

The owner of the store I worked at liked to work the cash register in her spare time.

Why? I had no idea why. She was a strange woman, especially considering the attitudes of many customers.

Today seemed to be a good day for me, especially considering that I was both getting paid and it was a busy day.

I liked busy days. They were days I didn't feel like I was a waste of the owner's time.

Although I didn't particularly enjoy stocking shelves with whatever magical goods the owner had in stocks that week, I wasn't going to find a job anywhere else, even if it killed me.

What job would offer both magic stones as payment, in addition to access to one of four secret realms and a cultivation system?

I was stocking spatial handbags on the display in front of the entrance when a classic entitled customer decided to make a scene.

"This spatial handbag is faulty!" The customer whined. "Look at this right here! I want to speak to your manager!"

The customer had indicated a ring that connected the handle to the main body of the bag that they had clearly bent to the point of breaking.

I sighed and intervened before the owner committed murder again.

"What seems to be the problem?" I asked, smoothly stepping around the counter so I could face the entitled customer.

"This handbag is broken!" The customer pouted. "I want two as compensation."

"Well, given that it's clearly been broken by force, and our products are rigorously checked before they are put out for sale, I'd venture to say you broke it just now." I pointed to the stress fractures and uneven break of the metal.

"You dare doubt your customers?" The customer raised their hand in preparation to slap me.

I snapped my fingers, summoning a large ball of flame above my hand.

"It's not doubt. I know you broke it." I said patiently. "Either pay for the broken merchandise, or you can leave and be banned from the store."

I was quoting company policy, of course. I didn't have the guts to make rules right in front of the store owner.

The customer scowled and placed ten magic stones on the counter and snatched the bag before walking away with their nose to the sky.

I sighed, shaking my head.

"You don't need to do that every time, you know?" The store owner folded her arms in front of her.

I tried very hard to prevent my eyes from going to her ample bosom as I quickly formulated a response.

"Well, we can't have any more people being crippled for stuff like this, can we?" I said reasonably. "Want me to take over?"

"No, I've got this." She shook her head. "Why don't you go back to the display?"

I nodded and did just that.

That night, I stood in line to get my paycheck, behind everyone else.

I waited patiently, knowing each employee was doing a mandatory week review and self-reflection.

At long last, it was my turn to enter that dreaded room.

To be honest, I didn't really feel anxious about entering that room, but others did.

Others described my boss as scary and cold, but I thought she was beautiful and warm.

I opened the door and was greeted by my boss, who seemed to be tired enough to pass out.

Her black hair was held up in a messy bun, stray strands framing her face. Her green eyes were half-lidded behind her black-rimmed glasses. Her cheek was held by one hand, her elbow resting on the desk. Her beautiful red lips were slightly parted, revealing the perfect white teeth behind them.

I prevented myself from staring for too long at her full breasts and lean, yet well-muscled arms.

I cleared my throat, announcing my presence.

Her eyes opened fully, focusing on me.

She stretched seductively, arching her back and raising her hands above her head in a manner that accentuated her ample bosom.

"Give me your evaluation for this week." She commanded, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a small pouch of magic stones.

I did so easily, having done this for precisely five years.

Although I had done this countless times prior, I was still nearly incapable of preventing stray ideas and imaginings from intruding on my train of thought.

Such thoughts were often sexual in nature, and, on multiple occasions, I had nearly let them escape through my mouth.

'Having a hot boss makes it difficult to concentrate' I laughed to myself as I continued my report, carefully filtering my words to avoid a potential disaster.

I finished my report, waiting for her to give me my pay; not that I minded waiting with her.

"You're a funny guy." The owner said suddenly, tossing me my pay for the week. "You're so careful about your words around me."

"Who wouldn't?" I asked. "You're the owner, after all."

"I don't mean like that, I mean you're careful to avoid a confession." She tapped her index finger on her desk. "You're constantly looking after me, keeping your romantic thoughts to yourself, carefully avoiding the chance at romance with me. Why?"

"I'm not avoiding romance, though." I said, flustered.

"Lying to the owner isn't a good idea, is it?" The owner warned, giving me chills.

"Will you fire me?" I asked, feeling my life was on the precipice of collapse. Without the funding from the store, there was no way I could live in this city.

To my surprise, she laughed.

"You've endured co-workers, customers, and managers all pushing work onto you, entirely uncomplaining." Her laugh made me feel slightly giddy. "You've been infatuated with me since we met the first time, and, yet, you haven't let it change your behavior towards me.

"I wouldn't fire you. Rather, I want to offer you a promotion."

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