
Descent Of The Sword Hero

Adric Norlov a A - rank hunter, dies at the hand of an entity he could barely put a scratch against. How will this twenty year old who was raised as a weapon live in a different world. ___________________________________________________________ A/N - Just to be clear This is my second book and the upload shedule will be erratic but I hope you do enjoy the story. Disclaimer---- Raftalia and Atla not in the Harem I wanted to go for other choices

Master_of_Mana · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Underground 3

I looked up to see the fat man, start adresssing the crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, for today we will be playing a game of last man standing. The rules are simple, the fighters will be divided into two groups of 14 each and battle against each other they can team up to fight stronger players or fight solo it is upto them." He announced as one of the guards broke us into two groups.

Me along with the siblings and 11 on one side and other 14 on the other side.

"Now you can team up together!" He announced

I immediately saw the siblings move away seems like they will be a duo,

Then there was group of five and six respectively, leaving me out.

I was more than happy with that.

"First round! Begins!!" the man shouted as the guards emptied the stage with me against the team of six,

"Fight!" the man shouted as I looked at the men who rushed at me without hesitation.

I dodged the first one kicking the second one off punching the third one into the ground.

This is fucking boring, beating these six low level noobs wasn't much I didn't even need to use enhancement since all of our stats were on a similar level.

I looked around seemed like the audience wasn't enjoying the bloodless fight much as I grabbed an arm coming for me, sorry bud.

and snapped it as the bone popped right out of the skin and the crowd roared seeing blood.

"Argh!!" the man screamed as the remaing three paused I guess not sleeping last night was getting on my nerves.

"Come on, let's get this over with" i muttered as they took a step back.

"I surrender" X3

huh? I think the audience was also in the same confusion as me, I broke an arm and those bitches are already giving up?

"Hey, fuckers fight!!"

"Yeah I didn't bet my money for a fricking surrender, bitch!!"




The crowd screamed as I looked at the man, he was around 2 sharp features, light brown eyes.

It was at this moment, that Herlos stepped up.

"Do you really wish to surrender?"

"Yes we do" the man replied, So they were a group even before entering.

Herlos looked at them, as he nodded to the guards standing at the side of the platform who climbed up grabbed the three and broke their legs.

I smirked of course there wouldn't be an option of surrender without an eqivalent price.

And soon teh next round began as the participants decided to get knocked out first was a much betteroption of course I had to show the audience something so I diliberately took some hits as finally the third round came as the siblings stood in front of me.

Unlike before they weren't excluding the same confidence now.

"Just to be clear, our bet still stands!" I said as I could see thier jaws clenched at that.

These noobs really evaluated me just by seeing the first round heh seems like they weren't exposed to the darkness for very long it was only due to their skills that they were able to survive.

"Not answering?" I further prodded as I saw Arna burst out.

"We will win for sure, I don't care how skilled you are we will beat you" she burst but kelin held her down.

I smiled as a plan formed in my head.

"Hmm yeah me being out of your league is something unavoidable, lets see" I took out my sword dwaring a 5 meter by 5 meter square on the platform.

"I won't step out of here, if you are able to force me to draw my swords I will lose this round how about that?" I asked as the crowd cheered and seemed to agree with me.

Kelin seemed to be frowning as his grip tightened on the axe, he might look calm on the outside but he is itching to beat me up right now.

They didn't answer and simply nodded, I immeditely felt the atmosphere change a little. It seems they will go all out now.

And almost immditely I dodged the spear thrown at me intercepting the kick that followed as Arna jumped over and grabbed her spear buried in the floor behind I was just about to grab her when I had to jump over an attack.

Tch not having an eye in situations like these is a pain in the arse.

I kept dodging while keeping inside the square,

Their attacks were synchronised very well for those with less experience it would be near impossible to see the flaws but they were a little to obvious in thier attacks as I covered my hand in mana enhancing it and hit Kelin's axe just below the blade as its trajectory changed hitting teh spear that was thrusted towards me just a moment ago,

"Shit!" he cursed as he tried to block my punch but it was already too late as my fist connected to his chin throwing him back while I rotated and kicked Arna in the right of her chest which I am pretty sure cracked a rib or two throwing her away too.

Kelin was out cold, the fist was a little too much for him to recover from so only Arna remained as she stood up holding the side of her ribs as she spat out some blood.

"Come on!" I smiled as she glared at me and got ready for attack,

But it was then I felt the surroundings sound dissapear , something's wrong

I immeditely felt a stabing pain in my left eye and leaned to the right as I came back to the reality feeling the spear graze past my face.

"H..How?" Arna stuttered.

"You don't need to know" I replied catching her chin in a right hook knocking her out.

Safe to say I proceeded to the finals, as I glanced at the two siblings what the hell was that?

It was almost as if I was passed out for a second, a stun skill?

I would have to ask Fredta about it.

From the second group a group of four won, though they were severly injured.

Time for the thrid round I guess.