
Demons Descent

Nearly 10 thousand years ago humans were brought onto the great isle of Pallan through the great rifts. A magical land where mana flows and the impossible is possible. Yet the humankind brought over was a primitive race. They were still cave dwellers, forced to hide from the creatures of Pallan. But soon a select few of the species stood out amongst the rest. Individuals capable of harnessing the mana of Pallan. Under the leadership of theses individuals humanity prospers. Agriculture is discovered, society forms, and kingdoms are born. But after so many centuries the humans idle in their growth. Once forced to grow and evolve the humans now stagnate. Those that once led the way are now content to rule, keeping the secret to mana under lock and fighting petty wars amongst themselves. 10 thousand years ago humans arrived through the great rift. But that, was only the first wave. On a day where dark clouds filled the sky, Demons, Monsters, and Devils descended onto the lesser human realm. An invasion occurs unlike any of those in history, and the humans, after languishing for so long, are not prepared for what is to come. Those closest to the rifts are first to be attacked. Those farther out have only to wait until their city is razed to the ground. ------------- Lucas Arden, the shield of Brinton. Born a commoner he was granted a place among the knights Carmek after his excellent talent with mana was discovered. But when the demons arrive he refuses to accept the death that awaits him. He refuses to run and hide like so many others. He leaves to take on the threat, against his lords commands, in what would most likely be a suicide mission. But by doing so he discovers that he can grow stronger by defeating the interdimensional invaders. Soon, however, Carmek is led to ruin, and being the sole survivor, Lucas leaves to fight the demons. If he does not fight, he will not grow. If he does not grow he will not survive. He will continue to press forwards, growing stronger and stronger until he has defeated all his enemies, united all those in scattered in disarray, and until there are none that can oppose him. ------------- This is a apocalypse novel set in a medieval fantasy. I hope you like it. Right now I'm doing daily updates and maybe more. Anyways, please leave a comment or review. Whether that's to show what you like about the novel or to give criticism. All are welcome.

AnumoEnmity · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Siege on Carmek

Soldiers rushed to see the monster all while the sound of bells rang out incessantly. Lucas and Lord Brinton merely stood atop the city walls, watching as the monster got closer and closer. Their army quickly went into formation, guarding the gate. They lacked the proper weaponry to even hurt the giant creature but still had to try. They planned to surround it, spearing it from all sides.

Despite this, archers lined up on the edge of the city walls. Although it was unlikely their arrows would even be able to pierce the creatures flesh. They should have evacuated already.

Lucas looked on with a hardened expression. They were too late. 

No. He was too late.

"What is your plan my lord?" Lucas asked, still looking strait ahead.

"Isn't it obvious. Once it gets close I'll burn it to the ground." Despite sounding confident, the lord wasn't so sure. On the battlefield he was a force of nature, but against something of this size he'd need to produce an enormous amount of fire. 

"He's moving!" The soldier atop the battlement yelled out.  Just as he said the giant had stopped lumbering and began to break into a run. He was approaching at a ridiculous pace. The soldiers guarding the gate looked on in fear as they saw the giant charging toward them.

Atop the city walls Lucas could see the face of the giant. He was grotesque, resembling a hairless boar. Tusks sprouted from the creature's lower jaw and its upper brow protruded. His putrid eyes were gray and lifeless.

As soon as the monster was within range the archers fired a volley of arrows at the lords order. The arrows rained down on the monster but all of those that hit did nothing to stop the monster. He seemed to feel no pain. The creature continued to charge forth at a tremendous speed. Soon he reached the soldiers who tried to encircle the giant. They tried foolishly to spear the giant but using his massive size the monster trampled over them all. 

All the knights atop the city walls watched in horror as the soldiers of Carmek were crushed by the giant. The lord channeled his mana as he watched the giant get closer and closer. He prepared to blast the creature with as much firepower as he could muster.

The giant got closer and closer. And just as Lord Brinton prepared to blast him, Lucas ran up to the edge of the wall and jumped. 

"LUCAS!" The lord shouted in surprise. He quickly halted his flames, watching as his knight fell toward the charging giant.

Lucas could see just how fast the giant was moving. And like everyone else, he knew what his target was. The gate. If the giant managed to break through the gate he would be able to let loose on the city. Hundreds could die before they brought him down. Lucas had felt his blade hit the giant before. He knew just how tough its skin was. If Lord Brinton failed to kill the giant, he would surely make it through the gate. So Lucas made the decision. Without hesitation he ran and jumped toward the charging giant, sword and shield drawn. 


