
Demons of Society

Luci, one of Satan's many children flees Hell for Earth to escape the lonely life of being a prince. Ready to start fresh after his escape, Luci meets a little girl by the name of Nana. Upon meeting one another, their lives forever change.

JD246 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Exchange Deal

"Your sister...?" Luci questioned.

"W-why would your demon sister b-" His eyes widened.

"Was she..."

"A victim of the human, demon exchange deal?" The man interrupted.

"Yes, she was indeed." He whispered.

"The only clue I ended up getting was that she ended up in this city."

"Fortunately, this city just so happens to have one of the few housing apartments solely for demons."

"Wait really!?" Luci cried.

"Why the hell didn't ya say that sooner!?"

"Uh..." The man began, dumbfounded.

"Perhaps it was because I was trying to capture you, bring you back to hell, in exchange for possible information on my sister...?" He said, sarcastically.

"Being sarcastic to your prince..." Luci smirked.

"Heh, you've got balls for someone who I would have had slaughtered if we were back home." He laughed.


Luci quickly turned around.

"N-Nana...!" He exclaimed.

"S-shit I forgot you were here..." He whispered.

"By the way, your highness..." The man began.

"May I ask just what in Hell's name are you doing with a human child by your side...?"

Luci looked up, then back to Nana.

"That's a good question..." Luci said with a chuckle.

"Luci!" Nana cried, tugging on his coat.

"HAH?" Luci growled.

A-are you really a demon...?"

Luci's eyes widened.

"Hoh..." The grinned in amusement.

"Well this ought to be good."

"No free entertainment!" Luci barked.

"Not unless..." He began as he slowly stood up.

"You tell us just where these apartments are." He said with a grin.