
Demonic System In The End Of Times

Damien was never the popular kid, nor the regular kids. He was always bottom of the food chain. Destined for a life of mediocrity and discontent. He often wished he could just prove to them, to anybody, that he could be more than a low scoring student, more than the family failure, and more than a red eyed freak nicknamed "Lucifer" Though he didn't expect it to turn out like this. Studying in his dorm hundreds of miles from home, the world changes. Hell breaks loose, and lovecraftian horrors beyond human comprehension tear everything apart. Animals grow limbs, compress into themselves, and become walking sacs of blood matted hair, and people become something out of a resident evil game. Damien looks outside and refuses to accept his fate. A zombie breaks into his dorm, and through an intense struggle, the zombie is slain. Though Damien suffers a bite. It's over for him. He's been bit, and will change into a mindless monster, just like in the movies. He cries, and curses the world. And it seems he is heard, and before Damien loses all control and turns,.. He sees a message pop into his vision [Initiating Demonic system] [Welcome, Damien Wright]

Glockzawa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
1 Chs


Damien shuffles through the dorm halls, trying not to think about the heavy stench of cologne and cheap deodorant. Many kids stare as he walks by, snickering and whispering to themselves. He tries not to pay any mind, but it's no longer possible when one kid steps out of his room and runs into him, causing Damien to fall and break his glasses.

"Whoops! sorry man, you al-"

The man stares down at Damien before stopping his sentence and walking away. Damien expected as much and picked up his broken glasses and hurried away.

He hurried farther down the hallway, desperately looking for his room.

'728.. 728.. 728!'

He mutters it to himself before finding it at last. He quickly puts his key in and opens the door before closing it behind himself. Damien has never been so glad to see his dorm room in a while.

He sets his bag down and sits at his study desk, burrowing his eyes into his hand, sobbing horrendously over his misfortune. Why had he been stupid enough to confess his love in the middle of english class?

'Who even does that?'

He quietly sobbed some more, his face a sopping mess, before he slowly calmed down, grabbed a notebook, and began to study. The one thing that calms his mind down. He studied for what felt like hours before his mind returned to his social life.

Why had he been born with red eyes? Why had he had the misfortune of inheriting his great grandpa's eyes. He looked at himself in the mirror, not realizing he had begun to cry again.

He studied his own face. His small freckles, the long black hair, his ruby red eyes which every kid mocked, his bony facial structure, down to the mole on his cheek. he hated all of it. He hated what made who he was.

Damien held his eye shut and began to smile.

'I'll show you all, I'll become somebody great, and you guys will finally respect me!'

He looked back up at the mirror with a newfound conviction, which was shattered quickly. His nose had begun to bleed. he panicked and quickly used a tissue to wipe and plug it.

He sighed and continued studying, glad that the outside world had begun to quiet down as people went into their rooms. A quiet pattering of rain drops on the widow helped sooth his mind further.

What he wasn't ready for was the sudden screaming outside his door. People were screaming, cursing, banging on walls, and running. Damien was scared at first from the sudden sound but was annoyed most of all. it was 11pm, and people were trying to sleep.

Damien yawned before looking out the peephole on his door. But what he saw would cut his tiredness short, as what he saw could only be seen out of a horror movie.

Bodies strung everywhere. People were eating each other, ripping into their necks and devouring their flesh. one guy who had nearly got to the fire escape located by Damiens dorm, was caught and dragged back into view, and Damien stood frozen, watching as the man's organs become visible, then dissapear down the gullet of the other people.

Damien let out a silent scream before falling on his ass as his legs had given out. He sat there for minutes, processing what he saw. It wasn't until he stood up and looked out his window and saw that there was much more going on outside.

'Birds' were flying about, if you could call them that. some had 4 horribly crooked wings that seemed broken and bent into angles that would kill a bird from the pain, their bodies oozing a yellow liquid that reminded him of pus. Their beak was replaced by a large, long tongue that shot out and pierced a bird that had remained normal, piercing its heart and dragging it to the deformed bird, devouring it midair as blood rained down from the sky.

Damien shut his curtains and made sure the door was locked. he opened his mini-fridge and stuffed anything edible into his now emptied bag. His once crazed mind had calmed, and his only thought was to get out of this building. He grabbed a pair of scissors and once again looked out his peephole, only to find that there was an eye that stared back. Before he could react, his hand had already unlocked the door, and it burst open from the zombie who threw himself onto Damien, biting and spitting blood everywhere.

Damiens' mind raced, and he stabbed the zombie in the face multiple times until it stopped moving. Silently, Damien stood there with a body on him. He looked past the door and saw the hallway was mostly empty. He pushed the body off of himself and reached up with his bloodied and swelling hand, which had been bitten by the zombie. He panicked and nearly screamed, only contained by his fear of joining the dame fate of the guy outside his door. He cried silently.

'Why did this happen to me, I just wanted to become a respectable person and prove people wrong. What did I do to deserve this?'

His thoughts became more and more blank, and his hand started moving on his own. He squirmed under the body and pushed upward. Though Damien did not wish this. with the last of his strength, he looked up and flipped off seemingly the air

"Fuck you, God."

[Trial complete]

[Initiating user synchronization]


[Initiating Demonic System]

[Welcome, Damien Wright]

[Due to total organ failure, host will be sent 1 hour into past]

[Beginning in 3..]



[Initiating reset]