
Dependent Love(Maverick)

"You do realize, that I can take you over my knees right? " Maverick asked in that very arrogant voice. Harley didn't know if she should laugh or run. How could someone who was on a wheelchair exude so much authority? 'Ah! Bend her over his knees?!' As if! She didn't see his hands snaking around her waist. Next thing she knew she was on his lap. 'This was better than being bent over his knees like a child. But it wasn't much better!' she thought as heat suffused her face. 'he was so going to get it....... When Maverick a music star at the peak of his career, gets into a scandal, he thought that was the worst thing that could ever happen to him. Until he found himself getting into an accident that left him paralyzed. But that wasn't as worse, as finding out that he had a twin , he knew nothing about and worse still, a child who shared his DNA! Harley, a freshly graduated physical therapist, was at her wits end! She had needed a job, and she had gotten one! With a celebrity at that! But it seems the job was almost more trouble than it was worth. Being a physical therapist was supposed to be an easy job, except the client was Maverick! He was the most annoying patient and with her being her stubborn self, it was a battlefield. Add to that the fact that she had gotten embroiled in his scandal. But even at his most annoying, her heart couldn't help but soften at this man. Who cared for a child, he didn't even know for sure was his. Maverick wasn't the best patient anyone could ask for but her heart,seems to think he was the best man anyone could ever ask for.

Blackblack · Urban
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 5

"We found him." He had just woken up and after checking the clock in his bedside, he saw that it was ten o'clock in the morning. His brain was still foggy, but he knew who they were talking about. That was the only thing that has been on his mind for the past two weeks.

"Good morning to you too." He said to the speaker. He knew the detective must have spoken to King, before calling him. After all, it was King who hired him.

" Good morning, Mr Jones. We found your Mr Campbell this morning."

His name was Campbell, the dude wasn't even American?

"Okay. So what did you find out about him?" He asked impatiently.

" We already gave Mr King the report file. But I could brief you on a few things."

After a brief pause where he could hear the sound of computer keys, the detective started.

"He is the second son of Mr and Mrs Campbell, the owner of the clothing line, 'Revolution'. He is twenty seven years old and was born on the 4th of July 1994, he was adopted by the family on 21st of July 1994 and has lived with them ever since.

After he heard the date of birth, he knew for a fact that this guy was his twin. He had assumed before, that this was the chosen twin. The one who had been allowed to stay with his parents. During the past two weeks his mind had run wild and he had imagined every scenario possible. He had even made the mistake of going online and checking google in cases of separated twins. And he had found out that most twins were often separated when the parents of the children gave up one, so that they can take care of the other one very well.

But apparently it seems neither he nor his twin were chosen by their parents. When he was younger he used to wonder who his parents were.

Were they dead?Did they misplace him and they were still looking for him? One day he mustered the courage to ask Mrs Grande, the owner of the orphanage, where he had been found. After telling him that he had been found on the day he was born in front of a superstore, let's just say, he hadn't stayed to listen to the rest of the story. Or she would have added a smack to the head, to remove the questions out of him.

"Thank you very much." He said to the detective in a mellow voice.

'He had a twin brother.' crazy! but true.

And his twin brother had been adopted and taken to the United Kingdom. His life was starting to sound like a soap opera.

He didn't bother to check his phone. He just stood up from his bed to take his bath. He was going to the agency to meet with King and Jason. So they could discuss the next course of action.

He was both excited and nervous at the same time. He was excited to meet someone he shared blood with, someone who looked just like him. In all his imaginations, when he was younger... and he imagined! He had imagined that he had rich parents and they were coming for him someday, he had imagined that his father was a busy politician and after he was well settled he would come for him , at some point he had stopped imagining that they were rich. Just that he had parents who were missing him somewhere. But he had never thought for once that he might have a twin out there.

He didn't call his driver, because he was in a hurry to get to the agency. Normally he didn't drive, even though he and the boys had gone for a driving class when he was eighteen. Him not driving was just part of the precautions that were taken, because of his status as a public figure. He dressed up and as he made his way to his garage, he got a call from Jason, but he figured that since he was on his way to the agency, he was just going to talk to him when he got there.

When he got to the agency, it was literally brimming with all manners of reporters and the paps! This had probably been the reason why Jason had been calling him. He tried going in through the back of the agency. But the whole building was surrounded by the paparazzi.

He picked up his phone to call Jason or King, but he saw so many notifications on his phone. He had been tagged in a lot of Instagram posts and stories and on several blogs too. As he saw these, his heart started beating fast. He knew only one thing could make the public so interested in him right now. But he didn't want to believe that they had found out at the same time as the detective.

As he checked the posts, he saw pictures of his twin in London, where he was with his parents and siblings and a picture of him on the other side, captioned, "SECRET TWIN OF SUPERSTAR FOUND"

Some read, "A SECRET TWIN OR A DOPPELGANGER" and went on to talk about how if they were doppelgangers, they must never meet, or else one was going to die. He would have laughed if he wasn't feeling so panicky.

No one really knew the secret of his birth. In his almost ten years in the industry, there had been no occasion where anyone asked or discussed his parents or family. He supposed they all just assumed that he liked to keep his family life private. At least that was what the papers said and he hadn't bothered to correct any of them.

The only people they really knew who were close to him were Jason and King.

And now, they were going to dig up all the dirt they possibly could about his life. Because the public didn't want a happy story of how twins were reunited after twenty seven years. No! They wanted a sordid detail of how their parents were either teen parents who gave them up to have a better life. Or how their mother was probably a whore who mistakenly got pregnant. He didn't even know his mother, but he definitely didn't want her to be labeled a whore.

Jason picked the call immediately. " I am in front of the agency, but the paparazzi are there and I can't enter without being seen." Was what he was going to say, but before he could get through half of his statement, Jason was yelling into the phone. "What did you do that for?!" He was shocked at the tone. Jason never raised his voice at anyone.

" I just checked my phone and saw the notifications. I didn't know, before I came to the agency."

Jason sighed heavily." Look Maverick, try to leave where you are right now without being seen." He said in a voice that sounded like he was scared.

The paparazzi were so much there and he was sure a few of them knew he was the owner of the car. He hadn't really been thinking about that when he picked this car. He hadn't exactly been expecting them to be in front of the agency.

Just as he was about to turn around and drive off, he saw a camera pointed in his direction and he could see when the others noticed him too. " They banged on the windows of his car"

His mind was too busy for him to hear the questions that were being thrown at him.

As he tried driving off, there were a few reporters in front of his car. And from his peripheral he could see some getting into their vehicles.

He started the car and the people in front of him moved hurriedly away. He could see, as he drove away, that some vehicles were coming after him. He tried to swerve to another lane. He definitely didn't want to lead the paps to his house. That would be a disaster.

He increased the speed of the car. They were still behind him. He didn't even know where he was going anymore. After some minutes, he looked behind him, hoping that he had lost them , but they were still right there like a very bad nightmare.

All through his career, this had never happened to him before. His thoughts were getting scattered and he was getting scared. He should have just called his driver or maybe not have left home. His stomach turned just as his hand swerved and he slammed right into a pole.

The last thought on his mind was. 'Maybe he is my doppelganger after all!" Before everything went black.