
Depravity to it's finest

Alex is the only prince of the super powerful family, but one day the world he lived in turned into a war of carnal desires and depravity, on the whims of the World's Will. Follow Alex as he brings himself to the depths of depravity, vowing to claim everything for himself and reign supreme, by going to any lengths possible. To fulfill his desires and lust he will conquer every women in the world, making their their lovers, husbands and sons grovel in front of them while he takes pleasure in their helplessness. As the name says novel is filled with every that kind of tag possible. Tags : R18, handsome male lead, harem seeking protaganist, strong background, pregnancy, Heavy incest, netori, rape, yuri, rape victim becomes lover, milf, gilf, dilf, maids, sex slaves, goddesses, bulldozing, threesome, foursome..., orgy, genderbending, yuri, anal, blowjob, titsjob, thighjob, sexual abuse, exhibitionism, loli. Note: The cover image and illustrations aren't mine, poor author screen shoted it from somewhere if you want it to be removed then please inform me through a comment.

FateScore · Fantasy
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241 Chs


Alex ignored Britney's status, as he focused on this beauty strangling the only other beauty in the room.

" N-No?! Kya!! Lady Britney! Snap out of it! Don't touch me! Kya!! Why are you taking off your clothes?! " Miss Liz's beautiful visage contorted as Britney undressed her for Alex.

Britney herself was only wearing a thin dress.

She removed the cute ribbon around her waist and removed the straps on her shoulder in the sexy way, so that Alex could admire her beautiful milky white figure.

As her white face fell down, her beautiful naked back appeared in Alex's view.

It was hard to admire before, but now as she was completely nude Alex could see her seductive fleshy thighs and full hips.

He couldn't help but feel anticipation.

Miss Liz who had her mana blocked, couldn't resist at all.

Her physical strength was reduced to that of her normal body, while her telekinesis was unable to be used and healing was useless in the current situation.

Even as Miss Liz struggled, Britney slowly undressed her.

It wasn't long before Alex could see two beautiful ladies who used to be comrades embracing each other on the bed, completely naked.

" Kuu! I'll kill you! " Miss Liz groaned.

" Give up, Miss Liz and become one of us, " Britney said as she held Miss Liz down.

" Never! " Miss Liz still struggled.

" Good job Britney. Now you can leave everything to me, " Alex's voice was heard by Britney who quickly moved aside.

Her eyes twinkled in lust, as she saw Alex's God like figure and his giant shaft.

Her pussy involuntarily moistened.

" Alex... Please touch me... "

Seeing Britney begging, Miss Liz convulsed in disgust.

But, just as she could think anything more. She was pushed to the bed by Alex.

" No! " Miss Liz yelled as Alex without any foreplay brought his cock to her slit.

" Stop it! Sob... My virginity was meant for my Fiance... Please... "

" I'll be your Master from here on. You'll never get to be with your Fiance again, " Alex replied as he pushed forward without any mercy.

His cock was too big for Miss Liz's small pussy, as it tore through her hymen and entered till her womb.

Alex had dick manipulation skill which made his cock most suitable for any women he was fucking.

But, he mostly didn't use it as he liked to make women obedient with his giant cock which couldn't be compared to anything that they had ever taken inside their pussies.

" Sob. Sob. I'll kill you... " Miss Liz started sobbing.

" Don't cry Liz. Even if you struggle, You're now my women, " Alex just said that and started moving inside Miss Liz without giving her any chance to get accustomed with his monster.

" Come here Britney, " Alex ordered to Britney who was masturbating by herself on the side.

" Y-Yes, " Britney said with a red face.

She came to Alex and hugged him.

Her naked breasts and wet pussy, she rubbed them on Alex's body.

Seeing her eyes filled with lust, Alex brought her upon Miss Liz.

With both of these ladies facing each other he took out his blood stained cock out of Miss Liz's pussy and pushed it inside Britney.

He then randomly fucked these girls while comparing their insides.

Miss Liz who had never experienced something like this, couldn't help but feel pain in the start.

But, soon the pain subsided and unimaginable pleasure took over as her pussy widened.

She resisted.

But, couldn't help but moan again and again.

The pleasure overflowed!

Her hole had turned into Alex's shape as she as well surrendered to his might alongside Britney.

Like this two hours passed.

It was now already late in evening.

The sun had gone down for a while now.

Alex's hectic day ended with a creampie to Miss Liz and Britney's assholes.

Alex had taken all of their virginities in last two hours.

Miss Liz as well was an A graded women, but her affinity wasn't as great as Britney's morph.

She had two affinities, Heal and Telekinesis.

Her Heal affinity was very practical.

Even though Alex had a doctor in his harem with light affinity, it wasn't perfectly oriented to healing.

So, he welcomed Miss Liz with open hands.

