
Descent: I can purchase items for free!.

World chat: "****! where is this?. Wait!... what is this chat thing!?" "Wait, is that a dragon!!!" "Dragon what! there's a large python next to my castle!. Why am I in a castle in the first place?" "I-I think we got transmigrated!" - One day. Everyone from the earth was forcibly dragged into another world. The world of war where everyone can become a ruler and start their forces. The beginning from a new end. And surprisingly, even in this world people can still purchase weird magical items from the system shop. The currency used would be called the "Starry heart" Official notice: In the early stage or even in the latter stage, the drop rate for "Starry heart" currency would always remain the same. "But for me, I can purchase one free item per day!. I am going!!!!" -

ToTallyNoTmE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1 Chs

Chapter 1(The beginning)

The heavenly land of war.

After being forcibly transmigrated into this world.

Everyone was plunged into utter chaos. The turmoil of emotions with the constant sense of panic from all directions.

Not knowing what was happening other than the message inside their head telling them to survive.

The first hour was very chaotic and surely filled with a few unfortunate deaths.

Some of those deaths were accidental while some others were an attempt to "wake up from this dream".

But surely what awaited those people would be nothing but darkness.

Equipped with the stone stele and a castle.

Everyone then began to explore these features.

Oh yes, there was also the system mall added in. Just at the corner of their eyes.


And somewhere deep inside a dark forest.

A tiny wooden castle over 200 meters in diameter and over 50 meters in height stood there silently in between those large towering trees.

And at the very core of this castle, sat there a wooden throne with a lone figure sitting on it.

His name is Ian, a normal youth from the earth.

He had a job, he had a small goal, and he had rented a small apartment. Everything back then was quite normal but then this happened.


" What a strange world we live in huh"

He muttered with an enthusiastic face.

"This routine is nothing strange... this world is very similar to a game. "

"From the system mall to the castle lord function. Everything here is a game but real life at the same time.... "

"Becoming a lord, huh?. Sounds fun... "

Having said that, Ian then diverted his attention towards the stone stele that was erected in the middle of the throne hall.

He called upon it with his mind and soon enough.


A stone tablet glided through the air from the stone stele. Floated in front of him with a faint white light covering it. Appear to be extremely mysterious and divine at the same time.

Touching the stone tablet with his hand.

(Identifying the user for the first time.)

(Loading... )

(Ding, Identification complete)

(Welcome host)

"Give me the general information that I needed to know"

Ian asked with interest.

Hearing his order, the system then replied.

(Would the host like an automatic information integration?)

"Do it... "

Ian nodded.

And with that, a string of cold flush streamed down into his mind like a small gentle river.

It was short and brief but the amount of information was all that he needed.

Opening his eyes back again, he then rested his sight upon the stone stele and placed the stone tablet back on it.

Touched the stone tablet with his hand and ordered.

"First time assignment... order"


The very moment his words dropped into the medium.

10 spots of light immediately appeared all around him without any warning.

Shining mysteriously under the cover of those lights as Ian slowly retracted his hand from the tablet and glanced around for a while.

"My very first summon of my troops. 10 summon for a level 1 stone stele. This is the minimum number of summons for all players when starting"

"And the troops' type will be at random, any type of beast... any type of creature... "

"I wonder what type of troops will appear before me... "

He murmured in a low voice while overlooking those shining spots of light all around him.

Soon enough, the lights faded away and revealing the true appearance of his summons under those glows.

And finally, after a couple more seconds.


"T-this is!!!"

Ian excitedly said with his hand clenched against the throne handle.

And what appeared in his view instantly crammed his face with an unsightly smile.

10 lumps of slime...


All of the slimes were green in color. Identical in size and wiggling around from time to time.

Seeing this.

"Y-yes... "

"There's still hope of survival!"


"There must be hope!!"

"I-I think... "

Ian murmured to himself as he slumped back onto the throne. Looking dejected with his eyes lost in a trance.

*wiggles* *wiggles*

*wiggles* *wiggles*

Those slimes didn't move without an order.

Wiggling in place from time to time with the awkward silence between them.


And after a couple more minutes of losing himself.

Ian shifted his eyes towards his summons and called them out with a gesture.

"Which one among the ten of you is the strongest?. Stand out now and come before me"


A figure heeded his call by wiggling furiously. Moved up to the front and wiggled furiously before stopping in front of Ian's presence.





"I see... S-so it's you... the strongest..."



"Let me check for a second"

Hearing this, Ian then called out the Slime's information panel with a wave of his hand.

Name(Ordinary slime)

Strength: first order

loyalty: 100

Skills: Devour.

Strength: 5

Defense: 0

Agility: 2

Mana: 5


:Being able to devour basic materials and turn them into energy for supplements.


"H-hmmm, not bad. "

Ian commented with his hand placed over his chin.

Waved the panel away and diverted his gaze back towards the slime that was standing before him. Well... wiggling before him.

"Do you recognize me as your lord?"

Ian suddenly asked.

And when the slime heard this question, the slime then wiggled back with a furious movement.


'Dear God, please kill me and resurrect me somewhere else... '

Ian was crying within but then he continued.

"I-I see... then... how about the rest of you?"

Ian shifted his attention towards the other 9 summons.

And what answered him would be a bunch of slime wiggling their bodies in response.

"... "

Ian didn't say much but cast them a glance for a brief moment.

Returned to his throne and sat there gracefully with his hand propped up against the right side of his head.

Looking over his slime.

Ian then said.

"There is no weapon in our warehouse and there is almost nothing for you to start with as a proper soldier."

" But with your strength, It shouldn't be a problem to swallow down a small tree, no?"

