
Depravity to it's finest

Alex is the only prince of the super powerful family, but one day the world he lived in turned into a war of carnal desires and depravity, on the whims of the World's Will. Follow Alex as he brings himself to the depths of depravity, vowing to claim everything for himself and reign supreme, by going to any lengths possible. To fulfill his desires and lust he will conquer every women in the world, making their their lovers, husbands and sons grovel in front of them while he takes pleasure in their helplessness. As the name says novel is filled with every that kind of tag possible. Tags : R18, handsome male lead, harem seeking protaganist, strong background, pregnancy, Heavy incest, netori, rape, yuri, rape victim becomes lover, milf, gilf, dilf, maids, sex slaves, goddesses, bulldozing, threesome, foursome..., orgy, genderbending, yuri, anal, blowjob, titsjob, thighjob, sexual abuse, exhibitionism, loli. Note: The cover image and illustrations aren't mine, poor author screen shoted it from somewhere if you want it to be removed then please inform me through a comment.

FateScore · Fantasy
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242 Chs

Lisa Simon

Abigail dropped everything she was doing and hurried to find Alex.

' That idiot... Did he do this? What if an awakened with investigative abilities took the case? He will be found out for for sure, ' Abigail gritted her teeth.

She made her way towards Asher's house.

There she soon saw Alex who was busy with packing the stuff to transport.

" Oh. Abigail you're here? Where did you disappear to last night. I was worried you know, you weren't even picking up my calls, " Alex said as he looked at her with worry.

" A-Ash. What is this? " Abigail took out her phone and showed Alex the news.

" W-What? How did this happen?! " Alex made a genuine expression of disbelief.

' Did he not do it? ' even Abigail felt that she might have guessed wrong.

But, she shook her head remembering how this fucker had scammed her into marrying him once.

" Come here, " Abigail pulled Alex on the roof.

" What happened? Why did you bring me here? We need to pack... "

" Shut up! You did this right? "

" Me?? How can I do that? " Alex for a moment made a flustered expression, then he quickly asked.

" I saw you leaving sneakily with my own two eyes! " Abigail confronted Alex directly.

" I didn't... "

" Then where were you last night? "

" I went to meet Naffurty. You can ask her. I was with her for an entire night, " Alex said and then made a oops expression.

" You! " Abigail felt headache.

She understood that Alex was trying to change from the main topic.

And he was weirdly very good at pissing her off.

" So, you were at Naffurty's place? " Abigail then calmly asked.

" S-Sorry Abigail... The stuff happened... "

" You don't need to say anything... I understand... " Abigail sighed.

Her eyes as they now looked at Alex were filled with even more gentleness than before.

For a moment this gentleness caused Alex to shudder in fright, but he forcefully calmed himself down.

Abigail slowly embraced Alex, " Ash... Remember whatever you do... From here on, I'll always have your back. "

" A-Abigail... " Alex as well made a touched expression.

" Wow! You two are hugging each other so naturally. Did you two have sex already? " The one who asked so, was none other than Naffurty.

Abigail quickly moved away shyly.

But, she then remembered who caught them.

So, she glared at Naffurty, " What are you doing here? "

" I heard Asher was moving away. So, I came to help him. I wanted to come earlier. But, because of certain someone who I spent my night with, I couldn't even walk properly, " Naffurty giggled as she looked at Alex.

" You people are really trying your hardest to get killed by me, " Abigail felt headache, seeing this bitch as well trying to deceive her.

If she hadn't seen Alex specially going inside Simon Family mansion, then she would have really believed Naffurty.

Abigail sighed wearily.

But, she got her vigor back when she noticed Naffurty hugging Alex closely.

She pulled away Naffurty, " Go help with packing. "

" You aren't even his first wife yet. Still you're bossing your little sister around? Tsk tsk, " Naffurty snorted.

" I'm not going to he his first wife. I'm his only wife! " Abigail screamed.

" Whatever," But, Naffurty just went away.

Abigail then calmed down.

Just now seeing Naffurty trying to deceive her, she somehow felt that Naffurty was not such a bad girl.

She was just too flirty.

" Ash, let's work fast, " Abigail said to Alex.

" Yeah! " Alex nodded.

In some time they were done packing.

Alex knew that they didn't have much stuff, so it didn't take that long.

" Mother, we're leaving, " Alex said to his mother.

His mother was very emotional right now.

" Ash. We spent our whole life here... I feel very bad to leave this place behind... "

" I know mother. Once you're good, we'll keep coming back here. This is our home as well, " Alex said to his mother's worry.

He then gently picked her up.

Luna was really very light.

He slowly brought her to Abigail's car and made her seat on the back seat.

He then returned back to take some more stuff.

Inside the car Abigail and Asher's mother chatted.

" Abigail... Are you troubled? "

" N-No mother... " Abigail replied quickly.

" I see. You and Alex left late at night. I was worried something happened, " Luna said.

" No. Everything is fine between us, " Abigail smiled.

