
Depravity to it's finest

Alex is the only prince of the super powerful family, but one day the world he lived in turned into a war of carnal desires and depravity, on the whims of the World's Will. Follow Alex as he brings himself to the depths of depravity, vowing to claim everything for himself and reign supreme, by going to any lengths possible. To fulfill his desires and lust he will conquer every women in the world, making their their lovers, husbands and sons grovel in front of them while he takes pleasure in their helplessness. As the name says novel is filled with every that kind of tag possible. Tags : R18, handsome male lead, harem seeking protaganist, strong background, pregnancy, Heavy incest, netori, rape, yuri, rape victim becomes lover, milf, gilf, dilf, maids, sex slaves, goddesses, bulldozing, threesome, foursome..., orgy, genderbending, yuri, anal, blowjob, titsjob, thighjob, sexual abuse, exhibitionism, loli. Note: The cover image and illustrations aren't mine, poor author screen shoted it from somewhere if you want it to be removed then please inform me through a comment.

FateScore · Fantasy
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241 Chs

Alex's Master

Inside the main hall of the mansion was seating a beautiful young teenage girl. 

She was wearing a red battle robe, which covered all of her body, her hands were covered in long gloves while her beautiful long legs were wrapped into skin tight purple leggings. 

She gracefully sat on the sofa as she took sip of her tea while reading a book. 

Just then she looked up from her book, as she heard the hurried sounds of someone coming. 

"Sister Rose! " Rose sighed as she heard Alex's voice. 

She didn't bother to even look at Alex as she went back to read the book in her hand. 

"Rose at least talk to your brother, " Said Melissa. 

Rose only now looked at the women who was her mother in this world. 

"He's wasting my time, I don't care for such people, " She said, as for the first time she looked at Alex, " We're leaving right away. "

"Rose, I know you're busy. But can't you at least stay for a night here, " Asked Melissa looking at Alex. 

"No, " This was all she said, as she started walking away. 

Melissa wanted to say something, but Alex stopped her. 

"Mom, sister must be busy, after all she came here because of me. I'll go now, " Said Alex while giving his mother a gentle hug. 

He then hugged Rachel and Eliza as well and said goodbye to Daisy and other people in mansion. 

Rose was already seating in the carriage, as Alex as well followed and sat in front of her. 

He for one last time waved his hand at everyone who seemed to be tearing up. 

Their destination was the Capital of Kingdom of Avalon. 

Alex sighed as he looked at this big sister of his. 

She was always cold towards him and didn't even bother to not show her hate. 

Alex always wished to reconcile with Rose, but he hardly ever saw her. 

As mostly she remained with her Master and even if she came home, she would leave right away without even seeing Alex. 

"Sister... " Alex for the first time in his whole life had gotten the chance to be this close with Rose, so he wasn't going to loose this chance. 

But, Rose's cold voice came, " Just shut up and don't open your mouth until we reach the Capital. Then once I drop you there, we can be on our ways. "

But still Alex tried to continue, " But, can you at least tell me, why do you hate me? "

Rose now sounded even more irritated, " That's because your complete existence grosses me out. Looking at you makes me wish for you to die. Hearing you talk gives me chills of hatred. So, only thing you can do for me is to act like you never existed. "

Alex gritted his teeth, he couldn't believe what he did wrong... He felt his heart shattering as he was just expecting some words... 

But still, now he didn't say anything and looked outside the window silently. 

They were just about to leave the County. 

It was already night and they were going to continue their journey throughout the night and will change horses and drivers in the morning at next stop. 

Alex and Rose didn't talk a single bit and slept soundly on their sides of carriage. 

Alex quickly understood that it was literally impossible to make a place in his sister's heart as things were going. 

But he wasn't going to give up. Alex silently vowed to make Rose like him as well. 

But things will now be different, he decided to not forget Rose's words today and make her pay for what she said. 

He now just has to take a different route... 

Alex went to sleep making deductions and plans, his scheming capabilities were top-notch and this matter was just about winning the heart of a young women. He had plenty of confidence in winning! 

It was soon morning, Alex woke up while feeling slight ache in his back. 

He was accustomed to sleeping in his mother's soft bosom, so sleeping here on this bed was very irritating for him. 

He looked around and sure enough Rose wasn't there. 

The carriage had stopped at some inn on the outskirts of a town nearby. 

He looked around the carriage and saw the book his sister was reading. 

Alex was determined to win Rose's heart, so he shamelessly picked up the book from under the bed. 

Most likely Rose had kept it there, so no one will find it, but who was Alex? 

