

After many years of abandonment and hatred in his mind and heart. Owen had found himself in a world hidden from the humans eye, where he would meet his father. The one man who he had come to despise and who brought anger and disappointment in waves. causing his heart to be clouded with foul feelings. With hatred and rage brought about feelings to demise his father in a one on one fight to the death. it did not matter if he was the most powerful Encranoes to walk the surface. He was out to make him pay with his life. But will his mind and heart finally be at ease if he were to succeed in the loss of his father's life? or would bit make his emotions spiral out of control? only time could tell. Join me in a journey of despite, defeat, anger and love. Only one can triumph......But will it bring peace with it?

Man_Marvel · Fantasy
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             Seeing the people by her side, Savarus couldn't help himself but to show a little hint of smirk on his face.

'Well, I really don't expect this, so she have back up around, no wonder she doesn't look too afraid, she pick this alleyway because she knows her people are around' said Savarus inwardly.

"My lady, what do you want our help with" said one of the men who was bulkier in shape than the rest, even without being told, Savarus knows he was the leader of this gang.

"Well it's not a big issue, but I wanted to give my visitor here a big surprise, so I called you guys for it" said the woman pointing at Savarus.

"Well you said it yourself, it's not a big issue so I will take my leave now, thanks for the surprise" replied Savarus.

"Don't you dare chicken out now after all the things you have said to me, and also don't think you will leave here the way you came in".

'why can't she just be glad that I'm leaving peacefully without pressing any charges, well I think I should show her a little surprise that I'm also not a pushover'.

"Guys beat him up and make sure you break his legs so that he won't be able to leave this alleyway the way he came".

The moment she said this, almost all the men were on the move to attack Savarus, leaving just three men to be at the side of their boss lady.

"I think you guys should join the fight also don't worry I can take care of myself".

"Okay lady Bethany".

Three of he men went to the back of Savarus, so that he could be completely surrounded and won't be able to see all the attack that was coming. 

The first person could be seen swinging his sword at him, Savarus just move a little to the left to avoid the slash, the next thing another sword was moving to the back of his head, he dodged that also afterwards range of attack was fire off at him, he dodge almost all of them but one got in and scratch him on his wrist.

"Well you guys hit me first, so I'm pretty much piss off right now, don't feel bad when I start my turn" he said.

They didn't think much about what he said but what happened was so shocking to them, he move so fast that none of them was able to see him, the next thing they saw was two of their members on the floor lying down unconscious.

'how', was the word that was on everyone mind apart from the woman who saw everything clearly.

In the middle of their thoughts three more members are seen unconscious on the floor.

'I clearly didn't use much force on the hit so how come they are unconscious, are they that weak at the first place, I thought this was going to be fun but now it feel so boring' said Savarus inwardly.

Three members went for an attack, the moment they saw he was distracted.

"You guys never learn, do you?" asked Savarus.

             The moment he said those words the three could be seen rolling on the floor in pain.

'this time I was able to withdraw my force, seeing as they are not unconscious this time around'.

 The two people left in the group couldn't move from their position because of fear.

"Are you two attacking or not, my patience are wearing thin".

The moment Savarus said this word they immediately started shaking in few, they both look at each other and nodded.

"Finally you two have decided to attack" Savarus said but to his surprise they both was running to the exit of the alleyway saving their dear life.

Savarus turned to look at the woman "what a loyal bunch of people you have there" said Savarus in a sarcastic manner.

The woman didn't say anything but just stood there in silence studying his movement.

"You know all this won't have happened if you just let me go and didn't insist on me answering your questions".

"Well, why wouldn't I demand an answer, you have been following me for a long time now, from the market in the morning to this alleyway and now it's almost noon".

"What do you want from me" asked the woman.

"I don't actually want anything from you, all this is just a misunderstanding, I wanted to help you out at the market alleyway, but the way you took care of it, I clearly know you didn't need my help".

 "Then why are you still following me if you know that I didn't need your help, you said it clearly yourself" interrupted the woman.

"I also don't know why I was following you, maybe I was curious about your fighting style or the air of confidence around you" said Savarus.

"Should I take that as a compliment from you or what".

"You can take it anyhow you like I don't care, I just want to know a little about you, that's all".

"You are not being serious, do you expect me to tell you about myself after what you have done to my men" asked the woman.

"Well I see playing nice with you didn't go anywhere, how about I use force, what do you think".

The woman look around and gulp.

'what kind of alleyway is this, I haven't even seen a single person pass since when I got here, what's wrong with me, why did I pick this kind of alleyway I didn't even think of the consequences if it doesn't work as planned'.

"I don't know you are such a scared cat, don't worry I'm not that kind of person, I just want to know your name" said Savarus.

Looking around once again, if she could see anybody so she can shout for help, but there was no success, she sighed.

"My name is Bethany" she said.

"For a woman of your kind you got a beautiful name, it doesn't match you at all".

"What do you mean by your statement are you trying to insult me" angered the woman.