
Denied the light

The fate of a Tormented soul is not kind. Suffering plague the lives of those unfortunate enough to carried this accursed title, yet the cruelest part of it all, is that it only exist to prolong one's agony. Even in death, They're denied rest.

Daan_the_writer · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Name's Dante - 2

Good day, to you folks!


In the bustling streets of the dungeon city, Orario, a man is walking while muttering a song. And, seemingly in thought.

"We passed upon the stairs~ we spoke of was and when~"

The man's eyes carry a deep weight. Though he's here his mind is somewhere else far from here.

That boy what was his name again? Bell Cranel? Yes, he has a lot of potential.

He has something I've lost centuries ago, that child who's allowed to dream; I envy it, not gonna lie.

Maybe, if given enough time he could surpassed me? He's carrying the soul of a fool after all. Maybe he can, but I won't expect much.

When she's always watching...

The man looked at the top of the gargantuan tower, his gaze looked passed beyond its masked of magnificent, and looked at one particular floor.

He grins.

"The ability to look at souls, is quite troublesome."

It be quite disastrous if she can look at mine, but, fortunately I had something to masked mine.

I wouldn't let such volatile individual know of my existence, after all. Too much trouble.

And my God, I dare not think if she's able to--she will not-- see my suppressed divinity. That will be a calamity.

"Though the boy is faced with an unfortunate circumstances. With the goddess of war on him, he'll face many, many hardship."

So will see, what that woman is scheming. Cause I hoped I wouldn't get caught in its deceptive web.


"Dante! Are you listening to me?" The voice of Kimon, ringed to my ears.

I looked at him, "Uhh... Yeah, I guess."

Kimon looked at me with an annoyed expression, "Listen to me idiot! This is important."

I put my finger in my ear, " Yeah sorry, Could you repeat that, I black a bit. "

Kimon slapped his forehead and sigh, " Oh my God, it's amazing that you're still alive with that attitude of yours, well no matter. There have been an increasing reports of "Monster Stampeds" on the lower floors. "

" And what does that have to do with me? I usually just hang at the upper floors"

" A lot, you dumbass, report says that there have been rogue monsters branching off the stampede, and going on the upper, specifically 5-3 floors the floors that you've constantly hunt on... "

" So? "

He sighs," My advice to you, is to stay away from the dungeon for a while, go on a vacation or some shit. "

" Please Kimon, a bunch off rogue monster wouldn't much to me. And for your information, I can handle just fine. "

He looked at me," I know that you're strong Dante, and if this is just Normal dungeon I wouldn't be saying this to you; but this is not normal, a lot of adventures have seen 10-20 varient monsters in the stampedes. We've been investing why such a large amount somehow exist, there's been no lead-"

" 10-20? Hmm, that's a lot, " I cut him off.

A lot of monsters in a group, and they're varients that could sell a lot. With my AOE spells, I could kill all of them with no problem. And, my finances have been quite rough lately.

" Hmm, "

" Dante, I swear to the fucking heavens, If you do what you're planning, I will personally be the one putting you in a hospital."

" Wow, calm down bro, I ain't planning anything-"

"Stop lying dimwit. "

" Okay fine, I ain't doing anything jeez. I planned to rest anyway. "

Kimon with his abyss dark eyes, looked at me with a judgemental look, "Please Dante be serious for once, for the sake of your life and my mental health, please fucking listen to me."

"Okay, Okay," Kimon is usually not this serious so the situation must pretty grim, to other adventurers.

Cause, I've dealt with a monster stamped before. For me their pretty easy to take care with, I mean a bunch of dumb monsters won't do anything to me, or any high level adventurer.


I looked at Kimon.

For the sake bro, I'll be listening.

"Okay, what do you, and the guild will do now?"

Kimon massage the tample of his head, "We'll be temporarily locking down the dungeon for a while, I don't know how long. But, it will be a while."

"And the Loki Familia, seems to be helping in dealing with this stressful bullshit, so thank God, or Goddess for that. "

Kimon eye turned disappointed," And sorry, Dante I can't hang out with you for a while. The guild has enforced an all day shift for us, so we wouldn't be able to go home in a week. "

" Nah, that's okay, like I said I'll be resting for the time being. And frankly, if you folks are done and dealt with the situation you should be resting. "

I stood up from the coach, I went up to Kimon and patted his shoulder.

