
Demonic Cultivator Reincarnated as a Snake

Once known as the most feared demonic cultivator in the Immortal World, San Meili met his end and does not know how he died or who killed him. Helpless with his fate, San Meili thought his Dao had come to an end, but it was far from that. "Am I still alive?! And I'm reincarnated as a snake?! How the hell am I supposed to live like this?!!!" -------- My first language is not English, and I speak it very poorly. Good reading! Support me on Patreon, and receive exclusive benefits!! https://www.patreon.com/DearDukkha

DearDukkha · Fantasy
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60 Chs

The Beginning is Only the Foreshadowing of End 1

It had been a month since Amanda's battle with the Heralds. Amanda managed to escape from the central region, but they were always being chased by magical beasts, and they grew stronger and larger in numbers. Flugel separated from Amanda, as he thought the matriarch would eventually go after him, but as it turns out, the matriarch is more interested in killing Amanda and her child, which infuriated her to no end.

Why is it so difficult to live a simple and quiet life? And as if this were not enough, her little boy has found another imaginary friend. Before, there was only a butterfly that he nicknamed Lu Bao Shi, but now another one has appeared that he calls 'The Voice'. He said that he hasn't seen him yet and only hears him, and that it was he who taught him about his element.

Amanda was very happy to discover San Meili's new element. This doesn't mean that he has acquired this element now, only that he didn't know how to use it. His cub's new element was Space, an element rare enough not to be counted even as one of the elements of the pillars of creation and destruction. This is an element complex enough that even the users don't know how it works. Amanda tried to ask what it is like to use this element Space, but her cub's response was:

"First I'm here, then it goes bang! And when I least expect it, I'm there. But it was all an illusion because I wasn't really there, but on the way there. But when I get there, I see myself back here."

It doesn't take a genius to understand what San Meili said, and Amanda knew very well what he said. Your puppy has gone crazy.

But fear not, my child! I, your mother, will love you regardless of your mental condition!' Amanda thought.

San Meili looked strangely at his mother, who was looking at a worm on the ground while nodding her head. Amanda didn't notice that her cub also thought she had gone crazy....

In the month that had passed, Amanda's goal had always been to stay as far away from the matriarch's territory as possible, to avoid any kind of retaliation. She knew that the matriarch is the type that rarely forgets and holds a grudge like no other. Amanda didn't want her cub to suffer from the resentment of someone he had never seen before. She would rather die than let her cub go through the hell that is meeting the matriarch.

To this day, Amanda doesn't know what it was that the matriarch did to her, but she spent years willingly serving the matriarch without getting anything in return. Amanda doesn't know what happened back then, whether it was mind control, some ability or lineage skill, but whatever it was, it is really frightening to be controlled with no chance to react.

She sincerely hoped that the day would not come when her cub would have to stand in front of such an existence.


The region they were in now, unlike the central region where there were always large forests, was crowded with huge mountains. Because of this, no matter where they went, San Meili and Amanda always had a place to rest after a long journey.

After hours of traveling, Amanda finally said they could rest. She could see the gleam of life coming back into her puppy's eyes. Her puppy was amazing in many ways, but his laziness was boundless. Amanda is sure that there will come a day when her cub will sleep for years to come.

Amanda stayed to create a cave on the nearest mountain, while San Meili and Jorge went out in search of prey for dinner. While creating the cave, Amanda felt a chill, and her heart was beating wildly. The last time she felt this, was the day her partner for life was killed. Remembering him made Amanda remember the Space element, which passed from San Meili's father to him.

Amanda slowed her body and moved quickly down the nearby slopes and mountains, past canyons and rock formations in search of her cub. The enemies were sure to find them once again, and if they found San Meili alone with Jorge, his life would be at risk.

Amanda moved as fast as she could, but made no noise, as she still needed the surprise factor. Amanda soon smelled the familiar scent of her cub, so she approached even more cautiously.

She quickly found her cub in an open space between two mountains, and the scene in front of her made her heart freeze. San Meili was surrounded. Surrounded by 50 Rank 10 magical beasts. Although they were weaker than the heralds, the number of these magical beasts was more than enough to overwhelm Amanda. Amanda was lost in thought. In her mind, various ideas and plans were passing quickly, in a desperate attempt on how to save her cub.

Make no mistake, Amanda's thoughts were unusual even for magical beasts. In the wild, when beasts find themselves in danger, it is very common for them to leave their young as an offering and flee. Her thoughts are simple, the cubs have little or no chance of surviving in the wild on their own, while the adults just need to make more cubs.

