

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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             Savarus was just lost on his thought thinking of what him and Oscar just talked about a few minutes ago.

'Well thank goodness, I said I will consider it and not outright accepting it'.

'I can't imagine my self guiding that troublesome woman, it will just be fight all day, but if what he says is truth, that means he has a lead on who did it" Savarus thinked.

At the king castle, Falenios was currently having a discussion with the king but not a normal conversation because it's was a one sided talk.

"You know, first of all I think that you would be a hard match, which you were at some point with normal words, but not something you haven't experienced before".

"I thought you would be different from those weaklings as you are their king, but I almost forget that you are still one of them just having a tittle to your name".

"I want you to invite all the kings for a special occasion, and make sure that they are all invited.  When the time is right, I will tell you where the location would be" said Falenios and the king answered with a nod.

"That's so much like it, nod like a dog you are, soon every human will be begging to breath for air in this world".

After the talk with the king, Falenios was getting ready to put his second step of his plan in order.

'It will be quicker than I thought, if I know it was this easy I won't even have requested for a month, it would have been days instead, I have to quicken my pace on this one maybe I should go pay the craken world a visit and see how things is going over there'.

After some few minutes of riding, Falenios has gotten home, after taking his bath he was already on his way to craken.

"Now that I think of it how come humans don't know that we exist, when we clearly know that they do. Also how come they haven't come across this passageway to the other side, or is it's invisible to them. I should probably think about that later and not now'.

The moment he pass through the middle of the passageway which looks like two giant rock place opposite each other, he felt a drowsiness which came over him at once, after some seconds he was already at the other side.

'I don't think I can even master this feeling, it's just feel somehow'.

"Welcome back supreme leader" greeted four guards that were guiding the entrance.

Falenios didn't even care to answer them, he just have one purpose of visiting, which is to talk to the king, but after taking some few walks, something just came to his mind.

"What is the current status of the Kingdom, has there been anyone trying to force their way through" asked Falenios.

"The people right now are holding a campaign saying they should just get on with it, they don't want a plan on how to defeat weaklings like those humans, that's what have been occuring these few days" replied one the guard.

 The moment Falenios heard this from the guard, he just have a slight smirk on his face, because he know that something like that would have happened.

"What about the other question I ask you" said Falenios.

"Only five people has try to force their way through, but we stop them with ease and take them to the king" replied the guard.

"That's all I need to know" Falenios said while taking his leave for the king castle.

Not too long after he took his leave, three people could be seen going to the direction of the portal to the human world.

"I heard them saying it somewhere around here" said one of them.

"But If there really, is another world from this, why didn't they just tell us so, we can remove the things leaving in there, and take control over it" another one said.

"I also don't see why they want to bring a plan on removing those things living in it, we are encranoes for crying out loud, we don't think of plans, we always attack head on" concluded another. 

"Exactly, that's also what's on my mind, why think of a plan now" said the first one.

"I don't see what is there to think about, we all know that's Falenios suggestion, always acting like a weakling, how did he even became one of the leaders when, he is like that".

"If you think he is a weakling, why don't you try by challenging him to become the leader" suggested one of them.

"That's not a bad idea at all, but you know you will get yourself killed if you try it, you might actually get one ot two hits in, we all know that Falenios is one of the strongest encraneo".

"We don't really know what his powers is, so we can't think of fighting him, it's better to fear the unknown".

"Guys enough of your rumbling, I think I found the gate to the human world" said one of them pointing at where the guards are standing.

"Do you know what this means, if we are able to pass through without the guards catching us, we will be gods, I hear the humans are so weak, we just have to show them how strong we are, they will submit to us and we will be their leaders".

"Let's think of the way to pass the guards, Dan you know you are very strong and your ability make you the perfect person to handle two people" said Tom.

"What are you trying to say" reply Dan.

"I want you to take on two of the guards, why you leave the rest two to us" Tom said.

"Are you sure he will be able to take on two royal guard at once, you know very well that they are so strong" asked Ken.

"Why do I feel like you are underestimating me, don't worry I can take care of myself, I spent a lot of time training for this" Dan said.

"Okay then, let's do this".