
Descendents of the Sun

In the midst of the chaos of a great war, a small baby is dragged along with a mysterious letter, when he turns 19 Rosé joins the army at his father's request and in search of who she is. From there Rosé sees herself where she puts her approves of everything she already believed was real.

CarolDRen · Fantasy
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1 Chs


My senses failed in the midst of tiredness, bullets cut through the wind all the time, my feet refused to walk another step, in my arms, I dragged through the mud, the only remnant of happiness that I had left, I knew that if leave him behind, the dogs would catch him and not only kill him but extinguish everything in his heart.

I knew they were behind us and the trail of blood that extended with each step made it clearer that the hour of our death was near.

Like a lightning bolt, the metallic creaking of a heavy door spread, for a moment I thought it could be the gates of paradise, but when I dared to look, all I saw was the devil himself.