
Night Rainbow

Xe Xia as he stirred up the atmosphere... Begin by saying "under the clutches, a miracle will a happen and it's only with a strong heart that can endure the pain. My grandma said a ghost will visit anyone who walks tonight in this campus." All his colleague started murmuring. About the sudden change of their scary friend and Chido jolted his jaw. Looking straight into his eyes with full concentration "don't tell me your grandma is a witch as watched in fear file."

Xe Xia lowered his head and said "I'm just joking but the night awaits anyone who visit him." In all, a bell rang for end of class and everyone department to their various places and especially Xe Xia puts all his friends in dilemma of fear.

Not long before it reached 12 mid night, Chido wakes up from his sleep and then realized that he did not eat anything before he slept. Chido decided to see the market near their campus so that he can get a bite before his hurling stomach can rest. He walked many meters away from his villa and wasn't able to even meet a single shadow of person at during all this time. He then remembered what Xe Xia told them in the class today and from the top to the bottom of his body. He feel the shivers that runs through his body and then jolted his body like a scardy cat that pinpointed it's target and then been stock on from the back of its tail or body. He never felt like this before and his mind become empty of thoughtless.

Chido become wary of the night for the first time in his life and then muttered this word to himself "Somebody, save me from the Terror of this Night." Hold and behold, he turned to the right hand side and saw a figure of human from afar which dissipated in the shadows of the darkness. He rushed over to the place to seek the unknown figure to help him out. With a loud "Bam" he slammed against the wall which left him empty headed. Chido said to himself "I saw someone passing here, but why is it that I slammed myself against a wall." He becomes curious and yet afraid of what happened all of a sudden and then started searching for a clue.

A cold chill air blew around where he stood on and all the lights around went dimmer making the whole place to be more darker. With a sound 'Click', he turned back to look at the wall against which he slam on and with a shock a lighter is been seen in the middle of the wall by Chido.

"Here it is" in a horrific voice by the lighter, the light in the middle of the wall started expanding and from what Chido is seeing. His fear dissipated and he tell himself in "will my curiosity made me to become a lunatic". The light bright more and the change to the colours of the Rainbow. "Where comes you, where goes you, night never got rainbow so tell me where comes you and where goes you. Night Rainbow" Chido said as he closed his eyes... The light consumed him until every part of him becomes the light and he fades away like a smoke that breaks from it shells and got carried away by the wind.

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Chido Grand Mother was resting on her bed and she knows what was happening on Chido side as she looks up into the Roof in her room as if looking into the sky and then muttered to herself "Finally, it's has begun". His grandma is named Nyegah. Nyegah is the Head of the family ever since her husband died leaving her alone to be the care taker of the House.

Their family posses some super natural power which can be used to cast spells against evil and demons. Therefore claiming themselves as the white witch. But unfortunately on their side, the only person who is capable of using that power is Grandma Nyegah. It is believed by Grandma Nyegah that we have Five Realms which are namely; the first and foremost Realm is Mortal or Human Realm and it's actually called by people Xi-me Spirit to make the understanding been in proverbs, not words for everyone to easily get access to making it to become world of fairy. The second Realm is called self Proclamation realm and is actually called Xe-me Spirit . The third is called Spiritual Realm and it is actually divided into two Realms which are called Holic realm and Demonic realm Xo-me spirit. The fourth is Supremacy Realm Ho-me spirit and the last one is Godly Realm and it is called Hu-me. Which is bestowed on the history to be accessed by the generation to generations.

Each and every time their ancestors were trying to protect the human realm. The higher Demonic spirit will come or descendent to put a stop to their works warning them that their coming too far. Trying to leave human realm and then stepped into their Xo-me spiritual realm.

Nyegah was in her thoughts, she remembered her brutal fights that's leaves her in this state of difficulty in walking. During that time, Nyegah who usually meditate on the word was sitting down collecting her "Chi" in her inner integral part to leave the Xi-me spiritual realm to step into the next Xe-me spiritual realm . All this are on going in their Ancestors Hideout underground. A pregnant woman was lying on top of a table full of leaves in her Labor Day. At that time, all the family members who posses a special abilities were on guard due to a certain prophecy which is been bestowed upon the unborn child in her mother's womb.

The moment Nyegah entered into the Xe-me spiritual realm, the whole hall felt a gravity falls which was unimaginable and at the same time unexplainable. If there were not of different species which posses some super natural powers then likely there will be out of breath. Invincible figures were coming out of a spiritual portals which is likely to be said from no where sudden.

Due to Nyegah husband who possess a sensors power senses then invincible figures intentions towards the pregnant woman in labor.