
Depravity to it's finest

Alex is the only prince of the super powerful family, but one day the world he lived in turned into a war of carnal desires and depravity, on the whims of the World's Will. Follow Alex as he brings himself to the depths of depravity, vowing to claim everything for himself and reign supreme, by going to any lengths possible. To fulfill his desires and lust he will conquer every women in the world, making their their lovers, husbands and sons grovel in front of them while he takes pleasure in their helplessness. As the name says novel is filled with every that kind of tag possible. Tags : R18, handsome male lead, harem seeking protaganist, strong background, pregnancy, Heavy incest, netori, rape, yuri, rape victim becomes lover, milf, gilf, dilf, maids, sex slaves, goddesses, bulldozing, threesome, foursome..., orgy, genderbending, yuri, anal, blowjob, titsjob, thighjob, sexual abuse, exhibitionism, loli. Note: The cover image and illustrations aren't mine, poor author screen shoted it from somewhere if you want it to be removed then please inform me through a comment.

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241 Chs

Meeting Lady X

Alex didn't know what this new event was supposed to be.

But, before he could contemplate more about it, the women he had previously brainwashed came in the room, alongside a beautiful young women.

This women was of course Jasmine, she had cute and gentle looking face making people have good feelings about her.

There was some baby fat around her cheeks making her look attractive and harmless.

She had plump body and the way she dressed was very conservative.

Her figure was covered in a long shirt with loose sleeves and pants which fitted her ass perfectly while loosening on downwardly.

" Did you need something from me Asher? " Jasmine asked silently.

It seemed the women brought her here without any prior knowledge.

" Not exactly. I just wanted to thank you for helping me all those times, " Alex said as he smiled at Jasmine.

" It's okay. You don't need to thank me for that, " Jasmine announced.

But, just next moment she saw Alex standing up.

Jasmine tried to move back, but before she could retreat, she found herself enclosed in Alex's arms.

" W-What are you doing? " Jasmine asked in bewilderment.

" Expressing my gratitude for everything you have done. By making you my own. Isn't the reason you helped me because you have feelings for me? " Alex questioned as he felt Jasmine's smooth back.

" No. Please stop, otherwise I'll yell! " Jasmine almost screamed, as she was really afraid at the moment.

Alex also knew that Jasmine didn't like him, she was one of those kind of people who liked to help others and found satisfaction and superiority in it.

Alex always disliked these kind of superficial people.

Just as Jasmine was about to shout for help, Alex closed her mouth with a kiss.

Jasmine's eyes widened, as she suddenly felt her body melting in Alex's arms.

She felt a sudden, pleasurable sensation coming from between her thighs.

As Alex used his skill, Jasmine's body surrendered and her pussy flooded with her love juices.

Jasmine was now helpless and defenceless, she couldn't even muster her strength as Alex took her in princess carry and brought her to the only bed there.

Alex first removed his own clothes, bringing out his giant shaft in front of Jasmine.

Jasmine was horrified seeing the sight of his ferocious cock that was roaring to go.

She understood, her body which she had kept pure till now was now going to be defiled.

Jasmine didn't want this, but she couldn't stop Alex as he removed her clothes.

What happened after was her feeling a sharp pain as Alex took her virginity and made her his women.

He rammed inside her virgin womb, until she had climaxed multiple times.

Her body surrendered.

Soon her mind and heart followed as, Jasmine was creampied by Alex and became his loyal slave.

While, Alex was having sex with Jasmine that other women of his stayed outside and kept guard.

No one would have imagined that the daughter of this place's owner will be raped right inside her own home.

After Jasmine fell for Alex, he asked her about Lady X.

" Huh? Why do you want to know about her Asher? " Jasmine asked with a complicated expression.

" I just need. Now tell me, " Alex said.

" Actually... I'm the Lady X, " Jasmine said while looking away.

She had never said this secret to anyone, not even her father knew.