" I'm glad... I'm just worried for Ash. He is very weak. I don't know what he will do once I'm gone. But, now you're here. So, I'm at peace, " Luna said with a exhausted smile.

" It will be fine. You'll be okay soon enough, " Abigail knew her mother-in-law's worry.

" I hope so. But, I can feel that I don't have much time... I even mistook my son for someone else. I can also sometimes hear things that I don't know... Hallucinations..." Luna sighed again.

" It's okay... " Abigail who was next to Asher's mother didn't feel anything wrong.

But, Alex who was hearing from outside felt that something was wrong.

Luna wasn't normal, everything that was happening to her might be related to her ability to know things she shouldn't.

Alex thought for a moment as he eavesdropped.

But, Abigail soon found him eavesdropping.

Alex had underestimated her senses.

" Ash, are you done? " She asked.

" Y-Yes. I just returned, " He nodded.

" Yay. Yay, " Abigail smiled. She had noticed Alex eavesdropping for a while.

Alex sat down in the back seat along with his mother.

Luna leaned on his shoulder as she closed her eyes, even this small journey seemed very tiring for her.

Alex let her rest, as Abigail took them to her mansion.

Knowing how much Alex cared for money, Abigail made half of the mansion on Alex's name.

" You didn't need to do that... " Alex said when he found out that.

" Miss Doyle already did the paperwork. She will be at mansion for you to sign the documents, " Abigail said.

" I see. Thanks... " Alex thanked.

" Hehe. Take me to a dinner if you want to thank me, " Abigail giggled.

" As you say Your Highness, " Alex said dramatically, making Abigail giggle sweetly again.

Soon, they were at Adkins family mansion.

It was almost as big and even grander than the Simon family mansion which Alex had visited last night.

In Simon Family mansion, Alex made a very surprising finding.

* * * *

Last night....

Simon family was taken over by a certain other Player, who was impersonating Simon family head just like Alex was impersonating Asher.

The Player didn't seem to have taken over since long, as he only had Simon family head's wife as his slave.

Alex found them fucking in a certain room.

" Argh. June, you have such a nice body. I almost drowned into it, " The Player said as he took out his tiny dick out of the mature beauty named Julie.

" Y-Your dick is the best Daniel... I can't help but fall for you more... " June said as she turned around with an expression which Alex had never seen on his women's faces when he was done fucking them.

She was clearly not satisfied yet.

Daniel seemed to find pride in his tiny dick and June's false words.

Daniel was a young man wearing square glasses and looked very handsome.

He had modified his looks by using a skill from the shop.

But, in looks chapter he was still far cry from Alex.

Alex didn't think much as he suddenly appeared in their room.

" Ahhh! Daniel there is someone there!" June yelled as she covered her naked mature body with the blanket.

" Seems you two are done. I'm Alex Garcia. I challenge you as a Player, " Alex said as he pointed at Daniel.

[ Player Alex challenged Player Daniel. The Challenge will commence now. ]

When a Player challenged another Player, they had to accept it.

Now Daniel was forced into the Game.

" W-What? Who are you? " Daniel shouted.

" Guards! Guards! " The women named Julie yelled for security, but no one came.

[ Ding!

The objective of the Game has been decided.

Subdue as many women in Simon Family as possible. As per the grade of the subdued women, points will be allocated to the Players.

S grade : 10,000 points

A grade : 5000 points

B grade : 2500 points

C grade : 1000 points

D grade : 500 points

E grade : 250 points

F grade : 100 points

All men in the surrounding are given heavy sedatives. Unless and Until they're forcefully woken up they won't even move their fingers.

During the Game, a Player can't harm other Player physically unless it is over the fight for a women. Once brainwashed women can't be stolen until the end of the Game.

The loosing Player will loose his qualifications as a Player.

The Game will end at 6 A.M.]

Alex saw the the notification that appeared in front of him.

It was now almost 1 A.M.

Daniel seemed to have gotten the same notification.

He stood up from the bed without caring about being seen naked and ran out of the room as quick as wind.

He seemed to have some agility related skill.

Alex sighed.

He knew that the Game sometimes were not fair.

Right now he was on the weaker side, as Daniel was in this place for a while.

Just June in front of him was a B graded women. That means Daniel at least had 2500 points lead upon him.

Alex could use 'eyes of truth' on women that didn't belong to him, but that was only when the Game was happening.

Alex first of all made Julie unconscious and followed outside.

Daniel had left June defenseless because he knew that Alex won't be able to steal her.

Alex saw the long hallway outside the room.

He was right now with his real face, so as soon as he got out he came upon a cute maid who blushed as soon as she saw him.

Alex didn't wait for a moment before he touched her head.

' Devour '

All of her memories were devoured by Alex as she fell on the ground like a lifeless doll.

Alex smirked, he now knew the map of the mansion.

He was sure that Daniel went to the rooms of various Simon family members who most likely had higher grades than other women.

That was a good plan for someone with low stamina, but Alex didn't need to care for that as he had Godly Stamina.

