
Depravity to it's finest

Alex is the only prince of the super powerful family, but one day the world he lived in turned into a war of carnal desires and depravity, on the whims of the World's Will. Follow Alex as he brings himself to the depths of depravity, vowing to claim everything for himself and reign supreme, by going to any lengths possible. To fulfill his desires and lust he will conquer every women in the world, making their their lovers, husbands and sons grovel in front of them while he takes pleasure in their helplessness. As the name says novel is filled with every that kind of tag possible. Tags : R18, handsome male lead, harem seeking protaganist, strong background, pregnancy, Heavy incest, netori, rape, yuri, rape victim becomes lover, milf, gilf, dilf, maids, sex slaves, goddesses, bulldozing, threesome, foursome..., orgy, genderbending, yuri, anal, blowjob, titsjob, thighjob, sexual abuse, exhibitionism, loli. Note: The cover image and illustrations aren't mine, poor author screen shoted it from somewhere if you want it to be removed then please inform me through a comment.

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241 Chs

Stage 4

Alex opened his eyes, last thing he did before falling asleep was unloading himself inside one of his Orc women's asshole.

And when he woke up now, he was in the hall where meetings usually occured.

He was actually on his mother's lap, he gazed at her beautiful features adorned with a gentle loving smile, as her hand stroked his raven colored hair.

"It's good you woke up sleepyhead, " said Alice as her soft lips fell on Alex's forehead.

' Thousands of years have passed since then huh,' Alex thought as his soft gaze fell on his mother, but then his gaze once more became stern.

"Where are we mom? " asked Alex as he looked around, he could guess he was in hall and was not alone.

"This is stage 4 I think, " said Alice.

"I see, " besides him there were other four players there along with their mothers.

Grace who was also there, was talking silently with Nathan, but he didn't seem to be listening anything.

'Seems they are arguing, ' thought Alex as he stood up, garnering attention from all others, as he was the last one to wake up.

Grace stopped talking to Nathan and came to Alex, as Nathan could only gnash his teeth in anger.

"Alex, you woke up... Your mom won't even let me touch you while you were sleeping, " she said standing near Alex.

Alex knew Grace was keeping her distance because of her son being there.

But Alex next moment pulled both Alice and Grace in a tight loving embrace while giving a smirk in Nathan's direction, as his hand 'by mistake' creeped on Grace's asscheek.

"You two are so cute, I'm really lucky to have you as my women, " said Alex loudly while flaunting his women, as his other hand went to his mother's buttock, he simultaneously squeezed both women's asses.

Both women blushed slightly and pulled out of Alex's hug.

Grace and Alice both were wearing a tight shirt and pant, that accentuated their breasts as well as their asses clearly, as even their nipples could slightly be seen from the thin fabric of their shirts.

On their neck they were wearing a chocker while their hairs were donned into a bun, their feet were in a high heel sexy sandles that matched their hand gloves.

Not a single inch of extra skin on their body was exposed except at their mature face.

Alex looked around and surely Arisu, Michelle and Sasha were also in similar clothes but just in different colors.

Alex was just thinking when right then Athena appeared in her scanty sexy gown which could tempt every man to ravish her raw.

"Welcome Players, this is Stage 4, I won't waste anymore time and directly go into details of this stage. "

"There are 5 Players so we will take a lucky draw from which three Players will go to finale round directly while 2 Players will fight against each other for their place, " said Athena as a lucky wheel appeared.

It then started to spin and pointer soon stopped at two names, those Players were Alex and Mike.

"So Player Alex and Player Mike needs to battle in round 1, other three Players will be summoned during round 2," Athena said as other three Players disappeared leaving only Alex, Alice and Mike and his mother Michelle there.

Athena continued, "Round 1 is very basic, you two Players need to decide on a type game that both agree on and the one who wins will have all of his opponent's women, the loser will be removed from the Game, " said Athena as she encouraged both Players to decide on a game and then disappeared.

