

The land of Gullition, a land ruled by the one and only Demon Lorn Donicova. The benevolent lord united the three nations of Demons Humans and Angels and created an assumably endless time of peace. But as selfish as all being are, this peace couldn't last.

"How... how did it come to this?" A man in a black robe was panting, in front of him was a light blond haired man in shiny white armor made of the scales of an Armidious Dragon. Standing next to the heavily armored man was a young lady, wearing a white elegant robe. As if it was crafted from the hair of Angels itself. She was wielding a book and and had feather like wings on her protruding from her back. She stroked her long and shiny hair and laughed

"You didn't think this peace would last forever, did you?" said the female Angel. "With your power over all the land how could we not attempt to take it!" The black robes man collapses onto one knee

The armored man smirks at the weakened man "You were so powerful, but now look at you, kneeling in front of us. Demon Lord Donicova!"

Donicova looks up at the armored man and weakly mutters, "Why, we lived in peace Marlo." The armored man grabs Donicova's head and slams it to the ground

"Don't mutter my name you disgusting animal!" Donicova lays there, his face in the dirt. "Lumie, let's finish him off" says Marlo adjusting a price of armor on his shoulder.

The Angel known as Lumie plants her foot firmly on the back of the laying Demon Lord. "Haha, after we kill you We're going to call our armies and kill every remaining demon"

Suddenly Donicovas arms start moving and he starts to very slowly get up. Lumie tried to push his head down with her foot but as Donicova's head comes up so does her leg.

She removes her leg and takes a step away from Donicova. Under his breath Donicova mutters something. Suddenly Lumie gets scared and yells "HOLY SHIELD OF LIGHT!" A transparent yellow barrier appears in front of Lumie and Marlo. But in an instant a burst of black flames burst from Donicova's chastity sending the two people flying backwards shattering the barrier.

Marlo is sent flying into a large rock crashing through it and tumbling on the ground. Lumie is just slammed into a nearby mountain. Marlo gets up and spits out some blood "Cheap shotting bastard!"

Lumie removes her self from the mountain unharmed. Marlo brushes off some dust on his chest plate and gives a smug look to Donicova. Meanwhile Donicova props himself up and glares at Marlo. Lumie descends begins Marlo opening her book. Marlo draws a sword that is so shiny it would blind any normal human. Donicova's eyes turn red

"You... you won't get a chance to kill my people..." Donicova coughs up a large amount of blood and continues "because... I'm going to kill you both first"

Suddenly the ground starts shaking and the ground starts to crack. "WE NEED TO BACK AWAY!" Marlo shouts and the both retreat a large distance away from Donicova. Suddenly the ground around Donicova creates large cracks and a purple light emit from the cracks

"HAHAHA! You don't have the guts nor energy to use that skill!" Lumie shouts as she laughs maniacally at him

Purple flames come out from the cracks around Donicova and it starts to surround him "Flames of Bornik burn my enemies to ash and take my life as payment!" Donicova shouts, his index finger grows sharp and he cuts his wrist making the blood fall to the ground "I give you my blood for the use of one of the forbidden!"

The purple flames start to spin around Donicova and he gets into a running position

Marlo looks shocked "No he wouldn't, it would kill him along with us!" Lumie flips through her book and puts a hand out. She starts chanting under her breath

"You wanted to kill me... but I'm going to kill you!" Donicova's eyes turn blood red and he starts charging towards Marlo and Lumie.

Lumie stops chanting and shouts "GOD GIVE GRACE AND PROTECT ME FROM MY ENEMIES!!!!" Suddenly hundreds of tranparent barriers start appearing in front of the two

Donicova keeps charging leaving a path of burning flames behind him and burning any plants that are even 50 feet away. When Donicova meets with the first barrier he shatters it like nothing. He runs through hundreds more but when he's halfway there "Damn it, I'm not gonna make it all the way there" he thinks to himself "I'm not sure if they will die but... hah I was hoping to get closer but"

Donicova stops and shouts "DARK BLITZ!!!!" Suddenly even more Purple flames erupt from the ground in an even more aggressive manner, Donicova continues charging turning rocks into liquid shattering barrier after barrier

"DAMN IT I'LL KILL YOU!" Shouts Marlo and plants his sword into the ground. Donicova finally breaks through the final barrier but before he could actually reach Marlo and Lumie, Marlo shouts "HOLY ERUPTION" the ground below Marlo lights up

"No wai-" Says Lumie but before she could finish her sentence Donicova has reached them, before Donicova could do anything the lit up ground below them creates a huge explosion. Mixed with the purple flames the explosion turns in a giant purple explosion, pieces of molten rock go flying and when the land they turn into lava.

When the dust finally clears there is only one body along with a bloody mess. The only things left of Marlo is an arm still equipped with armor and a bloody chest piece. Lumie has less remains, there is only a piece of a de-feathered wing and a few pieces of enchanted paper.

Donicova is laying in the dirt stomach down. He opens his eyes and sees the bloody mess. "I'm alive? Damn it, I can't feel my legs" He turns himself over and looks at what's left of him. His legs are gone and only everything over his rib cage is intact "300 years of peace... I gave the world 300 years of peace and this is what I got! Damn it! Why me... wh...why....m...." Donicova's vision goes black. His mind goes empty. But he hears a slight voice, a mumble. The voice get closer and closer till it gets East to hear

"Hey get up don't you want to live!"