
Descendance of the God-Sovereign

When you are Everything and Rule All, what will you do? When you are God and Sovereign of the Omniverse, what will you do? Lehainoya Dawn, had these questions and chose to walk the Omniverse seeking enjoyment.

Dreaserous · Fantasy
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Magic Arts of Aruzul

All arts are classified by strength and capabilities according to the following:

✶Basic Arts

✶Intermediate Arts

✶Advance Arts

✶Superior Arts

✶Grand Arts

✶Forbidden Arts

-All Magic Arts users are classified by the strongest Art they can use.

✠Types of Magic Arts:

🌊Water Arts

🔥Fire Arts

🌲Earth Arts

🍃Wind Arts

➯Light Arts

➯Shadow Arts

✠Types of Higher Magic Arts:

✧Time Arts

✧Space Arts

✧Dream Arts

✧Sound Arts

✧Creation Arts

✧Chaos Arts

✧Nature Arts

✧Weather Arts

✧Alchemical Arts