

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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The rules

            Savarus was lost for words, he have seen the reason Oscar was so bent and serious to know the issue of the dolfant clan.

'With that kind of rules put in place, how will this clan protect itself if it's being attacked, but the dolfant clan leader doesn't look that much of a bad person, thank goodness I didn't tell him that Bethany was capture by them'.

"When was this rule put in place" asked Savarus.

"After the death of my great great grandfather".

"How have you guys been able to protect yourself from the other clan because I definitely know hundred can't do much against thousand".

"It's all thanks to the former king, he gave the other clan a rules to follow, no one is allowed to attack the bucadox clan for revenge, that's the rule which has been holding them in place".

"Then how was your wife killed If they follow the rules perfectly well" asked Savarus.

"Well it's more of like an assassination than an open attack".

"I know you have find out the clan who did it, haven't you?, Tell me I want to know".

"I don't actually know who did it, I can't assume with just feelings, I need proof and one more thing, this is my business and not yours, please continue to protect my daughter even if I'm not around".

"Why are you telling me this, it's not like you are dying or anything".

Oscar didn't say anything, he just left his word at that without telling him what he meant.

"Don't give Bethany a hard time, she has gone through a lot so let her rest, I will be taking my leave now" said Savarus.

"You are free to go".

Savarus got up from his seat and started walking to the direction of the gate, when he was about to reach the gate, he heard someone calling at him, the moment he turn he was surprised to see Bethany.

"What are you doing here, you are supposed to be resting inside your room".

"I couldn't get any rest, I want to know about how the conversation with my dad went".

"I told you not to worry, that I got it under control".

"I forgot to tell you something before I left, I hope you didn't tell my dad about the incident on the dolfant clan, our family and the dolfant clan have always been enemies to each other".

"How can you forget to tell me something that important, I almost lost my head to your father".

"I definitely know that isn't true, please tell me what he said".

"I have a feeling that your father won't take the matter lightly so I didn't tell him about you being kidnapped by them, but I told him about the ambush".

"You shouldn't have told him anything about what happened at all, now I'm definitely not going out anymore" said Bethany weakly.

"Forgot about the issue, your dad won't trouble you about it".

"How do you know he won't trouble me?".

"Because I told him not to, now let's forget about that, let's go to the real issue here, what happened to your leg" asked Savarus.

The moment Bethany heard the question of Savarus, she started acting like she was tire and need to rest.

"I think I should go to my room now, I'm feeling tire and sleepy".

"Don't dodge the question, you promise to tell me if I can get you out of the mess, which I have, so keep your end of the deal and tell me what happened, when I left you alone on the forest".

"Okay if you insist on so knowing about it, let's find somewhere we can sit down quietly and talk".

Bethany started walking to the left side of the building and Savarus was following her few inches away, after few walks they have gotten to somewhere quiet and doesn't have much guards.

"If someone see us, it will look like we have an ulterior motive for coming here, why can't you just tell me there".

"I definitely don't want my dad to mistakenly hear that I was attack and abducted".

"Okay, tell me what happened".

"When you left me there, I was so scare that I don't know what to do, I was thinking of running home to tell my father of what happen so that he can help you, but when I was just about to leave the forest, I was confronted by those same men, they wore the same things, they started running after me, I don't have any other choice than to turn back to the forest thinking that you would be there by then, after I got there I saw no sign of you, I was left with no choice than to fight, as you can see I'm a woman and there is little I can do against twenty men".

"I know you definitely won't go down without a fight, how did you broke your leg".

"It got twisted when I was trying to dodge an attack from one of them".

"Let me look at it" said Savarus.

"Don't worry, I will call a physician to come check on it".

"Just let me see, that is all I asked".

"Why are you so persistent" sigh Bethany while raising her leg for him to see. Savarus when on his knees and hold her leg gentle, he study it for some time.

"You are lucky it didn't get broken, the bone just got shifted and that's all, I want you to close your eyes and just bear the pain while I try to shift it back into position".

"Like if I will listen to you and let you do that, I want you to leave my ankle this instance" Bethany said while trying to drag her leg away from him, but he was holding it firmly and didn't let go.

"If you don't want to listen to me, then don't blame me at all" said Savarus while turning her leg in the other direction, a sound was heard, as the bone shifted back to his former position.

"Why did you do that" said Bethany while grunting

"Well won't you look at that, your leg is perfectly back to normal" said Savarus while pointing at her leg. Bethany moved her leg and was surprised that she didn't feeling any pain at all.

"You are right, it's back to normal, I didn't know you are a physician".

"There is a lot about me you don't know about" said Savarus while leaving.