*wiggles!* *wiggles!*

"I will take that as a yes... "

"Now you may go out and collect resources for me. Make sure to prioritize wood and stone."

" And since you guys possessed the devour skill, I presume you don't have to eat?"

*wiggles* *wiggles* *wiggles*

"G-great... now then, go out there and commit to the duty"


"Make sure to clear the trees surrounding the Castle first before wandering off further"

*wiggles* *wiggles* *wiggles*



After sending out his troops, Ian simply rested his eyes for a while and then said.

"The strength for the other 9 slimes was the same as the one that stood up. But since he came to the front, I am just going to assume that he is their leader. "

"The level of strength goes from the first order to the ninth order according to the information that the system had provided me. Any realm beyond that would be unknown for now"

"Each lord will be equipped with a castle and a stone stele at the very beginning. Everyone will start with random type of troops"

"10 summon for a level 1 stele... and it can be upgraded accordingly"


"I-it's just my luck to gain slimes as my troops"


"Oh well, let's check the world chat first. I wonder how everyone is doing right now. "


World chat:

"Can anyone help me?... I don't know how to use this stone stele. Anyone?"

"What do you mean by you don't know. Just ask the system to give you the relevant information"

"Wait, is that even a thing?"

"Yes, it is. Don't be so slow can you?"

"Well, the brother upstairs, you don't have to be that strict, can you?. Not everyone here is in the right mental state to do things correctly, you know."

"Since our situation involved our lives, then being strict is the bare minimum that I could help with. "

"Whatever you say... "

"Have anyone checked the system mall yet?. Any idea how to gain this weird currency?"

"The same as before... just ask the system. It's not like they will hide the basic information from us. Just ask... "

"I just asked the system about this, we will have to kill some rare monsters to gain this currency. Hell, my troops are still gathering resources. And none of them can fight due to their horrible grade... "

"Brother upstairs, at the very least you don't have a giant wolf standing at the door of your castle. I can't even send my troops out because of this stupid monster!. And guess what, my troops are a bunch of butterflies!"

"Rest in peace Brother!"


Discerning the chat, Ian then fell into deep thought and pulled out the system mall interface into his view.

It was blue and white at the same time.

With 4 different columns and a giant sign at the top. A small currency column at the top right corner and a countdown details at the very bottom.

After going through the system mall a couple more times. Ian then finally got the general view of it.

Waved the panel away and rested his back against the throne comfortably.

"I see... "

"The system mall is a weekly mall. It has 1 section with 4 different columns. "

"The items are either random or accordingly assigned based on the system rhythm. And once the time is up, the items will be refreshed. "

"And the items from the weekly mall are quite interesting. "

Opening the interface back up and looked down towards the weekly mall column.

Ian's eyes couldn't help but twinkle a little under the gentle shade of the cold throne room.

Feeling a little bit of yearning but that was it.

He is poor...

(Weekly Mall)

Listed items on sale:

1. Arm contract.

(Summon the lord's type of troops with one grade of strength higher than the lord's current castle level)

:Will be loyal till death, possessing powerful water element affinity. Basic water element skills will be provided at random.

Price:1000 starry heart.

2. Arm capacity order.

(Double the arm capacity of the lord's army)

Price:10000 starry heart.

3. Hell bringer sword. (Rank-White)

:A powerful sword forged from the bones of an ancient Hell Bringer.

Special effect: Can grant the user the ability to fly.

Price:5000 starry heart.

4. Titan shield. (Rank-White)

:A powerful shield forged from the heart of a deep blue titan.

Special effect: Having the ability to breathe underwater.

Price:5000 starry heart.

"If only I can buy any one of these 4, it would be a great help for my starting point in this world. "

Ian smiled for a moment but then.

"Though such a thing won't happen... I am poor in terms of everything. "

He sighed for a while before standing up yet again and walking off to the side to exit the throne room.

"First mission, let's check the whole castle first to see if I missed anything or not. "

2 hours later, in the most central area of the castle on the second floor. It was a large bedroom with a complete set of furniture.

Most were made from woods and stones.

Nothing grand Ian must admit it.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, Ian then recalled everything that he had done just now.

"This castle has around 20 Empty rooms, 1 library, 1 giant kitchen, 1 giant dining hall, 1 throne room, and many pathways connecting each other. Not too shabby though it feels quite empty"

Ian then got off the bed and went to the window on the side.

Pushed the window open and placed both of his palms on the railing as he gaped the view peacefully.

And there it was, the thick lushes of the forest with tall towering trees within this view.

Even the sun was hidden away under the thickets, making the area around his castle to be rather dark and eerie.

"I am not too worried for my slime's safety due to their starting strength. And it should be no problem for them to protect themselves from danger. "

"At the very least, near the castle, there shouldn't be any powerful monsters that could harm them"

"As for those resources. It is an automatic integration from the system. "

"Cut a tree down and then the tree will disappear. Auto converted into an according to several logs and will be kept inside the castle warehouse. "

"As for the castle warehouse, there is no limit on how much it could hold. "


Ian breathed in a mouthful of fresh air with his eyes closed for a brief second.

Standing straight up as he pulled out the system mall interface yet again into his view.

"Can I have a loan of this currency? haha... "

He chuckled for a moment while surveying the interface around.

And then, he playfully tapped on the first item on the weekly column for fun.

He wasn't hoping for anything other than a reminder of his insufficient amount of starry heart.

Though the interface that popped up next instantly threw him off the balance.

(Purchase successful. Congratulations to the host for gaining an arm contract. The item will be stored inside the warehouse automatically)


Ian blurted out with his eyes wide open.