Lucas hit the giant with his shield like a boulder halting its momentum. The creature stopped, stumbling back a few steps before regaining its footing. Lucas on the other hand dropped to the ground landing hard on his back.

Most people, even those strengthening themselves with mana, probably wouldn't be able to get up after a fall like that. Lucas on the hand got up after only a few moments. Unfortunately as he got to his feet a massive hand came flying in from the left. He was sent hurtling sideways crashing into the ground.

"Ugghhh..." Lucas groaned as he lay sprawled in the dirt. Although he was getting used to his bones and innards mending, it still very much hurt. This was the second time the giant had sent him flying with a hit. And just like last time the giant focused in on him. Once again Lucas got up to his feet but instead of running this time he charged the giant. 

He poured all his mana into boosting his body, moving at inhuman speeds. He could see the creature's leg was still weakened. As he approached the giant reached to intercept him with its fist. Lucas quickly side stepped and started circling the monster. It looked like he still wouldn't allow him to get close. 

If he did not stop the giant here, Carmek could be brought to ruin. Lucas could feel his overflowing mana reserves start to dwindle. The giant continued to try and crush Lucas, swinging his arms wildly trying to hit him. Lucas knew he could only run for so long. 

Finally he jumped in, bee-lining for the leg. He moved quickly, hoping to get past the giant arms before anything could happen. The giant, however, did something Lucas never expected. Raising his massive foot, the giant stomped on to the ground with such force that the earth shook. Lucas was thrown off balance and stumbled into the ground. He rolled a few times, quickly trying to get up but before he could recover the giant scooped him up with its large meaty hand.

Now in the monster's clutches Lucas struggled to break free. His arms were pinned, making his weapon useless. He strained, pushing with all his strength, but it was no use. He could feel the giant's grip begin to tighten on him.

"ARghhh!" Lucas screamed as his whole torso was crushed. He could feel as his ribs and lungs collapsed in on each other. His body tried to mend itself but against the giant's overwhelming strength it only delayed the inevitable. He gritted his teeth in fury. He couldn't die! Not yet. 

Suddenly a plume of blazing fire engulfed the giant's head and arms. The giant's grip loosened. Lord Brinton pushed himself, making the flames hotter and hotter. The surface layer of the giant's skin began to visibly melt.  The giant however seemed to not feel pain. He turned, looking at Lord Brinton with his lifeless eyes. 

Lucas took this opportunity to wrangle his sword arm free. His broken bones allowed him to slip though somewhat easily. The giant's skin began to soften as it melted. Lucas raised his sword high and swung down on the giant's wrist. 

The giant's hand was completely lopped off and Lucas was dropped. This time Lucas landed on his feet and did not waste the moment. He blasted forward not sparing a second. This time the giant was too slow. Finishing what he started, Lucas performed a powerful slash cutting the giant down by its leg. 

The monster fell to its knees like a collapsing house. As he fell, the lord let up on the flames, his exhaustion visibly showing.

Turning his focus to Lucas the giant swung wildly, but Lucas didn't dodge. Instead he braced with his shield. He was hit hard, but didn't go flying. He was pushed back but he stood his ground. His bones and muscles cried out but he remained determined. The giant looked down at the small human in surprise. As quickly as his body healed, Lucas raised his arm again and sliced off the monster's other hand. 

"AGGHHHHH" The giant bellowed in a rage as it tried step up, seemingly forgetting its lost leg. The giant tumbled, it large burnt cranium falling right in beside Lucas. He jumped up onto the monster burning body and, with all his remaining mana, separated the giants head clean from its body.

The head rolled off and the giant stopped moving. At that moment Lucas felt something strange. He felt mana pour out of the giant's corpse and into him. His body began to repair itself and his fatigue lessened. What was happening? Was this part of his mana ability?  He'd never felt anything like this before. 

Lucas looked around. All the soldiers looked at him in amazement. The whole battlefield was silent. The only noise Lucas could hear was the sound of his own breathing as he stood over the felled giant. 

"Hurrah!" One soldier called out, breaking the silence. Just then the rest of the soldiers erupted in a massive cheer. They all raised their hands in joy and relief. Lucas smiled, raising his sword high into the sky, signaling his victory. 

He had done it. He won. Carmek was saved.

Hey, there. Thanks for reading this. This ones shorter I know but I didn't want to extend it meaninlessly. Also the certain "resembelance" was unintentional. If you saw it you know I guess. Anyways, please comment and stuff. It'd be pretty cool if ya did.

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