Alex then turned to Mike, an almost two meter guy with broad shoulders and bulky arms, no doubt he was genetically a good fighter, so Alex knew what this guy would suggest.

"I say, as we are both men, we must see who is stronger, from ancient times only a stronger male is allowed to have all beauties, let's fight with our hands and the one who wins, wins, " as expected Mike said this to which Alex agreed easily making Mike surprised.

But then he thought that may be Alex was just bluffing and putting a strong front.

"I am ready for a fight, but I think we can add some rules to make this interesting, " said Alex.

"Which rules? " asked Mike, he knew how scheming Alex could be so he had every right to be slightly nervous.

"Let's say we can make this a betting battle... we will bet our women on our fight, " said Alex looking at Mike's curvy mother.

Mike didn't like Alex's gaze on his mom but he asked, " We are already betting them anyway, what's different? "

"Let me explain," said Alex as two virtual energy bars appeared in the hall.

"These are our energy bars, every time we land a successful hit the energy bar will decrease slightly the one who looses all energy will be declared defeated, and to make things interesting we can bet things like if I landed a successful hit on you then I will get to kiss, fondle and then fuck your women... gradually...while you watch...what do you think? " said Alex with a wink, while looking at Michelle's succubus like figure.

Alex had used 'Eyes of Truth' on her and found out that she had awakened a 'Denial' affinity, may be it was because of her job.

Mike was stunned as he understood what Alex was saying. He wanted to curse at Alex for thinking about his mother like this.

But then he looked at Alice's magnificent body and glamorous face and he couldn't help but like this idea, as he nodded yes, because he couldn't see himself loosing in a fight anyway.

"Very well! seems you two decided on game, I will modify it correctly and arrange it for you in ten minutes game will start, Good luck Players, " Athena's voice appeared and she explained shortly.

Few minutes later Alex and Alice were once again teleported somewhere, and when Alex opened his eyes he was in an open space.

In front of him was Mike who was looking around, Alex also looked at the side and saw two thrones on which were seating his mother Alice and Mike's mother Michelle, they were in same outfits which they were wearing in the hall a sexy pair of shirt and pant.

Athena appeared just then and started talking, "So in this round both Players have to fight against each other, this is your energy bar, " said Athena as green bars appeared before Alex and Mike with their names on them.

"On each hit you take your energy bar will go down accordingly and your women are your bets, after each bar of your opponent's ends you will get some liberty on his women, which will be told at the time, now I have explained everything your round starts! " said Athena as she teleported some distance away.

Alex then stared at Mike, he knew he could beat this brat with his eyes closed and hands tied, but where was the fun in it?

Mike also looked at Alex with dangerous glint in his eyes, he moved forward ready to take hold of Alex to end this fight even before it started.

But Alex moved aside and kicked Mike in his right leg, while his slap landed on Mike's neck, making him fall hard on the ground.

Just as Mike fell his green energy bar decreased slightly and the shirt of Mike's mother Michelle's disintegrated as her dark black stomach and neck area got exposed while her huge mounds were covered by white bra completely, making a beautiful contrast.

The bra was scanty and gave out the tempting view of Michelle's creamy clevage.

Alex looked at his side and saw this and was pleasantly surprised, he really liked this idea of strip tease.

Michelle who was stunned seeing her clothes disappearing tried to cover her body with her hands but due to some unknown force she was unable to.

As she was forced to show her half naked upper body to Alex, she felt worried and afraid as Alex made Mike loose like that.

Alex then looked at Mike and smirked evilly as he made him stand up by his shirt and gave one more punch to his face, but this time Mike came to his senses and made some distance between him and Alex.

He then looked at his side as well and saw his mother's long black pant disappearing, as her white laced panty and long white stockings came into view, which held her black motherly thighs in its place giving her a really sexy vibe.

He gritted his teeth seeing this as he understood what was happening, he looked at Alice who was sitting on her throne like an empress while Michelle was half naked.

