
New Comer-01

Hi, I'm ***. I don't like to reveal my name. You guys guess it. My dad got transferred to Town-A. So, noway to resist. A week ago, my parents and I drove to town-A. Today is my very first day at my new school.

"Mom, Dad, I'm leaving. Bubye...," I shouted by running out of the villa.

"Hey! Wait, eat and go...," my mom struggled to hold me. But no help. I already started my path towards my new school.

"Honey! Why didn't you hold him?" My mom yelled at dad.

"Leave it, honey. He is not a kid anymore. Let him explore," my dad said.

"Still, he is a kid to me, honey. You are giving him too much advantage. See, one day, he will have a huge problem," my mom yelled and went to her room.

My dad is my role model. He always allows me to do whatever I want to do? I love my dad so much. I don't let his head down in any situation.

My mom is an amiable-hearted person who loves me, Crore. That's why she is too frightened of what if I get harmed by anybody.

Eight feet, extensive school gate with four watchmen, who check is all the students who enter the school wearing ID badges. Once, we pass the watchman and enter inside the school. There stands PT master, who checks all the students wearing proper uniforms. I passed all the stages and walked towards the school campus.

"Wow, he is so handsome."

"Indeed, so hot."

"He is mine. Don't dare to flirt with him."

"No, mine."

Like this, whenever I enter a mall or market or anywhere else. Some girl will be falling for me. What can I do if God created me so handsome? I winked at the girls over there.

"Wow, did you see that?"

"He winked at me."

"No, he winked at me."

"Aish, who is he?" A boy-1 asked another boy-2.

"Look at him, so rapidly he gains his popularity. I can't live on it. Call him, here," A boy-2 ordered.

"Oii, new comer," A boy-1 called.

Ahh, I think they are the bullies at this school. I walked towards the two boys. "What the matter? Bro," I asked, facing them.

"What is he? Calling us, bro!! Where are you from? New admission?!" A boy-1 asked.

"Yes, bro. 12th Grade, my dad got transferred, so we moved to this town a week before," I said in detail.

"Okay, which department?" a boy-2 asked

"Commerce, bro," I replied.

"Wow, our department. Come on, join us dude," A boy-1 cheers the hero.

"Then where is the class? Pal," I quizzed.

"Why are you in a hurry to go into the jail? Enjoy the moment before the first-hour starts," A boy-1 told.

"Okay, what is your name?" a boy-2 asked.

"Yes, my name is Owen. What about your name?" A boy-1 gave his name and asked.

"It's highly secret, so I can't share it, dude. What you guys are doing here?" I asked to divert them.

"Highly secret!!! You're my class only pal. So, don't worry we will find it soon," Owen sneered at me.

"We are waiting for Juliet," A boy-2 replied.

"Juliet!! You mean Juliet from Romeo and Juliet. Is she still alive?" I doubted.

"LOL, it's not that Juliet. A girl named Juliet from our class."

Hey! Juliet enters the school...

As soon as the sound came, I turned to check out who was that girl? I want to say it. It's not because her name is Juliet so I'm saying it. She is a really cute angel without wings.

Owen and his friends dragged me near Juliet. I stood silently. Owen introduced me as a transfer student. All were speaking with Juliet and her friends. I silently went near the ice-cream stall beside the parking and had ice-cream. After a few minutes, Owen is in search of someone. I popped in front of him and asked are you searching for me?

"Dude!!! Where did you go all of the sudden?" Owen asked.

"You were busy talking, so I went to eat ice-cream"

"You... Cheater. You left me and ate ice-cream?" Owen's eyes popped out.

"Haha, here have it, dude," I gave an ice-cream.

"Wow, you're my true friend who understands my feelings," Owen enjoys the ice-cream.

After a few minutes, I told Owen to get inside the classroom and visit the staff room.

"May I come in, mam," I asked by knocking on the door of the staff room.

"Yes, come in. What do you want? Are you the new comer?" A teacher asked.

"Yes, mam," I said and went near the teacher.

"What is your name?"

"My name ****."

"I'm your home teacher plus finance teacher. If you have any doubts, you can ask me. If you have any problems with your classmates, first report to me. Don't get into any trouble. Understood!!!"


"Now, go to your class. It's on the second floor. Room no:18"

"Thank you, mam."

I went to the classroom, but suddenly a boy with a serious face bumped into me, but I apologized to him and moved. The boy stopped me again.

"Who are you?"

"New Comer."

"What you name? Brat."

"Why are you asking me my name?"

"If I ask your name, can't you tell," the boy came closer to me.

Owen heard some noise from outside of the classroom, so he came out. "What are you doing there? Come inside," Owen called me.

"Dude, there is no way to come," I said.

"Hey! What do you want now?" Owen asked the boy.

"What's your problem? Just leave," the boy scowled at Owen.

"Why? If I had any problem, are you going to solve it. First try to solve the problem in the notes and then come to my problem," Owen laughed.

"Hey! Don't cross your line," the boy warned.

"Stop... Stop, come dude. Let's go. There is no need to say my name to you," I gave a warm smile at the boy and went inside the classroom.

All are expecting that definitely, the teacher will ask for the new student's name. That time, I will puke my name out. As expected, the teacher asked for my name. But, went near and whispered my name into his ear. I return to my seat.

"Hey, you told your name to that bald head. But you do not say to me?" Owen yelled.

"Hehe. Like you, all should ask that's why" I laughed.

I mingled with Owen's friends and started to chat, teasing ... Etc. I feel like someone is watching me from behind, so I watched in all the directions to see who it was. No one, all are doing their own work.

"Owen, it's boring inside the class. Come, let's go to the canteen," I called by pulling Owen's hand.

"Hey! I have some work, dude. So you go," Owen asked excuses.

Then I, alone, went to the canteen. I went to the counter to give my order.

"What? Student. Are you new?" the canteen worker asked.

"Nah, bro. 15+ years old," I teased.

"Haha, you're talking so good."

"All are saying that only, bro."

"What do you want to eat?"

"I want the chocolate milkshake, bro."

"Thank you, bro. See you later."

I was seated at a table. In my opposition table, I noticed a girl. The girl named, Ria, is speaking to someone on the mobile. I really like her expression when she speaks on the mobile. The girl noticed me. I, who didn't chat with any other girls. I went forward to speak with Ria.

"Can I have a seat here," I went near the opposite table where Ria is seated.

"Who are you? Better go, or I will tease you," Ria said.

"What? Pal. I like your expression, so I came to become friends with you."

"Don't waste your time and go."

"Aish, I wasted my money by spending on the chocolate milkshake."


"What now?"

"I heard something like mi... Milkshake!"

"Haha, yes, I bought it for you. It's okay. I will drink it, myself"

"I thought of being friends with you. Okay, I will accept you as my friend."

"Nah, don't force yourself. I will drink it."

"Aish, give me. I will drink. Who said I won't drink?" Ria took the milkshake and started drinking.

"Ahh, you doing nicely."

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