
Demonic Cultivator Reincarnated as a Snake

Once known as the most feared demonic cultivator in the Immortal World, San Meili met his end and does not know how he died or who killed him. Helpless with his fate, San Meili thought his Dao had come to an end, but it was far from that. "Am I still alive?! And I'm reincarnated as a snake?! How the hell am I supposed to live like this?!!!" -------- My first language is not English, and I speak it very poorly. Good reading! Support me on Patreon, and receive exclusive benefits!! https://www.patreon.com/DearDukkha

DearDukkha · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Titles Are Hard to Do...

Only after all these things had happened did Xiao Lian notice that he was no longer injured. A fatal wound was gone from his body just like that, along with all the other scars on his body and internal wounds that he had acquired over the years.

"Senior, if I may ask-" Before Xiao Lian could finish what he was going to speak, he was interrupted by San Meili.

"First, stop this senior back and forth. My name is San Meili, and I prefer to be called that. Second, if it's about your wounds, everything was taken from the vault of this sect. You might not think so, or you never had a chance to stop and think about it because you were too busy trying not to die, but all sects in this vast continent monopolize all resources for cultivation. I simply took what I wanted and nobody cared." San Meili said with his eyes shining with a bloody light.

Senior... San Meili, why did you do that? I mean, we are hundreds of miles away from your home, why bother coming all the way here?" Xiao Lian asked somewhat cautiously.

Looking at him as if he was dumb, San Meili checked his gourd and saw that it was already done, giving a sigh, he replied, "Because I wanted to. Isn't that what we cultivate for? To be free and untethered? So that no one can control our destiny? To do what we want? I felt like it, so I did it. That is my Dao and no one, not even the heavens, can change that!"

As if in response to his words, the heavens roared with lightning and thunder! In response to this, however, San Meili laughed like a madman who never knew sanity.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Come on, Heavenly Dao! Send what you have best, and I swear by my name, that even if my body perishes and my soul disenters, I will destroy you! HAHAHAHAHA" He raised his arms and laughed in response to the fury of the heavens!

After that day, Xiao Lian followed San Meili wherever he went, and thus, a thousand years of adventures, troubles, and challenges passed, but they both survived to fight another day.


Back in the present day, commanding San Meili's army, Xiao Lian convinced himself that his good friend and brother, would emerge victorious in one more battle, as he always did, no matter how difficult it was.

A six-day battle! Six days and six nights of powerful blows that destroyed everything around them. For six days, the whole continent felt earthquakes of great magnitude and saw many flashes of light illuminating the sky, regardless of whether it was day or night.

All the land on the continent was changed, mountains disappeared, plains became canyons, and tsunamis swept the coast. On the sixth day, a great change happened.

San Meili the Destroyer had already lost his impressive armor. His red hair had some burnt parts, there were wounds all over his body, his sword was broken, and most impressive, his right arm was cut off above the elbow, where it still gushed blood with no sign that it would stop. Yet! His crazed smile never faded from his face, and his eyes still glowed with red light.

He wanted more! Come on, everybody! Show me everything you've got! And all die by my hands!

"I no longer fight for my survival. I no longer fight for revenge. I no longer fight out of necessity. Today I fight because I want, because I wish to destroy everything! I will destroy my enemies, their homes, their families, their acquaintances! I will destroy their dreams, their aspirations and their plans. I am Destruction! I am your greatest enemy, and I am your fears incarnated in human skin! KAHAHAHAHAHA!" San Meili raised his one arm with the broken sword and pointed to the sky, while the little energy left in his body suddenly exploded!

The body of the Emperor of the Ten Thousand Beasts was already buried in the rubble of the battle. His massive white tiger body was cut in half, and all the blood in his body was drained away.

The Monk of the Three Suns, had a gash running from his left shoulder to his ribs on the right side, showing his organs, but he was still standing against all odds.

The Celestial Emperor was in better shape, but his beloved mount was killed and turned to dust two days after the fight began. His beautiful golden armor was gone, and his spear no longer shone with sharpness and power. Her face had no more arrogance, and a serious and resolute look was seen on her face.

Everyone prepared for the final clash, with their lives at stake, staking everything on this last exchange of blows. The Celestial Emperor made a circular motion in front of him with his spear, and a golden circle appeared in front of him and expanded by dozens of meters. The Three Suns Monk, with some difficulty, put his hands together, and his body was covered by a glowing light. In the next moment, his body was completely healed, and its size exceeded one kilometer in height. His image was ethereal. It was as if a Buddha had descended and graced the world with his presence!

Final movement of the Monk of the Three Suns: The War Buddha!

Within the golden circle created by the Heavenly Emperor, An army of hundreds of thousands of creatures and humans came out. All were powerful and emanated enough bloodlust to distort the surrounding environment. The cry of a phoenix was heard, and San Meili could see the Heavenly Emperor in red armor, while a spear with hellish flames was in his hands. On top of the phoenix, he looked heroic, like a god of war who had been through uncontested battles.

Heavenly Emperor's final move: Summoning the Immortal Army!

In front of such movements and powerful techniques, San Meili only said two words, "Dark dimension."

And the entire continent experienced absolute darkness and silence for a minute. When that minute was over, everything returned to normal.

But the mighty Daoists on the continent felt that the energy of the Three Suns Monk and the Heavenly Emperor, completely vanished from existence, as if they had never existed in the first place.

San Meili won the war…

From now on, I'm going to speed things up, so don't abandon me, keep up with me!

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