
Time Skip

As Catarina Devon and her crew sailed back from the marriage ceremony with Big Mom's daughters, their journey took a treacherous turn when they were ambushed by a coalition of powerful adversaries—Garp, Sengoku, Kizaru, and Aramaki.

Unfazed by the sudden attack, Catarina sprang into action, her crew rallying behind her as they faced off against their formidable opponents. With her enhanced Haki and formidable combat skills, Catarina held her own against the combined might of the Marines.

As the battle raged on, Catarina found herself pushed to her limits, her resolve tested by the relentless assault of her adversaries. But in the crucible of combat, she discovered a newfound strength within herself—a deep well of power waiting to be unleashed.

With a surge of determination, Catarina tapped into the latent potential of her Yami Yami no Mi, awakening its true power in the midst of battle. As darkness enveloped her, she felt the boundless energy of the void coursing through her veins, empowering her with unparalleled strength and agility.

In the midst of the tumultuous clash between Catarina Devon and the formidable quartet of Garp, Sengoku, Kizaru, and the newly-appointed Admiral Aramaki, the battlefield became a symphony of chaos and destruction.

Catarina, wielding the combined might of the Quake-Quake Fruit, the Mythical Beast Nine-Tail Fox Fruit, and the awakened Yami Yami no Mi, stood as a force to be reckoned with. Her dark aura enveloped her like a shroud of malevolence, ready to unleash devastation upon her adversaries.

Garp, the indomitable Marine hero, surged forward with the strength of a titan, his fists crackling with Haki-infused power. His relentless onslaught aimed to crush Catarina beneath the weight of his unparalleled might.

Sengoku, the strategic genius and former Fleet Admiral, transformed into his Buddha form, casting a towering shadow over the battlefield. His massive fists descended like hammers, seeking to bring justice to those who dared oppose the might of the Marines.

Kizaru, the enigmatic Light Admiral, moved with blinding speed, his light-based attacks piercing the darkness with lethal precision. His laser beams cut through the battlefield like blades, leaving destruction in their wake.

Aramaki, the newly-appointed Admiral and wielder of the Wood-Wood Fruit, summoned forth the power of nature itself. With a wave of his hand, he manipulated the very elements, unleashing torrents of wood and foliage upon his foes.

As the battle raged on, each combatant pushed themselves to the brink of exhaustion, their powers colliding in a cataclysmic display of force. Yet, despite their best efforts, neither side could gain the upper hand, locked in a stalemate of titanic proportions.

With a weary acknowledgment of each other's strength, both sides reluctantly agreed to retreat, their clash ending in a tense standoff. As they parted ways, each vowed to meet again on the battlefield, their destinies intertwined in the eternal struggle for supremacy on the Grand Line.

2 years later,

The battle between Catarina Devon and Marco, the former first division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, was a clash of titans that shook the very foundation of the island they stood upon. With Catarina's formidable Devil Fruit abilities and enhanced Haki prowess, she aimed to prove her dominance over the skies against the legendary Phoenix.

As the confrontation unfolded, Catarina wasted no time in unleashing her devastating powers upon Marco. With a swift motion, she summoned forth the inky blackness of the Yami Yami no Mi, enveloping the battlefield in darkness. Marco's eyes widened in surprise as his surroundings plunged into obscurity, his senses momentarily overwhelmed by the void.

Seizing the opportunity, Catarina launched herself forward, her movements fluid and graceful as she closed the distance between them with blinding speed. In her awakened form, the Mythical Beast Nine-Tail Fox Fruit radiated an aura of ominous power, its ethereal flames licking at the darkness that surrounded them.

With a flick of her wrist, Catarina conjured forth tendrils of mystical foxfire, sending them hurtling towards Marco with deadly accuracy. The flames danced and twisted in the air, their azure hue illuminating the shadows with an eerie glow. Marco, however, proved to be a resilient adversary, evading the attacks with his incredible speed and agility.

Undeterred, Catarina pressed her assault, her illusions weaving a tapestry of deception around Marco's senses. Illusory duplicates of herself darted and danced around him, their movements unpredictable and disorienting. Marco gritted his teeth in frustration, his keen observation Haki strained to its limits as he sought to discern the true threat amidst the chaos.

But Catarina was relentless in her pursuit, her regenerative prowess allowing her to shrug off any injuries sustained in the heat of battle. With each blow exchanged, she pushed Marco to the brink, testing the limits of his endurance and resilience.