" Call me Liz... Don't use honorifics it makes us feel distant, " Liz pouted.

" Weren't you just saying that you will kill me? " Alex wondered.

" T-That was because... I was wrong... You're my husband now. I can't harm you. "

" You people from Supernatural Department sure accept your situation quickly... " Alex sighed.

" May be it's because, we have been told that a women who becomes Player's can never resist him... So, now that you have captured us, it's natural for us to become your slaves, " Britney said thoughtfully.

" I'm not his slave! " But, Liz retorted.

" We are Liz... "

" Don't call me by name directly. Only Alex can do that... "

" You bitch! "

" You eight legged insect! "

" Stop it! Otherwise, I'll spank you both, " Alex intervened.

But, his punishment rather enticed these women.

Still, they stopped bickering to not irritate Alex.

" I'm going home. Abigail might come home today, " Alex said as he got up.

" Abigail? " Both Britney and Liz were stunned.

" Ah you don't know. I'm actually Asher as well. Thanks for healing me that day Liz, " Alex thanked Liz as his features changed.

He became older and looked like a young man in his late twenties.

" Asher! You're Abigail's husband!? " Liz almost shrieked in surprise.

" That will be me, " Alex said.

" Are you trying to pull her to our side while making her have a high position? " Britney asked.

" Yes, " Alex nodded.

" You're careful, but it's good. It seems that there is a special test for every promotion in department. May be they might have a way to find out Player's women, " Liz added.

" Are you sure? " Alex asked.

" Yes. There is secret test. I don't know about it much. One of my female superiors had to go through it before she took higher position than me, " Liz explained.

" I see. Wish me luck then. I'll be going, " Alex said as he ordered Grace to take him away.

Grace soon brought him back to his office.

Kamila seemed to still be there, as she had some work.

Just as Alex was about to leave, Grace held his sleeve.

" What is it? " Alex asked.

" ... I'm pregnant... " Grace shyly said.

Her mature looks and blushing face looked cute.

Alex couldn't help but hug and kiss her.

" Are you happy? "

" Very happy. Our daughter will be very cute, " Grace giggled.

" Just like you, " Alex replied as he hugged Grace's soft body his hands inadvertently moved around her body.

But, he knew it wasn't the time to get touchy touchy.

So, he opened the shop panel and brought some pills.

" Take these pills as per prescribed. I want our daughter to be strong, " Alex said.

Grace as if what Alex gave her was treasure, carefully put it away in a space crack.

Seems her affinity control had increased.

Alex was glad.

If his daughter from her as well was S graded, then he will be really lucky.

Alex had met lots of women, but none of them were S graded except for this women in front of him.

Even after his mother learned magic and awakened, she was still A+.

The gap between A+ and S graded seemed almost unparalleled somehow.

Alex wondered why?

" Thank you hubby, " Grace said as she hugged Alex tightly.

Alex wondered if this women being S graded was related to Nathan.

He didn't know, but he was sure that one day he will have to face Nathan again and at that time he won't be a looser like he was before.

Alex then sent Grace away, who was still in daze.

He then met Kamila and took his bike to go home.

As he expected, Abigail was there.

" Ash! You are late! Your mother was worried, " Abigail said.

" Sorry mother, " Alex apologized to his mother and sat down besides her.

After the hectic day, he felt calm besides this women.

" Ash, are we moving away from here? " His mother Luna worriedly asked.

Alex looked at Abigail and seeing her shaking her head, he sighed.

His mother really had some supernatural skill to know everything.

" Yes mother. We are moving away tomorrow. Then once your treatment is over. We will live happily, " Alex said with a gentle smile.

Abigail also gently smiled as she looked at Alex.

Right now, only this women who was his mother was in his eyes.

" B-But, I'm okay. I don't need... "

" Don't be like that. I have earned enough unexpectedly. So, you have to get better fast or I won't talk to you, " Alex said.

" No... But... " Asher's mother knew that her son didn't have money.

" Where did you get the money from? " She asked.

" It's fine. I didn't do anything bad for it. I promise. You believe me right, mother? " Alex asked as he held his mother's frail hand.

" You're my everything. Why won't I believe you. But, I don't want you to harm yourself for me. You are not alone anymore, you have to take care of Abigail. I won't forgive you, if you make her sad, " She said while gently caressing Alex's face.

" I promise I won't. After all now I'm a man with family, " Alex smiled as he motioned Abigail to come closer.

Abigail took the cue and Joined into the embrace.

She felt at ease, she now had a place she belonged to.

She no longer was alone.

" By the way Abigail... " Alex said.

" Huh? Yes? "

" Why are you here? And what's that? " Alex asked.

" That's my portable bed. I'll be sleeping here tonight again, " She said.

" Why am I not surprised? "

" Because we are married. "

Abigail arranged her bed right beside Luna's.

