
My Meeting

In northsburg a big town that has the upper class man and the lower class man.

Meaning the upper class are the rich and famous while the lower class are the poor people among this people is where Derek family belong, this people lack good hospitals, schools, foods, and even houses...

Derek was a 17 year old teenager who lives with younger sister evelyn who was 15 years old and there mum Kate who was a widow... Derek never knew his father, he was just 2 years old when his father died of cancer. Since then it has been Kate who caters for Derek and his sister...

One certain evening Derek went to visit his friend who was a middle-class man: meaning his friend was neither rich nor poor but in between. His name was Eren....

Eren loved Derek a lot cause he was always helping him out one way or the other, Derek was very intelligent in all ramification while Eren well let's say he's catching up...

In Eren's room, Eren sat in the chair playing a VR game while Derek was reading a comic book after which they both played games and talked about girls in their school... At 11:30 pm Derek left for his house on the way home he didn't want to pass through the long route so he passed through the shortcut...

Well he was half way home he started hearing strange noises, it sounds has if two people were fighting and clashing, so Derek went to see what was happening mere reaching the place he was scared he could see two people fighting, but they were not people or even humans... One of the has two horns on his head his eyes were red but he had the body of a human, but his hands were strange and instead of finger nails he had claws for fingers, while the other person was far more strange he has two horns but he was more like a mythical beast, he was big it has furs and he eyes were full of blood lust... Derek tried to run but his legs weren't moving on the other hand the two things that were fighting had seen him but the fight was so intense they couldn't do anything to him and in this fight the mythical beast was winning... The first person tried to punch the beast in his stomach but the beast doged and the opens his mouth and bit the first person the would left in him was very huge and there was no coming back he was going to die so he started running towards Derek at this time Derek came back to his senses and started running back towards his house but the person chasing was too fast he was moving like the speed of light suddenly Derek felt a sharp pain on his back he stopped on his track and his vision was blurred he fell down but he could still see the person chasing him all of a sudden the beast bit the head of the person and the person died but before he died he said to derek you are now one of us... Derek couldn't understand because he was getting unconscious the beast walked up to Derek who was still in the floor the beast looked at him and then vanishes into thin air after seeing this a message pops up mid air in front of him and he heard a strange angellic voice

{ You are my new host and now you have become a mini demon }

hey guys am new to this writing novels stuff please if you read this novel and you saw any mistake please kindly tell me

Damexxcreators' thoughts