But, after Alex took her virginity she felt very attached to him.

When he asked her about herself, she couldn't help but feel compelled to answer him.

" What!? For real? " Alex was really shocked.

He looked naked Jasmine up and down, she really didn't look that special except for her tight virgin cunt and nice breasts.

She also had no aura of a bloodthirstiness that should be in one of the three leaders of Triads.

" Ah. Actually, I'm Lady X, but I'm not the Leader of Triad. I was only given this place to run by Lady Morgana, " Jasmine said with a sigh.

She was just a figurehead here!

" Is this Lady Morgana the leader of Triad? "

" Yes. She is, but she is very busy so she handed over this business to me, " Jasmine said as she rubbed her face on Alex's arm.

She purred in satisfaction.

" How did you meet her? " Alex asked, while he caressed Jasmine's hair.

" I didn't meet her. She actually found me one day and said that I was actually just like her past self. So, she gave me this place to handle in her stead, " Jasmine said while reminiscing.

Lady Morgana was like a big sister to her, she always supported Jasmine from that day.

" Is she a hypocrite like you as well? " Alex asked plainly.

" I'm not a hypocrite! " Jasmine pouted as she hugged Alex and bit his shoulder.

" Ah. Whatever. Get me a chance to meet her alone. I want to make her my women just like you, " Alex said while squeezing Jasmine's butt forcing her to moan.

" Ah~ can you really do that? " Jasmine asked doubtfully.

" Of course, I can. Aren't you completely in love with me now? Now get me a chance to meet her, " Alex said.

Jasmine reasoned for a moment, but she didn't want to acknowledge that she didn't love Alex.

So, she stopped her thoughts.

" It's impossible for now. She is not here. Lady Morgana has going to go to the underground fighting arena. It is the biggest betting competition throughout the year, " Jasmine said.

" Oh. I'm interested. Tell me about this arena, " Alex said as his eyes shone in curiosity.

Like that, after half an hour Alex and Jasmine found themselves into a giant arena in another side of the city.

This place was very secretive, if not for Jasmine's identity as Lady X, they wouldn't have been able to come here.

On the way to the entrance, guards were very respectful to Jasmine.

Right now different from her conservative clothing, Jasmine was wearing a black robe and a black mask.

She looked just like a villainess with very evil temper.

Alex just now noticed that her figure really looked way too sexy and mysterious as she wore this black robe.

She also looked very formidable.

No wonder Lady X was respected so much.

Alex was also wearing a similar mask with slightly different design.

" Asher, I'll introduce you to Lady Morgana as my bodyguard, " Jasmine said with a mature voice different from her original voice.

" How did you change your voice? "

" Practice, " Jasmine said proudly.

" I see. I don't mind being your bodyguard but after we are done here, I'll fuck you as you wear this outfit, you better call me daddy then, " Alex smirked as he touched Jasmine's ass.

Jasmine blushed inside her mask, as she looked around making sure that no one had seen them.

She then slowly said, " Stop it. You can do whatever you want to me. Once we're back home, " Jasmine pushed Alex's hand away.

" That's a promise my sexy slut, " Alex said as he stopped messing with Jasmine who was pouting at being called a slut.

But, Alex ignored her. For him, this Jasmine wasn't important.

He soon saw the poster representing the today's underground arena fight.

His eyes went to the price money mentioned at the poster.

Alex didn't need money as he had his own personal living credit card called Abigail for now.

But, Jasmine then said, " This is a very popular competition. Many experienced fighters come here to catch the attention of underworld of Winchester city. Also, there are people who need money urgently, they also join in. "

Alex sighed, he remembered that previous Asher as well had joined in some places like this.

But, he didn't win even once and got hurt badly everytime, so he stopped participating.

" I want to join in, " Alex said.

" Really? If you need money. I have enough of it and... Whatever is mine is all yours, " Jasmine said shyly.

" I'm just joining for fun. And is that women the Lady Morgana you mentioned? " Alex asked.