" Sigh. I'll go sleep on roof, " Alex said.

" Umm... We can sleep together... " Abigail said.

" ... That bed is not made for two people, " Alex said making Abigail blush.

" You dummy... Okay go sleep on the roof, " Abigail said loudly and Alex was chased away.

" Sigh. I need to go check on Valhalla, " Alex muttered.

As much as he heard from Naffurty, Lady Morgana had transferred a major portion of their gang to transfer Valhalla from here to Triad's area.

As per Lady Morgana this area belonged to a large gang which was as much as or slightly more powerful than Triad.

They didn't involve themselves in small gangs so that's why Valhalla gang could grow slowly.

Naffurty had incorporated many female gang members excluding the previous core members who were 100% loyal due to Alex's brainwashing.

Just when midnight came, Alex got out of his sleeping place.

First he went near his house and checked on his mother and Abigail.

His mother was asleep, and Abigail seemed asleep.

But, she wasn't.

This bitch... Did she suspect him? Was that why she was acting?

Alex opened the door slowly.

He then went near Abigail.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see her features barely.

She was very beautiful.

Alex gently touched her face, making her eyelashes tremble.

But, Alex acted as if he didn't notice that.

" I love you... " He muttered in a voice filled with care, as he caressed her hair and left the house.

As soon as Alex left, Abigail opened her eyes wide.

Her face blushed.

She held her burning cheeks, as she looked around.

She didn't know what she was looking for.

But, her heart was racing.

" H-He confessed... No... It was indirect... B-But it was still a confession... " Abigail muttered to herself.

But, noticing that her mother-in-law might wake up, so she quickly followed Alex.

She then saw him taking his bike and leaving for somewhere.

She wasn't suspecting him, but she wanted to know where he was going.

She followed him silently.

Her body was strengthened a lot after she awakened.

Players could only develop their bodies by using skills, but awakened women naturally grew stronger as if their potential barrier was removed once they awakened.

With her fire affinity, she used a self created skill to fly and chase Alex.

He left towards the eastern central area.

' Why is he going there? ... Isn't that where Simon family mansion is? '

Abigail was surprised.

As she followed Alex, she became sure that he was going towards Simon family mansion.

But, he stopped a little away from there.

He looked around to see if anyone was there.

Abigail quickly hid her presence.

She saw Alex changing into dark clothes which hid everything about him.

' What is he doing? 'Abigail planned to investigate.

But, as she remembered how Alex stroked her face while saying he loved her... She had a bad feeling.

" Ash... I need to stop him... " Abigail muttered to herself as she saw Alex trespassing into Simon Family mansion.

But, just then she got a call.

[ Abigail! A Player has been spotted. Come to the location I sent you. Be fast ]

The feminine voice which Abigail was familiar with was heard.

" Melanie, I'm busy I can not be there right now, " Abigail said as she looked at Alex disappearing in the mansion.

[ Did you forget what happened to Lady Britney and Miss Liz, they were only second to you in the strength. Still they lost. We can't risk it. Come here fast ]

" B-But... "

[ Abigail, please... I don't want another one of us to fall. I won't persuade you more. ]

Melanie ended the call.

Abigail gritted her teeth and hesitated for a moment, before leaving towards the location given to her.

" Ash, be careful... " She said to no one as she looked in Alex's direction.

She then used her whole power to fly towards that direction.

In the way she met Melanie.

She was the voluptuous beauty with white wings behind her back.

She looked like an angel as she flew.

But, only Abigail could see her, as some barrier around her was preventing her from being noticed by mortals.

" Melanie, how are you doing that? "Abigail asked.

" You mean this? Just create a thin layer of mana around you. Normal people won't be able to see us until they focus on us, " Melanie said as she didn't stop.

Abigail did the same and flew quickly towards the location where a grand fight was happening.

The area was in chaos as many women fought each other.

Abigail spotted another one of their comrades, a young girl wearing school uniform.

She was fighting two females at once, while flying around them.

" Abigail, help Misty. She is weakest amongst us, " Melanie said.

Abigail nodded and flew towards the girl who was levitating around while fighting.

Her affinity was 'levitation'. An affinity which only let her fly and leviate objects.

" Kuu. I don't need your help! " Misty said with a typical 15 year old pout as she saw Abigail.

" We need to work together, " Abigail just said and attacked.

That night they won, but many female officers of Supernatural Investigation Department were injured.

The Player was at last caught and killed by Abigail herself.

But, few of his women sacrificed their lives in vain for that man,

Abigail, Melanie and all other awakened ones of Government felt sorrowful, knowing that those women died in vain for a man who didn't care for them.

But, they could do nothing but clear up the situation quickly.

The morning soon came.

Abigail who was exhausted thoroughly, found a shocking news.

Simon Family Head was murdered in his own house!