" I'll be going now, cause I'm pretty hungry, if you somehow have time call me if you want some food."

Kimon nodded," Yeah, as if. Go now, and heed my words bro."

" Yeah, yeah I heard you for the 3rd time. "

I walked to the door weaving.


I sometimes wonder how my spells will affect the dungeon. Will it anger it, subdue, or simply doess nothing.

I myself cannot know this. The dungeon is alive of course, but it doesn't react with my presence. Yet I know with my gut and instinct, the dungeon simply acknowledges and is cautious of my existence. I'm part god after all, and the dungeon seems to not like any divine presence inside it.

But, unlike the god of this world. The dungeon seems to just acknowledge me. I do not know why, nor why it should.

But, the spells are after all the power of the old and ascended Gods. It's not like any falna skills nor Elfen magic. It is distorting reality and manifesting a will.

HURTING for example, a spell of Gro-Goroth the destroyer and the man eater. It's manifestation of intent to kill, hurt, and injured manifested into a vortex of blood.

It's altering reality to some extent. So I don't know why the dungeon doesn't react when I ever use any spells.

Maybe it's one of this world's great mysteries, maybe not. All I know, is just to shut the fuck and let this world naturally progress, without the influence of Old, incomprehensible Gods, and narcissistic idiots who don't know that they have been caught in a trap.

"So, what kind of food should I eat tonight? I'm not really in the mood to cook today, so restaurant it is! "

I heard a lot good words towards a certain inn nearby, so maybe that's where I be eating today. I'm curious to taste how other people use this world's Ingredients compared to mine.

I walked a few minutes; taking in the view, especially the golden hue of the sinking sun. I observe adventures going to their homes to rest, some have smiles, and some just blank.



I caught myself bumping to a person. Thankfully I didn't fall down.

The one I bumped to on the other hand...


A short girl, carrying a large bag on her back. Is sitting on the ground caressing her head.

"Are you fine? that was a nasty fall there. " I extended my hands to help the girl.

The girl looked at my hands, and to my face; she has a few healed scars on her face. The girl looked at me seemingly sizing me up.

"Lili is fine mister! Lili is sorry for bumping you!" The girl ignored my hand, and immediately stood up. Her eyes have anxiety and fear.

"Wow there. Calm down kid, it's an accident."

What's up with her? She seems to be cautious of me from the look in her eyes. Why? I don't look that scary am I, though Kimon did say that I look a Minatour, but I would not listen to a man built like a rotting twig, or it's just my aura.

"Lili apologize for her blindness! Please forgive lili!" The midget ignored my word, and began to profusely bow.

"What the, kid calm down, it's an accident, I'm not angry over that. So for the love of All- God, stopped bowing it's fucking embarrassing. "

I looked at the passing and judgmental gaze of the crowd, looking at me like I've just killed a man in front of them.

Thankfully, Shorty stopped but her body seems to be shaking from fear, I smell.

"Thanks, it's okay; it was an accident, and I forgive you," I don't know why I'm talking to this child over this, "So, could you please get out of the way, and let me go in my lonesome. "

The girl's brown eyes seem to be in shock, her cheeks have a red hue for some reason and seem to be relieved. Though still cautious.

"Mister is not angry at lili?" I nodded.

"Yeah, so please don't block the damn way."

My god, what is wrong with this girl.

The girl squirmishly waddled to the side, and I walked passed her.

I looked back and see the child still looking at me, with a weird gaze.

Not minding linger I just went on my way. Still that was strange as hell.

(Pov C)

I sigh in relief, the fear inside me evaporated as the scary man walked away without doing anything.

When I bumped into him, and looked at his face and equipment. I knew I fucked up; that's man gear looked extremely expensive with a strange aura, which I can guess is magic, and aura that oozes death.

I thought I was gonna get killed. So thank god that man didn't do anything.

My hands still shakes.

"Who was that? "