Amanda's thoughts were different for a few reasons. She loved her cub with all her heart, and her cub was the only living memory that her beloved left behind. Amanda would gladly destroy the world, as long as her cub survived.

Amanda after thinking for a few seconds at rapid speed, noticed that there was no way to save San Meili. Amanda gave her cub a loving look and made a decision.


I fucked up. While Jorge and I were hunting, we got distracted and ended up playing among the mountains. Both Jorge and I were happy that we had finally escaped from the hell that the matriarch had put us in, and we decided to have fun, after all, we were far from the central region, and it had been days since we had seen any enemies.

Jorge collected several plants from this region, and I was supposed to create one just like it. Jorge had to guess which one I created and which one was from this region. Less than five minutes had passed since the beginning of the game when I felt a strong odor of rotten meat, something I only felt twice, and both times were eternal.

It was then that I noticed my situation. I was surrounded. Fifty magical beasts, so powerful that just being near them was enough to knock the air out of my lungs. The posture and the way these magical beasts looked at me was a look of contempt as if they were looking at a worm crawling on the ground. My whole body screamed danger and commanded me to prostrate myself to such existences, but my mind and the core that defines me as a living being refused. It was as if the mere thought of bowing my head was enough to make me nauseous. Unbeknownst to me, in my mind, death was a more tempting option than prostrating myself to anyone other than my mother.

Jorge's whole body trembled as if he had remembered something that made him suffer. Lu Bao Shi for the first time was tense, and although she wanted to appear calm, you could see her uneasiness. I don't blame her, after all, the situation we are in is that we will die... I will die since no one can see Lu Bao Shi.

'The Voice' as I call the mysterious voice that taught me and teaches me about the Space element is silent no matter how many times I try to call it or communicate. I didn't know if he was prevented from communicating with me, or if he ran away for fear of his death. Honestly, I don't blame him if he ran away.

"Where is the white snake, you son of a snake. If your answer is satisfactory, your death will be painless." One of the magical beasts said.

Do they really think that I would hand over my mother like this? Are they idiots? The silver lining in all of this is knowing that my mother is far enough away for me to try something I would never try at any other time.

"Sorry about that Jorge. If reincarnation exists, I hope I can find you, and then we can finish our game." I said in a calm voice.

Jorge looked at me with wet eyes. He nodded and climbed on my head and held one of my horns. One thing I noticed when I began to cultivate in my past life, is that there is a stain on my soul. This stain is the key to the dark dimension.

When I discovered this, I tried various things to get rid of this stain, even mutilating my soul, but nothing worked. Even if I split my soul in two, that stain always returned. Even now, when I can no longer enter the Dark Dimension, this stain is there, but much weaker and translucent. Releasing the air from my lungs, I concentrated on the Dark Dimension and tried to bring it back into the world.

Every second that I bring the Dark Dimension into the world consumes 100 years of my life. But today is the day of my death, so there's no point in saving years that I will never live, right?

I'm sorry Lu Bao Shi, for not being able to feed you with my spiritual energy anymore and for being a terrible student.

Forgive me, Mother, for not being powerful enough and protecting you as you deserve.

Forgive me, brother, for disappearing and putting all the responsibility on your shoulders.

Forgiveness my beautiful vampire, for in my death, that tree will also die.

And forgive my sweet daughter, I was a terrible father and disappeared when you needed me the most.

There were no explosions, no great spiritual energy around me. All that happened was that my red eyes began to darken, becoming as dark as a moonless night.

My vision was no longer on the 50 magical beasts in front of me but on a dark space filled with destruction and the remains of a civilization that is probably older than the universe itself. I often asked myself: What is this place? Who lived in this world? But I never got any answers.

The creatures that live in this dark world, noticing my presence, turned their eyes toward me. Wherever my eyes landed, whether on floating islands, in the rubble of ancient castles and palaces, in the forests of dead trees, there were pairs of purple eyes staring at me.

I can't find the Soul Dao, maybe it doesn't remember me anymore, which is a pity. That creature was the only company I had in this dark world in the countless years I was forced to spend here. Just as I opened my mouth to say what it took to make this hell arise in the world of the living, a voice broke all my concentration and made me leave the Dark Dimension.

The last chapter of the volume was much longer than expected. I don't know if you like long chapters, so I divided it in two. Depending on how you react to this chapter, I will post the other half later today.

DearDukkhacreators' thoughts