatever it takes to gain your favor, your majesty." Said Aleph with his head perking up.

"However… If you fail after this, then it will truly be the end for you. Do you accept?"

Aleph thought for a few moments. If he accepted his punishment this time, there was a chance he would sustain mental damage and trauma. It would basically be the end for him anyways, so what did he have to lose?

"Yes, your majesty. I accept."

"Brilliant." Said the king with a smile. "I would also like to give you some information that may help you capture him."

"Thank you for everything, your majesty."

"It has been reported to me from an anonymous source, that Cole and my daughter have headed for the Border City." said the king. "The Teleporter is ready. I would like you to leave as soon as possible."

"I will inform my unit and we will be here as soon as possible. This time, we WILL succeed."

"I am expecting great things from you, Aleph." Said the king as both he began to laugh.

Underneath the castle, in a dark, moist room made of stone, was a teenage boy who was suspended in the air by chains.

There was not a single part of his body that didn't have a cut or bruise on it. A few strands of his silver hair had singe marks on the ends.

The boy opened his eyes, which had a blank look on them, almost as if he was blind.

"Wait for me in Border City, Cole. I'll meet up with you and Amy soon."

Next chapter