"Your mother sure is a piece of art Mike, once you're outta here, I'll take good care of all of her holes, " said Alex smirking.

"You bastard! " Mike yelled and pounced on Alex but once again was dodged by Alex who laughed loudly.

Michelle felt humiliated as she was subjected to Alex's hungry gaze, she couldn't even imagine what will happen if Mike lost.

She love Mike and only wanted him to win.

But the next moment Alex gave a direct punch in Mike's gut making him spit out his saliva and falling on the ground, with this Mike's energy bar turned yellow.

And now Michelle's hair opened up from her bun, her curly hair fell on her shoulder giving her beauty a one more advance.

Michelle now was very worried and ashamed as she was already half naked, she wanted to encourage her son so she said loudly, "Wake up Mike, you can do it! "

Mike heard his mother's voice and stood up somehow, his eyes now burned with fury and shame as he once again ran towards Alex but this time with calm mind.

But who was Alex? In just a minute Mike was once again on the ground with his energy bar red, he never in his mind had thought that Alex would be this strong.

Michelle's tight stockings also disintegrated, while her high heel sandles disappeared too and she was now only in her white undergarments.

Her chocolate colored body was a feast for Alex's eyes, while her covered private parts only added the flavour of mystery.

Alex couldn't wait to play with that body of hers so he started raining kicks on Mike.

Michelle's bra also disappeared as Michelle's tears fell she couldn't help but tear up as her beloved son was getting beaten up, while the notion that soon she will be raped by the assaulter made her terrified.

Michelle looked at Alex, her eyes red, her fists clenched, her teeth gritting and her gaze seething with fury, she decided to kill Alex off once she gets a chance.

Alex looked at Michelle's hatred filled disposition and smiled, he liked conquering these type of women who hated him to death but in the end couldn't help but beg for him to fuck them.

Alex promised himself to fuck this bitch of a women to the death, he will then make her addicted to his cock and will then fuck her everyday in front of her son.

Alex licked his lips as he imagined himself sucking on those dark colored mounds which had a slightly pinkish cherry at its top, "Those tits were really wasted on you Mike, I will use them wisely, " said Alex while kicking Mike once again.

In the end Michelle's panties also disappeared at the same time as Mike's energy bar went to zero.

Alex took in the scene of Michelle's completely nude body in front of him, as she sat naked on the majestic throne adorned in lavish style.

She looked nothing less than a beautiful and ravishing dark elf beauty, who any man would die for to conquer.

On the other hand, Michelle's heart went numb, with this overwhelming win, she didn't know how Mike will turn the situation around.

Athena then suddenly appeared before Alex, "Congratulations on winning round 1, so as per rules you can use your opponent's women in any way possible but you can't push your member in any of her lower private holes, that's the only limit, you have 2 hours enjoy your time, " explained Athena.

"Cool! but I want you to heal this pathetic nonsense, otherwise because of pain he won't be able to admire the show of I and his mother will put on, " said Alex.

"Of course, " replied Athena with a wink as her hand moved in Mike's direction and next moment he was healed as if he never went through any death beckoning assaults.

Alex smiled widely from ear to ear at his classmate and the son of the women he was soon going to fuck and then walked towards Michelle.

Mike who had returned to his senses understood that he had lost and tears flowed through eyes mirroring his mother's condition and helplessness.

"Bastard, you pathetic son of a bitch, you asshole... " Mike yelled all of the profanities he knew at Alex in futile hopes that Alex won't touch his mother.

But Alex turned back and just gave a sagely smile at Mike, giving out the aura of a person who was above all worldly desires and beneath the boundaries of all shamelessness.

His steps not stopping once as he moved towards two women who were seating on twin thrones before him.

One with a pure white skin fully clothed and having an otherworldly charm and on the other hand one with completely contrasting dark colored visage having every aspect of supremely beautiful dark elf, completely naked and ready to be ravished.