

One day, specific individuals woke up with abilities beyond belief, but there's a catch. The creation gods have decided to end all life on Earth, including the human race. However, with their benevolence, they have decided to give humanity a chance to save themselves and their world by giving a sole wishing star in the hands of a single individual. Only... the bearer of the star, has no interest in saving humanity.

Presli_James · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Star

He stared at the night sky as he trudged to his dorm room after his classes. It had taken him a long time to leave school because he had to sneak into the infirmary to help himself to the blood bags kept there for emergencies. Somehow, he didn't know the reason why, but he knew which star in the sky belonged to him. He wondered why his star was the only star that wasn't part of a constellation.

It was a little far away from the rest, but he guessed most people would count it as a part of the constellation Denmar, which was closest to it, and according to some history books, was the constellation of Descenders that fed on the blood and energy of other people to fuel their abilities. The Vampires.

At least now, he knew that the records weren't all complete crap. Still, even with its proximity to the constellation, and his constitution that resembled a vampires, he was sure that his star was alone, and wasn't part of the constellation Denmar, and most importantly, his star was not complete. But it was just a feeling he had, so he let it go every time he wondered about it. He thought knowing wasn't really worth the effort, since all the same, he couldn't care less about it.

A month ago, when he went through great turmoil coming to terms with the fact that he was a fictional creature from fairytales, he struggled to understand why his life grew more depressing with each passing year, but finally understood the words and teachings of his father in the time they spent together. He began to recall various things. Like how while he lived in the mountains with his family during the years of his childhood, his father taught him how to hunt, and use a knife. He'd always wondered why his mother frequently drained the blood of animals and put them in blood bags for him. Now he knew the reason why. His father was a Vampire, or so he had concluded.

He wasn't sure, but a few books he read, and sites he visited explored the topic of hereditary stars amongst Descenders. It was possible for relatives to inherit or birth stars within the same constellation, or even share the same constellation god. However, these were all hypothetical, as no one actually really believed that Descenders existed. He didn't know which of the three constellation gods that looked over Denmar favored his father, but he was sure of his.

According to historical sites, the only way Descenders could tell what constellation god had bestowed them with their gift was through expressing their abilities. Descenders with constellation gods of the same constellation are similar in most physical and general representation, however there may be small differences in the way their abilities expressed themselves. He was most curious to know if he shared the same abilities as his father, and wanted to better understand himself and the constellation his star belonged to, as well as what his full abilities may be.

He would've liked to get clear answers, but he didn't know where to start. Using the logic that history had taught him, the number of Descenders in existence, according to the number of stars in the sky were less than 500,000. Which meant the chances of actually meeting another Descender, not that he even knew where to begin to look, were 1 in 15,000. Those numbers didn't work in his favor. Even more discouraging, his constellation in particular was probably the least populated, with only a dwindling four stars. Which meant that besides him, there were only three other Vampires in existence. What a depressing thought.

He decided that pondering on the topic was a waste of time, and would do him no good, and so, he gave up thinking about it entirely. More so that he lost interest all together. He was incredibly apathetic towards most things, if not everything. He had been this way since the death of his parents. As he was now, he didn't even mind if death would steal him away. Actually, he tried, a month ago. Which was how he found out he was a Vampire.

He'd attempted to slit his wrists and bleed to death, but woke up with his injuries all healed up and not a scar remaining. Then a few days later, he went up to the roof of his dorm building and aimed to break his neck with his fall, earning him a swift death, but he woke up from that too, uninjured. Every cut healed, and every bruise went away without a scar. It was conclusive, he wasn't normal. And so, he did his research. As he searched for an answer, his fangs suddenly grew out. He'd wasted too much blood and energy from his continuous suicide attempts which left him hungry. And when he fainted in school due to his lack of energy, and woke up in the infirmary, he found himself breaking into a locked metal cabinet with his bare hands and helping himself to the blood bags available. As much as a life changing shock this was for him, his depression only grew, and his apathetic outlook on life heightened.

No matter what he was doing, or how he was doing it, he was entirely bored. To him, being a vampire was nothing but a massive pain. Now he couldn't even seek escape in the comfort of death. How was he to live on? He'd tried starving to death, but found that all that would happen was him falling into a deep and long sleep to make up for the amount of energy his body spent. He'd have liked to fall into an eternal sleeping state but always woke up once the energy he spent was made up for. Since it was a waste of time, all he was doing was missing school, so he gave up on that too and decided to go with the flow.

Now that he could no longer die like he wished to, there was only one thing that could put him out of his endless apathetic cycle... 'If only the world would just end'.

Araya Tsuki, 16 years old, Second Year at Aomori Private Highschool, Orphan... is a Descender, and... wishes the world would just end.