

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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With Helen and Kara now staying with them, they were no longer affected by the story of their father as it has been a week, although it was still there at the back of their mind, they just let it be as they couldn't solve it.

With Owen, Beatrice and Bethany treating her and her daughter as a family, she no longer feel uncomfortable around them, but instead was now laughing freely with them.

Eating with them in one table made it easier for her to know them the more. Even with the high amount of money they have display, they have never once feel uncomfortable sitting on the floor and eating on a low table, that was to tell how simply they were currently living.

With her and Beatrice being almost the same age, they were mostly seen chatting with each other. With Beatrice not having any friend once in her life, she use this as an opportunity to make one, thereby making it easier for the two to talk to each other.

Seeing as how Kara was playing freely with Beatrice and calling her aunt put a smile on her face as she never thought her daughter would have anyone to call family except her.

But their little happiness as a family soon came to an end as for the past three days now, guards from Pekresh kingdom has been looking all over the kingdom for them, putting poster of Bethany all over the kingdom.

With their mom completely heal, Owen and Beatrice know that they will have to continue their journey as this kingdom wasn't a safe one to stay as their mother could be recognized by one of the king's guard patrolling the town.

Not just guards from Pekresh kingdom that was looking for them, but also guards in the kingdom they were currently staying.

With the two kings being allies, it wouldn't be an issue for one of them to plead his case of finding his subject in the other king's kingdom, therefore letting him do as he wish.

The king of Dentare knowing how much the king of Pekresh has help his kingdom, he didn't think it twice as he quickly pass the order to his guards to start searching for her.

With Bethany being leader of one of the five clan, it would be impossible for the king to just let her be.

Either it was to be executed or put back in post, they don't want to know as they wouldn't be sticking around to find out.

"Grandma, uncle, aunt, where are you guys going?" Asked Kara as she clean her eyes so as to get rid of the sleep.

With the time being eleven at night, it was safe to say she was sleeping until the knocked on the door which woke her up.

Waking up and seeing her grandma, uncle and aunt walking into the room all dress up like they were about to go somewhere, she was surprised as she wasn't told they were leaving.

"Kara, don't worry okay?, your aunt will come back for you, we are just going somewhere for now" said Beatrice as she kneel down to match her height.

"Can't mom and I follow you guys?" Asked Kara as she hug her.

"No Kara, we will be back to meet you, you just have to wait for us, I will make sure to give you gifts when I'm coming back, okay?" said Beatrice which Kara nodded to.

With Helen being somewhat of an informant to them as she was the one that inform them of Bethany face being displayed on a poster, they gave her some details of what happened containing half the truth and half a lie so she won't go against them.

"Please stay safe, everything you ask of is in the back of the inn" said Helen as she bow her head.

Knowing as they wouldn't be able to go outside of the inn, Helen has been the one going to get everything they will need to travel.

Even though Owen and Beatrice face wasn't in the poster, they weren't going to take any risk, so letting Helen do it was the safer choice.

"Take care of Kara and yourself dear, don't let something so trivial effect your happiness okay, anytime you feel down, think about us and keep your smile, by fate we will see each other again" said Bethany as she hug her.

Giving Helen enough money to survive with her child, they departed from the inn as they know it wouldn't take long for the guards to capture them if they were to stay.

Already preparing themselves for some time, they quickly entered their horses before riding off with full speed.

With the gate being crowded by guards so no one can come in or go out of the kingdom without being check, they quickly sprinted forward with full speed causing the guards to give way so as not to be run over.

Breaking the wooden gate, they kept on going forward as they know it won't take long for the guards to chase after them. And true to their words, the guards quickly jumped on their horse and start chasing after them.

Running without stop, they continue going forward, but could see that the guards were gaining ground on them.

With Owen being the last in the group and seeing as how the guards would soon over take them, he turned his horse while bringing out his bow and picking an arrow from his quiver.

Attaching the arrow to the bow, he quickly fire it off, hitting one of the guards and making him fall from his horse.

Firing another arrow in a fast pace, he hit another of the guards causing the rest to separate themselves as they rush at him.

Seeing as how his sister and mother was now far from them, he quickly turned the horse while making it run in a fast pace.

With Bethany and Beatrice being far from them and seeing as the guards was getting closer to Owen who was now running to them, they turn their horses and quickly pick their bow and arrow.

Attaching the arrow to the bow, they fire it off, killing two guards who were already close to Owen.

Putting another arrow in the bow, they fire it off, but this time around instead of two guards falling to the ground, only one fell down as Beatrice arrow miss her target.

Turning their horse, they quickly start running as they could see that Owen was close to them and so were the guards.


Thanks very much for reading. Please do check my other book out, you might like it, it's about werewolf.

This is the name of the novel WEREWOLF LINEAGE. Please do support me ♥️

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