
Depravity to it's finest

Alex is the only prince of the super powerful family, but one day the world he lived in turned into a war of carnal desires and depravity, on the whims of the World's Will. Follow Alex as he brings himself to the depths of depravity, vowing to claim everything for himself and reign supreme, by going to any lengths possible. To fulfill his desires and lust he will conquer every women in the world, making their their lovers, husbands and sons grovel in front of them while he takes pleasure in their helplessness. As the name says novel is filled with every that kind of tag possible. Tags : R18, handsome male lead, harem seeking protaganist, strong background, pregnancy, Heavy incest, netori, rape, yuri, rape victim becomes lover, milf, gilf, dilf, maids, sex slaves, goddesses, bulldozing, threesome, foursome..., orgy, genderbending, yuri, anal, blowjob, titsjob, thighjob, sexual abuse, exhibitionism, loli. Note: The cover image and illustrations aren't mine, poor author screen shoted it from somewhere if you want it to be removed then please inform me through a comment.

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240 Chs

Kageyama Kahori's fall

"What do you say Kahori? Will you do it? " Asked Alex smiling, while patting Junko who now had taken Alex's cock inside her mouth. 

"... Yes, " Said Kahori, while biting her lips. 

"Good, come here, " Said Alex while patting his lap. 

Kahori didn't say anything and just got near Alex as she just stood there. 

She was once again having second thoughts in doing this. 

But then she was pulled in Alex's arms forcefully. 

"Wait! " Kahori was surprised, as she next moment found herself in Alex's embrace, his strong arms circled around her. 

"You have already decided what you want to do, " Laughed Alex as his hand roamed on Kahori's body. 

He didn't undress her yet, as he wanted to feel her body from above her clothes, he wanted to savor her taste, the taste of this helpless mother. 

After all she was the mother of Kazuma, who Alex was going to destroy... As a good father-figure Alex decided to show this to Kazuma sometime.

Alex made Kahori's ass grind on his cock, giving him the feel of her fleshy ass that was hidden behind layers of obstructions, that he needed to pass. 

"Please stop this, I don't want this! " Yelled Kahori, she felt disgusted with Alex touching her body. 

"What about your kid then? He will die, because you wanted your pride more than him, " Said Alex taking hold of a boob that wasn't fitting in his hand at all. 

Kahori fell silent once again, as Alex kept his expedition going, finding solace in misery of this pitiful women. 

Kahori now had truly given up, she understood her place... 

Alex who was feeling Kahori's body, knew that it was a top-notch body, even Hoshino's smooth and young body paled in comparison. 

Alex now pushed his hand under Kahori's blouse, taking the feel of her smooth and soft abdomen, while his lips kissed her nape. 

"How long has it been since a man touched this body Kahori? " Asked Alex, not expecting any reply as he now kissed Kahori's cheek. 

Kahori went silent, as she had never found any man for her, after getting pregnant with Kazuma and Kaede. 

But now she was in the lap of a stranger, who was taking advantage of her body which she had kept pure all this time. 

Alex didn't care about what Kahori was thinking, as his hand now went to her breasts below her blouse. 

Her breasts were soft like cotton candy, his hands would just melt into those huge mounds, as if he could sink himself completely into them. 

Feeling irritated with the obstruction, he ripped Kahori's blouse apart, leaving Kahori in her pink regular bra. 

Even in this regular bra, mature Kahori looked ravishing. 

Actually how could a women not look ravishing with those huge racks waiting to spill out of it's confines. 

Kahori was despairing, as she was now half naked above her waist. 

But she didn't stop Alex, she closed her eyes and wanted this to end as soon as possible. 

But who was Alex? Will he let things end peacefully? 

This women was fated to stand on the peak of this country, one of those main characters who will change the era with just their words. 

But right now this women was weak and vulnerable, her son and man who was supposed to be her everything was on the brink of death. 

While she herself was now going to loose her purity. 

Alex felt really glad, as he went through his memories of this women. 

In her next years, Kahori was going to be someone even more powerful than Hikari now. 

Kahori actually will have the power to stand on equal footing with his mother Alice. 

Just thinking about this Alex's cock hardened even more, he needed to ravish this women as soon as possible. 

He wanted to cover Kahori in his color, in his essence and to make her his slave, who will betray Kazuma for him. 

Thinking this Alex removed Kahori's skirt as well, she was now completely half naked, only in her undergarments which were overworking to keep peace. 

But Kahori didn't open her eyes, she couldn't face herself like this, she didn't want to see herself being defiled. 

A warm tear slipped down her eyes, as her bra was removed by Alex. 

"Don't cry Kahori, I will make you feel good... Forever, " Said Alex taking hold of her now bare melons. 

These mounds felt appetizing with that pink cherry on top it, Alex groped them roughly. 

Alex then pushed Kahori on the bed, to take things to the next stage. 

Now he removed her panty as well, taking in the view of her nicely fine-tuned pussy. 

Even though Kahori didn't have any physical relationship with men, she took care of her body very well. 

That was the reason why she left even Hoshino behind in her body figure. 

But Alex cared only about this beauty in front of him, who was now ready to be his. 

