
Is that a Dream

After all the lights consumed Sidon, in a blink of an hour, everything disappear including Sidon and all the lights on the streets turns back to be normal as nothing have ever occurred.

As the day break, early in the morning Sidon saw himself lying on his bed and then said "What happened, why am I here and Is that a Dream." Anyway thus I'm still alive... I'm happy about it said in his thoughts and then started preparing for his school. He takes, dressed up and then went to his mirror preparing to comb his hair and saw himself in the mirror with and a shinning Horn been sprout on his forehead. He throws away the comb in his hand in frighten and then falls back on his knees and said "what.... what..... what is that." in a trembling voice which sounds like echoing words.

He lost his cool composure, scared due to what he has saw and decided to take a pee. Once again, this time there was nothing on his forehead and therefore rushed up with his parking.

It doesn't takes him much before he got settled in the school, all his behavior seems for his colleagues as a different personal wearing Chidos face to pretend as Chido. Xe Xia looked up to the ceiling and said in her breaking voice as someone who is a stammerer " Mystery...Mystery... Mystery". Chido face paled, all he can see and hear is confusion but all of a sudden, Zena finally said "I love mystery and I hoped it is something that can chilled me to the bone".

Lin looks at her in confusion, why is this girl like this...in time when we are thinking she will be excited and I hope this behavior of Zena will not lead her into danger as Lin in thoughts thinking about Zena safety. Chido looks at his colleagues and then ignored the whole class and move on to Edin the class prefects side with letter in her hand with a frosty smile on his face which made Edin not to uttered any words to him. Edin recognized that envelope as a permission from school letter and wonder why he submit this during this time when there are supposed to be seriously learning for more advancement.

Chido strode over to his seat, he watched every scenario that happened and said to his friend Lin. He said to Lin is a brotherly tone "I've just submit a permission letter because there's something that I need to take care of in my Villa Park GA." Lin nodded as soon as he finished talking and was wondering why he didn't received the letter to deliver for his friend thus he is the class advisor. It seems all what Xe Xia said is true... wonders are about to happen and I believe mysterious things are also about to go on. It's is Friday, so it doesn't takes long as compared to the others before class usually end which calls for another day whereby everyone goes there separate ways thus coming from different places and family background.

Chido reaches home around the school compound, quickly rushed to his room, he faced the mirror to see if that looking horn comes to his forehead again. He then gives a sight of relief, Chido decide to take a little rest before setting up on his journey to visit his Mother and Grandma Nyegah. He slept the entire time, and then started having nightmares around the time like eleven pm in the night. Chido wakes up from his bead and a glimpse of light like that rainbow dash clashing in his faced in Exon Force manner.

Within a blink of an eye, the force of that supernatural power takes control of him and then drag him out for the very first time. Under that circumstances, Chido lost his mental balance making it been possessed by the Realm power which takes charge of his body making Chido unconscious. Not long before Chido unconscious body reach a road way junction, there is a beautiful Lady who is bending over and over in all directions of that junction in that mid night.

The body of Chido is been dragged nimbly to reach out to the beautiful Lady in a flash like a thundering light. The body of Chido grabbed the lady and said "so...all your plans right now is to make those beautiful babies not to take a rest by their lovely mother's side." The lady pretended as if not seeing anyone and when the hand that grabbed her started to tighten up more, she gave a devious laugh "Muhahaha, demons and demons don't need to have conflicts. Is that the way to talk to your senior, anyway I'm called Zora and you can call it that, as you have seen it."

She wanted to continue with her devotion, she realized that the hand holding him refuses to give way to her and she got angry due to the hand which feels like a tremendous amount of heat on her body. She got furious, turning her head and hand to slap the other and Zora felt like she is been pushed by some heavy force. Zora hated a newbies who don't have respect, she decided to teach the other a lesson by giving him a pressure beating. Zora moves like a smoke reaching the side of Chido, she stretched both her hand and leg is a simultaneous situation trying to tighten up the situation in other to show difference in power.

Chido saw both attacks at the same time, he turned swiftly by raising her two legs and stop in a mid way like someone who looks straight on bed in a sleeping posture. Zora saw through his movements and then added his slice wind ability to the attack by making it look like a torture by cutting someone with a metal rods. Chido sense the danger of the lady, who is manipulating wing to injure him and turned in the mid way posture by giving a reverberating tornado sequel dance pushing gap between him and the lady.


For who didn't saw through my correction... I've changed the name of the actor in the story from Sidon to Chido.


If anyone encounter something... he can let me know of it as soon as possible...

Thank you.

Sidoncreators' thoughts