As the battle raged on, Marco's determination began to waver, his movements slowing ever so slightly as fatigue set in. Sensing an opportunity, Catarina seized the moment, her armament Haki enhanced by the Quake-Quake Fruit surging forth in a devastating onslaught.

With a mighty roar, she unleashed a barrage of concussive shockwaves, each one powerful enough to shatter the very earth beneath them. Marco staggered under the ferocity of the assault, his body battered and bruised from the relentless barrage.

As the battle wore on, Marco's strength began to falter, his movements growing sluggish under the weight of Catarina's onslaught. Sensing her opportunity, Catarina closed in for the kill, her eyes ablaze with determination and ruthlessness.

With a swift and decisive strike, she unleashed a barrage of devastating blows upon Marco, her fists and kicks fueled by the combined might of her Devil Fruits and enhanced Haki. Marco fought back valiantly, but it was clear that he was outmatched by Catarina's overwhelming power.

In a final, brutal display of dominance, Catarina delivered a bone-crushing blow that sent Marco crashing to the ground, bloodied and broken. With a triumphant smirk, she stood over her fallen foe, her gaze filled with contempt as she reached for his Devil Fruit.

With a swift motion, she plucked the Phoenix Fruit from Marco's unconscious form, a victorious grin spreading across her face as she claimed her prize. And with a merciless stroke, she ended Marco's life, extinguishing the legendary Phoenix once and for all.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into silence, Catarina Devon stood triumphant, her victory absolute.

As the celebrations erupted among the Catarina Pirates, their victory over Marco and the acquisition of Whitebeard's territory marked a significant milestone in their ascent to power. With their captain's triumph secured, they reveled in their newfound status as a formidable Yonko crew.

Catarina, adorned with Marco's Phoenix Fruit, basked in the adulation of her crew, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. With a wave of her hand, she summoned her loyal subordinates and presented them with the Devil Fruits they had long desired, each fruit carefully chosen to complement their skills and ambitions.

To Jesus Burgess, she bestowed the formidable Muscle-Muscle Fruit, enhancing his already impressive strength and prowess in combat. Van Augur received the coveted Teleport-Teleport Fruit, granting him unparalleled agility and mobility on the battlefield.

Shiruyu was granted the Invincible Fruit, a Devil Fruit of unparalleled defensive capabilities, further solidifying his role as the crew's steadfast guardian. Doc Q was entrusted with the Disease-Disease Fruit, a sinister power that could sow chaos and devastation among their enemies.

Lastly, Catarina turned her attention to Lafitte, her cunning first mate, and with a sly grin, she altered his Devil Fruit to the Shadow-Shadow Fruit of Maria. With this newfound power, Lafitte's abilities were heightened to new heights, allowing him to manipulate shadows with unparalleled finesse.

In these two years following her marriage alliance with the Big Mom Pirates, Catarina Devon embarked on a campaign of conquest, her sights set on acquiring the powers she desired to bolster her crew's strength. One of her primary targets was the notorious pirate Moria and his crew, known for their formidable abilities and the treasures they possessed.

Launching a daring assault on Moria's base, Catarina and her crew engaged in a brutal confrontation that culminated in the defeat of Moria and the destruction of his crew. Only Perona, Moria's former subordinate, was spared, taken in as a prisoner to serve under the banner of the Catarina Pirates.

With Moria's stronghold in ruins, Catarina wasted no time in seizing the Devil Fruits within his possession, including the Shadow-Shadow Fruit previously wielded by Lafitte. As the smoke cleared and the dust settled, Catarina emerged victorious, her crew now bolstered by the powers they had acquired.

Among the spoils of their victory were the Shadow-Shadow Fruit and the Invincible Fruit, which were distributed among her crew members to further strengthen their ranks

With Perona now a prisoner aboard her ship, Catarina Devon saw an opportunity to further enhance her already formidable strength. Utilizing the captured Perona's abilities, she secured a Physique Enhancement Potion, a rare concoction capable of pushing her physical prowess to new heights.

Upon consuming the Physique Enhancement Potion, Catarina felt a surge of power coursing through her veins, her body undergoing a profound transformation. With each passing moment, her muscles swelled with newfound strength, her endurance reaching levels previously thought unattainable.

The effects of the potion elevated Catarina's physique to a level comparable to that of Big Mom herself, imbuing her with unparalleled physical might and resilience. With her enhanced strength and durability, Catarina stood as a true powerhouse among pirates, her stature rivaling even the most legendary figures of the sea.