His burglary skills were as good as his sword, he could sniff out things even before his eyes caught them. 

The book was related to manipulation hex, there was no information about author and neither there was name to it. 

Alex quickly skimmed through it, in just 10 minutes he had completely read and memorized it. 

Alex then looked at Rose's other things. 

He hesitated for less than a moment and then started going through everything. 

Rose was a capable magician, her belongings were kept safe in a magical box that would notify her even if it was touched. 

But Alex had improved his magic skills as well, without letting anyone know. Along with his burglary skills it was piece of cake. 

Inside the box there were only some books, as most likely other things were kept in some storage ring with Rose. 

He quickly checked all books and almost all of them were related to brainwashing, mind control, manipulation hexes, puppet curses, necromancy etc etc. 

'Is she trying to learn puppet magic? ' Alex wondered. 

He took in the summary of all books and kept them back as they were. 

He only found out a single thing and that was that... Rose was interested in this brainwashing magic which was frowned upon by many Kingdoms. 

She was even enthusiastic enough to write notes and highlight important points, Alex could easily understand how much she was interested in this. 

This information might be a key to Rose's heart. 

Outside the carriage. 

Rose was training her blade techniques. 

Even as the magician she had to retain close combat techniques that could save her life on the battlefield. 

She wiped her face with a handkerchief, as it was now time to leave. 

But she sighed, she didn't wish to share the carriage with that bastard. 

She felt nauseous even looking at him and just now she had managed to keep her killing intent in check so as not to fall unconscious at the moment she sees him. 

Rose gritted her teeth, she hated Alex so much that she wished to twist his neck while he was sleeping. 

The main reason behind this was his identity as a Player. 

She also hated Kazuma, who in reality had brainwashed her and made her fall in love with him forcefully. 

As days passed, she was feeling more and more fear. Fear towards being controlled again. Fear towards loosing herself which was akin to death. 

She didn't want to feel those feelings and act like that... That was not herself... 

She was disgusted with herself and the reason behind that all suffering was a Player! 

They need to be purged! 

That was why, she was looking for a way to undo the brainwashing done on her. 

Then she could help other women and mount a strong resistance against all Players, in the end perhaps even getting rid of them. 

The World's Will was impartial and she was sure that if she proved herself then she would be chosen no doubt. 

She wanted to be able to steer her fate on her own, that was her wish and desire. 

Rose now done with her training, went back to the carriage. 

There she found Alex seating quietly on his bed while reading something. 

He quickly looked up, their eyes met. But he didn't say anything and once again started reading the book. 

Rose felt slightly surprised as usually Alex would always smile at her and try to chat with her. 

But she rather felt glad for this silence and that he didn't say anything and sat down on her seat. 

They then left for the Capital once again. 

The journey was supposed to be a little long, but Alex used this time wisely. 

He didn't irritate his sister in any way, rather he kept a distance from her, while calculating and understanding her every move and expression. 

In just two days of travelling together, he had found out everything he could about Rose. 

Now, after two days had passed, Alex and Rose were standing in front of the glamorous mansion in Capital. 

It was slightly old fashioned, but still clean and majestic. Alex could feel the intense mana that was concentrated here. 

This was now going to be Alex's new home, inside the Capital. 

This was also the place where Rose and her master stayed at.

Previously, Rose's master only had Rose as her disciple, Alex as well wasn't that optimistic when he asked for her when he was young. 

He looked at Rose, who didn't say anything, as she entered the mansion gate. 

Alex as well followed her. 

She quickly assigned a servant to show him his living quarters and left. 

Alex asked, " Is master busy? "

The servant bowed and replied, " Yes, she's busy with some research. "

The servant then showed Alex around the mansion and brought him to his living quarters. 

Alex thanked the man and then sat on the bed. 

He looked around and felt lonely... 

If he was at home then, his mother or Rachel would have come pestering him now. 

He had grown too much attached to them, Alex sighed. 

Like this days passed... 

Alex looked around the Capital, memorizing its surroundings. 

This was actually Alex's subconscious action, as he made sure to always be ready for any problem. 

In this life even if he had his infinite knowledge, he still was weak and had only one life, he had to cherish it. 

Soon, a month passed. 

Alex kept a safe distance from his sister, throughout the month. 

He of course made sure that this won't be irritating, as he kept amicable relationship when necessary. 

They were now not brother and sister, but fellow disciples of their Master. 

Sigh... Alex still hadn't had chance to meet his Master, as she seemed to be really busy. 

Alex had heard from servants that his Master was actually injured and was repurcating. 

