
Descent of the Apocalypse

*cough* *cough* -Quick author insert- The cover was done by the great and amazing Turtleboii, if you are into romance/comedy do check her novel out {Love For Hire} now onto the synopsis There were a dozen figures kneeled in front of a golden throne. Their faces were all hidden inside hoods that were attached to beautiful robes made of purple silk. The man who knelt closest to the throne rose his head slightly, as his deep voice echoed throughout the room. "Father, it is time. Everything is ready." "Good. Now, send the announcer, and start the system." A voice that could only be described as archaic replied to the man. "Let us see who will be the victor; let the entertainment begin!" In the middle of the room, a condensed ball of magic that started as small as a speck grew large in no time. After a brief flash of blinding light, an exquisite tome appeared. It floated upward and opened itself to a blank page. As if right on cue, a flying pen came rushing to its side and placed itself above the hovering book. It wrote: 'One must be able to laugh at death to become immortal.' The scritches finally came to a stop. The pen moved towards a corner of a book and scribbled a name down. Golden lights enveloped both items and disappeared thereafter. At the time, there was a young man who laid atop a hill. He was sleeping peacefully until blinding light shone on his face and jolted him awake from his slumber

Heiko41 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Strugle before progress.

Sebastian dashed at the Big Shadows, he calmed down his nerves and charged forward he soon reached the attack range of the Shadows when it swung its hand he speed up and went right bellow its chest.

The big shadows had a very strong attack and also had higher endurance than the Shadowlings, they even had the same speed, but their attacks were simple wide horizontal slashes or smashing from above.

They were also quite tall when they swung at him they have always slumped forward the only reason why they didn't fall was that they had human-like feet that kept them from falling over.

Sebastian let go of his sword and punched it's chest as hard as he could throwing it back and caving in its chest, though that wasn't enough to kill it since they didn't even have organs, soon an attack from the above came.

He lightly jumped back as the big hands of the creature created a blast of air as it missed him and hit the ground.

Sebastian quickly punched the head of the creature destroying it, "Haha, these bastards are way easier now! It seems I'll be passing this trial as well!" Sebastian spoke out in confidence as he glanced at the book.

"Heh, like I would despair and entertain you so easily!" Sebastian yelled out to the book.

"HAHAHA! Oh really! If you are that confident let's see how you plan to survive the next eight minutes!" Astral said with a jolly laugh.

Sebastian turned his gaze towards the five other BShadows that just appeared, "Hey! What are these things called anyways" He yelled out as he killed two of the Shadowlings.

"The small ones are Chas, and the other ones are Cantha!" Astral happily replied.

Sebastian didn't have much time to say anything else as he was already swarmed by the Cantha though he realized another thing, they were either extremely dumb or didn't care for the lives of their allies as they kept hitting each other as they attacked him.

Thus making it even easier for him to exploit them, once again time went on and soon the three-minute mark was reached once more something new appeared, this time it was human-sized, though it seemed skinny, but for some reason, it also had quite bulky legs, its fingers also didn't have joints it was just four long spikes.

Unlike the others, it didn't charge at him but instead stood at a distance then raised its hand and pointed its fingers towards Sebas as they suddenly elongated at enormous speed going straight for him.

Out of the four fingers only one hit but it took a lot of the energy of the shield as it became quite thin.

"Hey, hey! A ranged one!? What the hell is this thing?" Sebastian curses out as he takes cover behind one of the Cantha.

"That is a Censi!" Astral answers him seemingly enjoying the show.

Sebastian kills the Cantha in front of him and dashes at the Censi keeping his eyes on its fingers that suddenly extended, he dodged them and then swung a sword at the extended fingers trying to cut them off.


His sword bounced off of the spikes as they retreated back and were once more aimed at him to try and skewer him, as he got closer the Censi fired off again since he was so close it went right above his shoulder.

Sebastian closed in as he prepared to chop it in half it suddenly started jumping back at high speeds escaping from him as it aimed another attack.

Sebastian had no ranged attacks so he couldn't really attack it from afar, he could try and throw swords at it but the chances of that working were minimal, he dodged again and as the attack went by him he did the only thing he could.

He grabbed onto the extended spikes forcefully stoping it and pulling the Censi towards him making it fly at him, with one hand he swung his sword in an upwards motion as he cut through the head of the Censi killing it.

He was soon after swarmed again by the Chas, Cantha and the Censi, he focused on the fight completely as he dodged attack after attack, though he still sustained a few injuries as his clothes were getting slowly drenched in blood and ripped apart.

It seemed that every minute and thirty seconds a new monster would come out as soon the sky was filled with creatures that had bat-like wings and attacked with six long legs, each was about 60 centimeters long as they kept stabbing at him, though their attacks were only slightly stronger than the Chas.