Just looking at Kahori's tasty pussy, he had an urge to ram his dick inside. 

But Alex controlled himself, as he brought his face near Kahori's pussy. 

Pussy like Kahori's was rare, eating it was necessary! 

He took in the natural scent of Kahori's delicious pussy, before giving it a slight lick. 

The texture and taste was the best, mature women sure had the tastiest pussy, Alex thought. 

But Kahori was shocked, as she opened her eyes, "W-What are you doing? " 

"What do you think? I'm eating your pussy, you sure are tasty, " Said Alex while not stopping his tongue. 

He took in the feel of Kahori's pussy walls as they gave the slimy feel of something tasty. 


Kahori started feeling Alex's skillful tongue, causing her to moan involuntarily. 

Her pussy became slightly wet. 

"You seem to be enjoying it Kahori, " Said Alex, his tongue still inside Kahori's mature cunt. 

"Ah~I'm not... This doesn't feel good at all, " She said while biting her lips and clenching her fists. 

"Your pussy isn't lying at all, it's wet... Really wet, you know, I will give you your taste, " Said Alex, as he went to kiss Kahori. 

Kahori tried to dodge but was held in place by Alex, who invaded Kahori's mouth with his tongue which was just few moments ago inside her lower mouth. 

She resisted fiercely, while hiding her tongue inside her mouth. 

But had no choice as her tongue and body was quickly subdued by Alex, as she could do nothing but take assaults of Alex while giving out muffled moans. 

Alex's hand went inside Kahori's pussy now, as he played with her tongue and clit at the same time. 

Feeling that Kahori was now sufficiently wet, Alex spread her legs wide while settling in between them with his cock erect. 

He took a look at now completely naked Kahori, she was sprawled on the bed helplessly with her legs apart. Her huge breasts were standing straight along with her nipples which were hard. Her white skin was glistening with sweat and looked steamy. Her upper thighs looked appetizing as they ended in her pussy which was ready to take in Alex's cock. Kahori was a real beauty, her long bare legs were work of an art that Alex wanted to keep caressing all the time, while her motherly thighs were fleshy and nice to touch. Her huge sticking ass was making impressions on the bed as some of it spilled our of her sides due to the ample size of it, while her small asshole below her pussy was looking cute as if begging for some attention. 

Alex was mesmerized by this beautiful eastern milf as he then pushed his tip to the Kahori's lower mouth and then pushed inward at once. 

Kahori felt a striking pain from her pussy, which caused her to tear up. 

At the same time she felt helpless and blamed herself, but at the same time felt relieved... 

Everything would be alright now, she could save Kazuma, she would have her job back and everything will be fine. 

Everything will go back as if these last few days never existed... 

But the one who was now shocked was Alex, as he looked at the red colored liquid flowing out of Kahori's cunt.

Kahori was totally a virgin! 

This explained why she was so inexperienced, it was as if she never had sex. 

Alex looked at Kahori and asked in shock, " You're a virgin? "

Kahori covered her face with her hands, as she nodded, she didn't say anything. 

But Alex cared for nothing, he could find out why Kahori was virgin after making her submissive to him. 

He smiled like a devil, as he took hold of Kahori's both breasts and fondled them roughly. 

"Kahori, I was the one behind all the misery you went through in last few days, " Said Alex as he moved inside Kahori. 

"What!? What do you mean? " Hearing Alex's words Kahori had this bad premonition, that she couldn't explain. 

"Do you know? I was the one who canceled Kaede's admission and your job... I was the one behind it, " Told Alex to Kahori slowly, while not stopping his movements inside her. 

Kahori was silent as she tried to decipher what Alex said... 

"I was also the one who made Kazuma faint that way... I actually fucked his ex-girlfriend Midori in front of him, as he watched in shock, " Laughed Alex. 

His movements only intensifying, causing Kahori to once again involuntarily moan. 

"Ah~ you! You were the one who made Kazuma that way?! " Said Kahori in anger. Kahori as the mother of Kazuma knew that something happened with Midori and Kazuma. 

But she never expected something like this, she remembered how much Kazuma loved Midori, he must have been heart broken as Midori betrayed him. 

"Yes, lol... It felt so good as I fucked her virgin asshole in front of him, while she cried in helplessness, " Laughed Alex once again. 

"Stop! Let me go! You monster! You planned this? You planned this all! " Exclaimed Kahori in understanding. 

'May be this man was sent by them to destroy our family, ' she thought with deep sorrow and despair. 

'If everything that happened was planned and done by that women then everything makes sense, ' thought Kahori. 

"Don't worry about your son, just enjoy the way I fuck your pussy now, he isn't alone now, my Sumire is with him... I instructed her to make Kazuma fall in love with her, as when the time comes I will fuck her in front of him as well, hahaha." 

Kahori remembered the gentle doctor who had helped them in their dire time. 

She couldn't believe that all of that was lie!


Kahori now couldn't think straight, as she was getting messed from inside out, she was loosing her grip from everything. 

She tried to retaliate but Alex was just too strong for a weak women like her. 

