
Demons of Society

Luci, one of Satan's many children flees Hell for Earth to escape the lonely life of being a prince. Ready to start fresh after his escape, Luci meets a little girl by the name of Nana. Upon meeting one another, their lives forever change.

JD246 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Lone No

After the trio came back from a night out, Luci let out a yawn.

"Well that was fun." Randall smiled.

"Mm." Luci said, then looked around the empty lobby.

"Where'd the professor go?" He asked.

"Ah, he's probably smokin' outside right now." Randall chuckled.

"By the way..." Luci began.

"I've been wanting to ask..." he narrowed his eyes.

"Who voted no?"

Randall turned around.

Stepping out from behind the secretary desk was Kat.

Luci quickly looked up.

"Y-you're up pretty late, isn't it past your bedtime...?" Randall asked.

"I-I'M FIFTEEN...!" Kat cried, puffing her cheeks.

"Anyway!" She cleared her throat.

"Surprisingly I was the lone no." She said, glaring at Luci.

"B-but why..." Luci asked.

"Luci," a hand touched his shoulder.

Luci spun around, met by the professor.

"Let it go." He whispered.

"M-mm..." Luci nodded.

"Sorry 'bout that, you're entitled." Luci laughed.

"Anyway," he began, letting out an awkward cough.

"Kat, hope we can get off on a better foot...!" He smiled, extending a hand.

Kat looked at him, then his hand.

"In due time I suppose." She said, promptly turning away.

"Goodnight!" She called out, as she headed up the stairs.

"Now, now!" Randall smiled, patting Luci on the shoulder.

"Don't worry about her, Kat's just...like that!" He chuckled.

"Like she said, give her time." The professor smiled.

"Right..." Luci nodded.

"Anyways, night!" Luci said, heading towards the staircase.

"Oh, by the way thanks professor for the round!" He waved.

"Please, call me Cedric!" The professor shouted after him.

Luci smiled, giving a nod as he headed up.

"Who knew one of the devil's kids could be so..."

"Self conscious, rather awkward?" The professor asked, cutting Randall off.

"Yeah..." He whispered.

"A lifetime of social isolation could do that to ya I suppose." The professor muttered, clicking his lighter.

"Eh?" Randall cocked his head.

"J-just a hunch is all..." The professor mumbled.