" Ah. You noticed? She is the Lady Morgana. The one on her right is Mark and on her another side is Chris. They're other two leaders of the Triad. As for those people around... " Jasmine then slowly told Alex about leaders of small gangs which were vassals to the Triad!

Alex looked at Lady Morgana who looked middle aged.

What surprised him was her beauty and seductiveness.

She had beautiful face and snow White skin. She looked delicate but her eyes held the fierceness that couldn't be hidden.

He didn't expect for the leader of Triad to be this beautiful.

He wondered why she wasn't yet devoured.

In underworld Beauty was a sin, only when a women was powerful like Carla could she stand on her own in this muddy water.

But, Triad wasn't a strong gang.

That means, either this women had a very huge background or she was just lucky to not yet be tainted and devoured.

Just as Alex was looking at her, she turned around and looked Alex into the eyes.

The slight eye contact didn't last for long as Lady Morgana's eyes fell on Jasmine who was standing in front of Alex.

Lady Morgana smiled and waved at Jasmine with a genuine smile as if she was looking at her own little sister.

Jasmine as well went near Lady Morgana.

" I didn't know you were coming. Otherwise I would have asked someone to escort you, " Lady Morgana said.

" No. It's fine. I had my bodyguard with me, " Jasmine replied.

" Oh. If it isn't the infamous Lady X, have a seat here, " Mark who was one of the three leaders said.

His eyes contained lust as he looked at Jasmine, Alex of course didn't miss this.

" Shut up Mark! If you try to hit on my little sister again then you can say goodbye to your jewels, " Lady Morgana threatened.

She then hugged Jasmine gently.

Alex couldn't help but admire the scene of two beauties embracing each other.

Mark seemed to have the same idea, as when Alex was averting his eyes their eyes met.

He seemed like a wholesome guy with perverted nature.

Unfortunately Alex had already fucked Jasmine, so this guy had no chance with her.

" You're always so protective of her. But, I also am on our Lady X's side. Without her my economical condition will really falter, " Chris said from other side as he laughed.

As Alex heard both of these leader talk from here on, he found that they really respected Lady Morgana.

But, there was a hint of Cautiousness in their sentences that couldn't be hidden.

It was as it Lady Morgana was holding them by their necks and they were unable to do anything.

Mark openly showed his dissatisfaction while Chris acted calm.

" The betting competition is about to start. I heard Darkens are also coming with their own fighters, " Chris said.

" Those bastards. If I had joined in these fights no one will be able to defeat me, " Mark said haughtily.

" You have lived your life in Fighting Arenas. But, for Triad's reputation, you can't join there now, " Lady Morgana said.

" Umm... " Jasmine who was now beseated besides Lady Morgana wanted to say something.

Lady Morgana asked, " You wanted to say something? "

" Ah. Yes. My bodyguard is a really good fighter. If he joins in then I'm sure he can win, " Jasmine said as she looked at Alex.

" This one? I can beat him with my eyes closed, " Mark snorted. He didn't like that Alex was being praised by Jasmine.

Jasmine ignored Mark as she looked at Lady Morgana.

" I don't mind him joining in. If he can win, our Repuation will only increase, " Lady Morgana smiled.

" Thank you Lady Morgana, " Jasmine thanked.

" It's okay, " Lady Morgana replied.

Lady Morgana then told one of her men to take Alex to the arena.

The man looked Alex up and down, he respectfully led him towards a certain direction.

Alex was soon brought to the small room.

There were five people inside.

" Who is this cheek? " One of them, a specially gigantic person laughed.

" It's not cheek, but chick idiot, " The one who replied to him was a middle aged man with bald head.

He smiled at Alex, " You must be the extra participant. "

But, the man who came with Alex shook his head, " He is not an extra. He will be taking your place. "

" What!? " The bald man who had a smiling face now frowned.

He glared at Alex and the man.