But somehow, news seemed to have already been exposed, everyone was talking about how The Witch of Disaster was injured and ran away from the battlefield. 

Alex wondered who was spreading these rumours, as his Master seemed to have fought to death and destroyed all of her opponents. 

Alex was thinking all this while reading the kind of newspaper like artifact. 

But just then someone knocked on his doors. 

He stood up and opened the door, the one who was standing there was his sister. 

Alex was surprised, but he still said, " Come inside, sister... Master sent you? "

Rose nodded, she didn't go inside, " Come with me, Master has told me to bring you to her. "

Alex silently nodded and followed her. 

"You seem to be ignoring me, " Said Rose. 

"Am I? Perhaps we just did not manage to meet that much.. " Replied Alex. 

Rose didn't say anything and kept walking, soon they reached the main part of mansion. 

"Go inside, " Rose said and then left.

Alex looked at her retreating back, feeling slightly sorrowful. 

He then opened the door of the room Rose pointed at. 

"Master, it's me Alex... Can I come in? " Asked Alex. 

"Come in, " A gentle melancholic feminine voice came from inside. 

Alex went in and for the first time since coming here, he looked at his master. 

She was as beautiful as he remembered. She was wearing a greenish long robe and was seating on the main seat in the hall. 

Alex bowed to her to pay respects.

"Look up, " She said. 

Alex did as she said, he just now took a good look at his master. 

Her beauty was simply unparalleled, her snow white skin complemented her green robe, while accessories she wore made her look even more attractive. Her body was voluptuous but at the same time left the impression of a formidable person. 

But Alex could feel through his senses honed for uncountable years, that she was heavily injured and there was also the presence of a curse on her body. 

"Seen everything? " She chuckled with a amused expression. 

Alex didn't miss the beat, as he nodded. He was sure that this women wasn't talking about her beauty. 

"I have fallen so low, that now I can't even move from this seat of mine without stumbling. Do you know for how many years I'm living? " Asked his master. 

Alex stayed silent. 

"For 300 years. Just like my previous family members I as well have given my whole life to keep this Kingdom safe... But now that I've fallen to this weak state, I only get schemes and traps for my unending service, " She added. 

Alex still didn't say anything. 

"Even right now as we speak, my home has been besieged by these scoundrels for whom I laid my life down, they desire to destroy my honor and dignity by forcing me, " She said. 

"This curse placed upon me wasn't the loss on battlefield that I could feel glorious about, but a sign of betrayal by those who I wished to protect. "

"This is most likely my last battle against those I swore to protect....Perhaps, my only wish will be my regret..." She said while sighing in regret.

She then continued, "I want to bet one last time. So, whoever you are. Can you help me? " She asked while looking straight at Alex. 

Alex found that in her gaze was not only the determination to end herself, there was desire to revenge that overlapped even her sense of dignity and honor, but also slight silver of hope... 

" I can, " He answered, " But, I also can't. "

She once again, sighed, " I see... "

She then said, " I can give you wealth, I can give you power, I can give you fame... But I'm sure you don't need them. "

She then stood up and slowly walked towards Alex, standing with her slender tall frame in front of him.

Her gaze not even for a moment left Alex's eyes, which were locked onto hers. 

"This is my honor and dignity and also the desire to end everything," She said while removing the strap of her long greenish robe. 

Like waves of water it fell down slowly caressing her gentle soft skin, illuminated by the kiss of morning sunshine. 

Her voluptuous body that could shame even fairies of divine realm was now on full display without even an inch of fabric. 

Alex was shocked, but then he felt his hand being taken by his Master as she placed it on her breast. 

"Is this what you want? " She said with her trembling voice. 

But before she could continue Alex snapped out of his reverie. Damn this succubus! 

He turned around and yelled out, " You perverted women! I was talking about herbs and all! Also my powers aren't enough to help you! So I can only tell you the healing technique! That's what I was saying!"

Alex's Master as well was stunned, she muttered, " W-What!? "

Alex turned around and took a peek at his Master's sexy nude body and once again yelled out, " At least wear some clothes, before you act shocked. "

Her face turned red, but she controlled herself and quickly wore her robe. 

She then asked with an angry, but hurried voice, " Now tell me the cure, those people are just about to come inside. "

Alex was helpless, as he really had seen everything... 

"Okay, Okay. See if you have these herbs... "

Like that Alex told his Master the recepie of the medicine. 

Which was quickly completed by him. 

He then told her how to practice the healing technique. 

His Master now didn't even dare to look at him due to embarrassment, so she closed her eyes and kept healing herself.