
1#Two Idiots

Great Forest, border of the kingdom of Roland and Kremid

Behind a thick bush on the edge of the forest, there is an unusual small movement, at first glance one might think this is the movement of the wind that blows the bush, but when examined in more detail the collection of bushes and grass moves very stiffly and sometimes against the direction of the wind,

Under this bush camouflage is a twenty year old man whose hair is black like coalt which is left long to shoulder length, the contours of his face are firm and his eyes are full of determination, overall this young man has a handsome face,

But at this moment the firmness of his face betrayed the mood of this young man, his forehead was sweating profusely, his eyes glanced to and fro quickly, and his breathing felt heavy like someone who was waiting for something uncertain,

Suddenly a hand covered the black haired man's mouth quickly, the black haired young man was never aware of the movements around him, even he did not feel any movement at all as if this hand came out of nowhere and appeared like a ghost, he would fight the other party but the other party's voice immediately stopped the resistance of the black haired man,

"Shhh, !!! Regulus do you want to die, I told you we are close to the brown bear nest, I told you to hold your breath but you breathe like there is no tomorrow, if the bear can sniff us, we both will die"

After hearing this voice Regulus immediately calmed the man who shut him up was Thomas's hunting friend, they both agreed to hunt brown bears, he was tasked with observing the situation and Thomas set a trap,

Upon hearing Thomas, regulus nodded his head and Thomas let go of his hand as a sign of confirmation, in contrast to Regulus, the young man named Thomas had copper blonde hair and his eyes were blue as the sky was sharp and firm jawline giving a thoughtful impression,

"What a trap" Regulus asked with bated breath and didn't dare take a deep breath after Thomas's warning, but this made the sound that came out of his mouth very strange,

Thomas didn't mind this because he was used to the nature of his friends,

"I've set a trap around the nest, we just need to wait" after a while Thomas continued "this bear is very strange usually there is only one nest for him, but I see a lot of the same nest, why does a bear need a lot of nests? And its location very close together? "

"Could there possibly be more than one bear !!"

Thomas shook his head for a moment

"No way, brown bears are authoritarian and solitary, except for mating season there can't be many nests around him ..."

Unfinished Thomas finished his sentence the sound of heavy steps accompanied by a broken branch slowly approaching towards them, Thomas readily held Regulus's head in the ground and buried themselves in camouflage bushes, while his eyes jelly looked towards the sound of footsteps,

The sound of heavy and slow steps, obviously this is the sound of large animal steps, and the occasionally irregular step sounds explain that these animals walk on four legs, Thomas is very sure that this is their target because there are rarely animals who dare to approach the brown bear's nest.

Blue Eyes Thomas continued to stare sharply to one side of the forest as if something would come out of a row of trees, while he increasingly held his breath and kept pressing Regulus's head to the ground fearing this big man would mess things up, Regulus continued to kiss the earth without a fight, he even tried to reduce his motion to silence like a stone statue.

After a few seconds that seemed to be forever, something came out of a row of trees, little by little the animal began to reveal its form, it was a large bear with a brown body, the fur on its back was bright red that stretched from its forehead to its tail, between the animal's eyebrows there was a pattern The red 'V' shaped footsteps are very heavy but tough, the bear is about 3 meters long, and about 2 meters tall if the animal is standing on two legs it might reach 4 meters.

After seeing this, Thomas's breath caught directly in his throat, he seemed to want to swear loudly but was afraid of his position being known, very frustrated, Thomas looked at Regulus next to him sharply, felt Thomas's view, Regulus turned his head and met Thomas's eyes as if he wanted to eat him alive- life.

Because surprised by the gaze of Thomas Regulus asked innocently

"Why are you staring at me like that ??"

Thomas only responded to Regulus's question by gripping the regulus's head hard and slowly turning his head towards the bear. After seeing a large animal walking slowly from the forest, Regulus's eyes bulged like squirrels that swallowed walnuts and his mouth trembled like a dying person.

Regulus slowly turned his head to look at Thomas and said with excitement that was hard to press,

"Great Thomas ... this brown bear is bigger than the others, after we catch this bear, the whole village will praise us"

At this time Thomas really wanted to strangle Regulus to death, this friend, he was totally unaware of what was happening and instead rejoiced like an idiot,

"Regulus, are you not aware of what is happening here ?? Didn't I tell you to monitor the Brown bear nest, but what animal fucker nest you are visiting, this is not a brown bear nest, but a Valiant bear nest"

Refrain from strangling Regulus Thomas explained to him with clenched teeth because he was annoyed, before they divided the assignment, Regulus served as an observer and Thomas set a trap, why Regulus was in charge of observing because he initially told Thomas there was a Brown bear nest on the edge of the Great Forest, at first Thomas felt strange because Brown bears rarely make a nest on the edge of the forest before the mating season, but this doubt directly cast aside Thomas because he knew Regulus rarely lied especially to him.

But what Thomas did not consider was Regulus. Never saw valiant bears before, because valiant bears also had brown fur, Regulus immediately assumed that these valiant bears were brown bears, in general it was not difficult to distinguish between these two animals, valiant bears had a larger body size, as well as the bright red fur on his back which is a dangerous warning sign,

But with Regulus's simple mind maybe he just assumed that this brown bear was bigger than other bears, and the red fur on the animal's back, if Regulus paid attention to these details then he would not be 'Regulus',

After a pause, Regulus asked in surprise,

"Are they both different? Brown bears and Valiant bears, they are both bears right?"

"Different? Of course they are different like heaven and earth, although brown bears are dangerous but their movements are very slow and their run is not fast, but this valiant bear is not only fierce but also very nimble, and the speed of his run can match the cavalry horse, now I ask to you ... Mr Regulus Collin ... are you running faster than a cavalry horse ?? "

After hearing this, Regulus's face immediately turned pale, his experiment which was full of joy was now colored by terror, his face which had been sweating now, sweating harder,

"Then what should we do, Thomas ???"

Maybe because his panic Regulus forgot to hold his voice and asked loudly, of course his voice attracts valiant bears that are not far from them, sure enough, the bear that they had been observing now turned back to watching them, now the bear was standing on his feet as a sign of threat, his eyes glared at the two idiots who were going to be his dinner.