He just kept fucking her, as she resisted with all of her strength. 

But now her resistance had lessened considerably, as she felt her orgasm coming.

She could feel her strength leaving, as if she was a small boat in endless ocean, moving back and forth with each wave. 

She wanted to close her ears to not to listen to Alex, who wanted to take her dignity and sanity as well away. 

" And about his girlfriend Hoshino, she is also my women, I made her slave to my dick and the next are you, then I will go after your daughter, I have already planned everything for her as well, " 

Hearing this Kahori despaired even more, she couldn't believe that she was getting raped by the man who was planning to destroy her beloved son. 

"Please, please let me go, I beg you, don't tell Kazuma anything, he won't be able to take it, " Pleaded Kahori. 

She knew how much her son loved her, he will break down completely if he saw her in her current condition. 

"Hahaha, that's not my problem, I will let him go free once I have fucked you, your daughter Kaede, his ex-girlfriend Midori and his current girlfriend Hoshino on the same bed, I wonder what face he will make as you moan like a bitch then, " Said Alex hearing Kahori's moans of pleasure that she couldn't hide. 

Kahori felt herself blanking out as she felt herself reaching the peak, the world went white as she for the first time in her life felt her orgasm. 

There wasn't only pleasure in it, she felt sorrow and pain as she cummed by the cock of the man who was enemy of her son. 

With her pleasure she only managed to utter one word, " Why?... " She wanted to know why Alex was doing this. 

"Hahaha because I came from future, I know everything about you, your son is destined to inherit Kageyama Clan while you, your daughter will be his wives, " Said Alex. 

Kahori couldn't believe it as she heard Alex saying that he was a time traveller. 

"Your son is destined by the luck, he was supposed to take over all of Sakura country in future, but I came to destroy him, to take what belongs to him and that's everything he had including you! "

As Kahori heard Alex she felt that he was some psychopath, soon she was once again able to think a little straight. 

But Alex didn't give her a chance, as he now made her lie in the doggy style while fucking her from behind. 

"Please, don't touch my daughter and son... Do whatever you want with me, " Begged Kahori for her children, but she was deemed to be disappointed. 

"I have already made plans for your daughter, she will be in the same situation as you soon, I will let you see her getting fucked live, I might even impregnate that girl if I felt like that, " Said Alex while railing Kahori's pussy non-stop. 

He now stopped playing attention to her as he now only cared about cumming deep inside her. 

"Clench your pussy bitch, " Alex spanked Kahori's ass loudly, leaving a red handprint behind. 

"Ah~please no~let me go~" 

Alex didn't hear anything, as he just kept pistoning hard. 

He then pulled Junko near him as well, positioning her beside Kahori. 

Both of these mature and white asses looked ravishing, as Alex spanked all four of these asscheeks loudly, as if they were drums. 

Soon Alex felt his climax coming as he alternated between Kahori and Junko's vaginas. 

Both of these private parts were worth fucking and were really good, Alex didn't want to stop this round at all. 

But, he had to mark Kahori as his, so he next pulled her in his arms once again. 

"Kahori, I have this skill that can make any women that I cum into fall in love with me unconditionally, all of these women are like that, even this whore Junko is my slave because of that, and I'm now going to cum inside you, " Said Alex. 

Hearing this made Kahori really fearful, as she had now felt Alex making her orgasm like a real man. 

She felt like what Alex was saying was true and she will really become his slave now. 

She didn't want this, she didn't want to betray her son. 

"I will force you to make your son fall in love with you, as I will destroy his mentality after showing him the way you moan like a whore, " Laughed Alex, not stopping the climax that was now coming. 

"Nooo! " Kahori flailed like a fish out of water to get out of Alex's arms, but her scream was stopped as Alex once again started kissing her passionately. 

He played with her mouth as his climax came deep inside her baby room, painting Kahori's womb with his seed. 

Kahori felt herself loosing her strength, her naked body fell on Alex's body with her milk jugs being squished against his chest and arm. 

She felt her mind blurry, as her mentality slowly changed.... 

As Alex took her body for the next round and then next round and then next, she fell hard for Alex. 

She fell for his cock, his divine body, his handsome face, his cruel words... 

She started liking everything about him, as her mind went through the change. 

The good memories she had with her son felt like distant dream that she was forgetting. 

In the end only the outer shell of her previous affection remained as the last bit of her love for her son was destroyed on Alex's whims. 

She was now totally Alex's, she understood this, she knew that he was the one for him. 

As Alex's sperm entered inside her stomach again and again she lost her sense of self then. 

She didn't care that Alex had brainwashed her or did something bad for her. 

She felt that it was her fortune for Alex to choose her, while her son was the evil being who took away her precious life. 

She was denied her youth, her love and everything because of her son, for whom she had to work so hard. 

She knew that her son was stubborn, but that stubbornness now seemed irritating as Alex destroyed last of her affectiom. 

Kahori moaned freely in Alex's arms, she proactively tried to express her love for him, to make him look at her, to make herself seem beautiful in his eyes, as her last reservations were destroyed she became a new Kahori. 

"I love you Alex~" She said, leaving her previous life behind...