" You are officially removed from the team on leader's orders, " The man said.

" Why? " The bald man asked.

" Because you are weakest, " The man who came with Alex said so and left.

As soon as that person went away, bald man glared at Alex, " You bastard! "

Alex didn't say anything as he smirked.

He calmly walked toward the bald man and in next few seconds broke his arms and legs.

" You should never curse someone who you can't afford to, I'm letting you off easily because I'm magnanimous," Alex said as he threw away the bald man as if he was trash.

He then looked at other four people in the room who were trembling.

' Magnanimous my ass... ' The shuddered seeing the condition of the bald man.

Amongst the 5 fighters there, two were females.

Alex smiled as he looked at them.

" There is still some time until the competition starts. You two... " Alex pointed out two females, " Follow me, if you don't want your condition to be as same as that bastard. "

The two females were shocked.

They saw that Alex was really merciless, but they as well were fighters.

One of them was a tanned skin tall women wearing mini blouse and skirt which tightly clinged to her curves.

" Who do you dare to threaten!? " She shouted.

She didn't hesitate to use her long legs to kick towards Alex.

But Alex easily dodged and held her leg, he then pulled her towards him and punched her solar plexus Immobilizing her.

" I like fiesty bitches like you. Making sluts like you surrender on my cock is my specialty, " Alex grinned.

As for the other women, he didn't wait for her to do anything as he jumped upon her and by a moment of surprise caught her.

Once she was in his arms, this women was completely helpless and weak.

Alex then glared at the remaining two men in the room, " Get lost. "

That was all he said while letting his killing intent free.

Those two men including the giant man felt the crisis on their life.

They couldn't help but start trembling as Alex's aura locked onto them.

Without saying anymore they quickly left.

Alex smiled as he looked at the women in his hands, who as well was afraid of his killing intent.

" I'll eat you first, " Alex smirked.

He pulled down her tank top while taking her lips in a searing kiss.

The women as well seemed to have given up as her hands went inside Alex's shirt feeling his muscles.

" Good girl, " Alex praised her wits.

Alex kissed the women as he pushed her against the wall and with one hand raised her jeans covered leg.

The women who was thrown on the ground soon woke up.

Seeing Alex and the other women making out she was shocked.

But, then Alex stopped kissing the other women and looked at her.

His eyes were still covered in the black mask, so the women couldn't see his face clearly.

But, as she looked at him from the ground, she felt as if she was looking at the God.

As Alex came near her and kneeled down before her, she slowly asked, " Who are you? "

Alex held her chin and peered into her eyes, " Your new owner. "

He smiled and kissed this women as well.

The other women who was standing alone couldn't stop the temptation as she joined into the fun.

Alex soon removed their clothes and played with their trained bodies which had no excessive fat.

Their breasts and asscheeks were firm making him feel high amount of pleasure as he invaded their cunts.

The sound of flesh slapping echoed inside the room, as Alex filled their baby rooms till the brim.

Once he was done, he wore his clothes back and then let these females clean his cock with their tongues.

They were confused because of these new emotions inside them.

They felt affection towards Alex, which was a foreign emotion to them who strived to just survive their lives through the day.

But, right now they felt that Alex was even more important than themselves.

" ... Umm... Are you a famous fighter? " One of them who tried to attack Alex before asked with a red face.

She wanted to know about Alex.

" You two join the Valhalla gang in northern district. You might get a chance to meet me again there, " Alex ordered.

" Huh? Valhalla gang?... I know about them. They just appeared some days ago. They only take female members. I heard a certain gang leader took liking to their leader, but overnight his whole gang was destroyed with the leader thrown on the road with his skin flayed. The members who escaped alive say that the Valhalla Gang is led by a demoness, " Other women quickly said to garner Alex's attention.

" Oh? Is that so? " Alex was surprised. He patted the other women's ass and decided to give her one more creampie for the information.

He didn't know that his gang had already made small amount of Repuation.