It wasn't a skill, he just naturally had unparalleled stamina for sex which came alongside his superior soul!

Alex ignored the maid fallen in front of him and went towards the sleeping quarters of the head maid of the mansion.

He quickly found her asleep in her quarters after breaking into her room, she was wearing nothing but bra and panty with tight stockings connected to a garter belt.

Alex felt that this maid was really hard working she didn't even have time to change because she was exhausted from her daily work.

Alex first ripped apart this women's panty and took out his magnificent dick.

" Kya!! Who are you? " The head maid was surprised seeing an unfamiliar man riding upon her.

But, just then a sharp pain was felt by her as her pussy was pierced by Alex.

Alex felt her dry insides squeezing his giant cock, even though her pussy wasn't the best, as Alex used 'Touch of Pleasure' Skill, her pussy became tighter.

Alex had always had sex with best women, so he felt that this bitch was lacking.

She was just a D graded women.

Alex pulled his dick out and next took this women's anal virginity.

The blood flowed out of her backhole, just as she was about to shriek in pain, Alex materialized a gag ball and stuffed it inside this women's mouth.

" Mhmmm! Mhnn! Nmmmmoo! " The women kept resisting until Alex cummed deep inside her pussy.

All the injuries inflected by Alex healed, as this women became Alex's slave.

" Wake up bitch! From now on I'm your master, " Alex slapped the head maid awake after tampering with her memories a little bit.

" M-Master? " She asked confused.

" Yes. Order all maids to gather at a specific place. I want all of them there. Understood? " Alex asked.

" Y-Yes Master. I'll obey, " The head maid was very good with obeying. She quickly contacted all maids and ordered them to come to the meeting room of servants.

" Contact me at the moment Daniel comes here. There must be some maids that he might have already brainwashed, " Alex said.

" Y-Yes Master! " The head maid nodded obediently.

Alex nodded and then left from there as well.

He had another objective to achieve!

He quickly moved towards a certain someone's room.

It was obviously Lisa Simon, who was his classmate.

Alex could ignore other Simon family members, but he already considered Lisa as his women.

Only he could stuff her virgin pussy with his dick and break her hymen!

Soon, Alex was before Lisa's room.

With a 'Thud' the door was broken by him by a kick.

Inside there were three people.

Lisa was here and she was held against the wall by Daniel.

Alex sighed in relief, seeing that Lisa was still clothed and nothing had happened to her.

There was one more middle aged women in the room, most likely one of the Simon family members.

" Y-You bastard! " Daniel was surprised seeing the door suddenly breaking.

" S-Stop him! " Daniel ordered to the middle aged women.

" A-Alex! Save me! " Lisa who as well saw Alex, had her eyes lightened with hope after seeing Alex.

" Shut up, bitch and obediently suck me off with your pussy, " Just as Daniel was going to tear apart Lisa's cute pink pajamas, he felt a massive force upon him.

He was suddenly thrown against the wall, while tens of sharp spears stabbed towards him.

[ Harming another Player mortally is not allowed ]

A notification appeared in front of Alex, as his materialized spears disappeared.

Alex could be seen standing in the room, with one of his hands choking the middle aged women's neck while other was pointed towards Daniel.

There was a smirk upon Alex's face which made his confidence clear.

Alex let the middle aged women fall down before his legs defenseless.

Alex could kill her, but seeing that she was an awakened one. He decided to spare her even though she wasn't that beautiful.

" Aunt! What did you do to my aunt!? " Daniel came running towards the unconscious women. She seemed to be his loving aunt.

" You should worry about the Game, because once I win, your aunt will be sucking me off with her pussy, " Alex returned Daniel's words to him as he stepped upon his aunt's face and then kicked her away.

Daniel's aunt growled in pain, but she was powerless.

" Y-You, son of a bitch! " Daniel growled as he created a massive lighting bolt and threw it at Alex.

He loved this women, who was his aunt and had taken care of him since he was a child.

" How pathetic, " Alex smiled as he created a lighting absorber.

All lighting was gone in a moment.

" N-No way... " Daniel was stunned.

But seeing that he was no match for Alex, he decided to abandon his unconscious aunt for now.

" Once I win, I'll save you aunt and i will also take revenge for you! " He said and ran away with a hint of helplessness and regret.

He wanted to fuck Lisa, as she was way too beautiful than any other females in Simon family.

No! Lisa wasn't just the most beautiful women in Simon Family! Even in entire city there were few women who could compare with her fairy like innocence and beauty.

Daniel didn't fear about his aunt being stolen, as notification had said that until the end of the Game, another Player's women couldn't be stolen.

Inside the room, Alex slowly walked towards Lisa who was like a frightened Rabbit.

" A-Alex, what are you doing here? " She asked timidly.

" I'm here to make you mine. Don't resist, " Alex smirked.

" N-No... I like someone else. Don't come near me, " Lisa didn't understand her situation exactly, but still she instinctively felt threat to her chastity.

She moved back against the wall in terror, as Alex marched towards her.