These creatures were called Chiro they were extremely annoying to deal with as he couldn't pay much attention to them and more injuries kept piling on, he was starting to get tired as he was out of breath.

He kept running around even using a few of the short pillars to buy a few seconds of safety and kill off a few of the Chiros.

He was at around five minutes and twenty seconds, he had a hard time defending and dodging as the number of creatures kept growing, thankfully they weren't smart and were just mindless machines basically as they just kept attacking.

The number of friendly kills was probably catching up to his amount of kills if it didn't already surpass him, the Censi were especially guilty of this as their attacks might kill 3-4 creatures each time.

But he also progressed as well his understanding of the flowing movements raised as he kept up his dodging even with all the injuries, not only that but his focus was raised as sometimes he was even able to tell when he was about to be attacked from behind.

The fight kept progressing as well as his skill as his proficiency raised at a marvelous speed, but he once more reached the point where another enemy spawns, he was in for a surprise as weird creatures that didn't have anything bellow their stomach that was shrouded in a dark mist.

The creatures had very long arms and wide palms and when they touched the ground they submerged into it as they started "swimming" towards him, though he couldn't do much about it except try to understand their attack patterns.

Their name was Choxe, once they came close some leaped in trying to slash at him and some tried to circle him and leap at him from the back, but with his rising proficiency and his clear quick mind, he was able to dodge their attacks and strike back.

Unlike before he slowly started to dodge over 90% of the attacks and the number kept rising as every movement of his looked like a natural flow in the wind reacting to the changes in the air, soon none of the attacks could hit him instead they would hit the enemies.

Once more the next creature spawned this time they were creatures over three meters tall that had hammer-like fist that would crush anything that it hit, he was once more put in a tough spot as the speed the attacks came at made it quite hard to dodge, and he honestly couldn't care less for its name.

This made him receive more wounds forcing him to find another solution, after a bit of thinking he came up with an idea, he used his flowing movement skill to redirect the fists with his palms by simply pushing them off to the side.

This miraculously worked, now not only could he get away from the attack but he also used them to clear out more of the creatures.

Sebastian's confidence grew as he completely ignored his exhaustion and yelled out "Haha! You underestimated me Astral! Such simple enemies mean nothing!" As his response, he got a simple mocking "Oh?"

And the response said it all as soon the ground started to shake as slowly a giant mound rose nearby, a Giant Lizard like shadow creature just rose from the ground as it formed, he couldn't exactly tell how tall it was but one of its claws at the end of its six legs were as long as him.

The creature, unlike the others, was quite detailed as it had spikes on its back, and even a mouth filled with teeth, it exuded an oppressive aura as it struck at Sebastian's soul-making him shake uncontrollably.

"W-what the hell is this!?" Sebastian's brain blanked out as only a single thought remained inside it 'Run!' and he did just that as he turned away and bolted it as fast as he could even using Buff with the Qi he saved up just to give him that extra speed.

But how could he outrun something that covered ten of his steps in one step? Though his running wasn't completely fruitless as it at least bought him some time, "What the hell! Why did such a thing appear! Isn't the strength difference to high!"

Each step of the giant lizard would shake the ground as it chased after him, any creature that was in front of it was stepped on and killed, he tried to run past pillars to slow it down but it would just pass through them at best slowing it down a little.

Soon it caught up to him as it opened its giant maw ready to swallow him, he suddenly did a 180 as he turned around and ran straight towards the creature as it closed down its maw he slid on the ground going just bellow it.

He jumped back on his feet and ran bellow the creature, it clearly knew that it didn't swallow him as it could sense the weird white energy pulsating from him when it found where he was it tried to turn around but Sebastian was already at its tail.

When it saw Sebastian it smashed down with its tail but he was ready as he barely dodges it but the wind pressure blew at him as the ground rattled making him stop as the tail swept him up and hit him at a pillar breaking his bones and making him spit even more blood.

It once more opened its maw as it went for Sebastian, this time he couldn't dodge nor do anything, he is about to fall unconscious as darkness extended out of his peripheral vision.

"Ah, so this is truly it... What a fool I was..." Sebastian mocked himself "Is this the powerful creatures Astral was talking about?" Sebastian smiled as he looked at the endless darkness approaching him.

"Haha, honestly this was very fun, I am happy I get to die like this, I've never been so excited in my whole life... So this is what it means to live at the edge? It's fun" Sebastian closed his eyes with a satisfied smile plastered over his face.

All sound around him stopped the loud rumbling of the sky, the eerie clicking noises from the creatures that he got used to were no longer.

He felt his boring life flash before his eyes, there was nothing special about it, nothing worth talking about or mentioning.

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted "Already giving up, are we?" Hearing this Sebastian's eyes sprung open as he looked at his new unfamiliar surroundings.