
Demonic Cultivator Reincarnated as a Snake

Once known as the most feared demonic cultivator in the Immortal World, San Meili met his end and does not know how he died or who killed him. Helpless with his fate, San Meili thought his Dao had come to an end, but it was far from that. "Am I still alive?! And I'm reincarnated as a snake?! How the hell am I supposed to live like this?!!!" -------- My first language is not English, and I speak it very poorly. Good reading! Support me on Patreon, and receive exclusive benefits!! https://www.patreon.com/DearDukkha

DearDukkha · Fantasy
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60 Chs

As Long As I Live I Will Be Destruction!

It is said that animals can sense when a natural disaster is about to strike, with magical beasts it is a bit more extreme. Rank 1 magical beasts can live up to 600 years, and this life expectancy only increases the more powerful the magical beast. Having lived for so many years, every magical beast develops a kind of sixth sense, something that warns them when danger is about to strike.

Amanda was no different. Her sixth sense was even more powerful, since she was a Rank 9 advanced stage magical beast, one step away from Rank 10. At this moment, she felt her bones tremble and her muscles twitch. She knew that something would hit her soon, and she might not survive. For this reason, she was giving her all in this fight, to kill as many enemies as possible and draw all the attention to herself so that her cub would have a chance to escape.

She thought she was so foolish that if she could, she would dig a hole and hide her head inside! For those who don't like to notice the details of things, this whole attack is because of the disrespectful words of her cub. Amanda may be uninterested and even lazy, but she has never been stupid, she knows that this is not the real reason.

It all started a few centuries ago. She doesn't know why, but the matriarch always sent her on the most difficult missions with the highest mortality. She went through all this without saying a word. It was centuries of deadly missions, of loyal service to the matriarch.

After that, when her chicks were about to hatch, an eternal pops up in her territory, and when she returns, her chicks are all dead except for the one whose egg was half buried. She was foolish not to realize sooner that the matriarch wanted to get rid of her. She was foolish not to realize that a mountain cannot have two tigers!

Amanda's 1-mile long body glowed, and out of the air particles of green light clustered, and soon a pair of 1.5 mile wingspan appeared on Amanda's back. They were not like bat or bird wings, but made of twigs and leaves! The twigs acted like bones and the leaves like feathers. This would be the next skill she would teach her young. Her species might be dominant on land, but it was vulnerable to aerial attack.

She must finish this quickly and get her cub as far away from this place as possible...


I am tired. All I wanted now was to lie down with Hellen and Jorge, and sleep so much that I would only wake up when I felt hungry. Then I would eat and sleep again. I am beginning to regret not going to see that damned old woman they call the matriarch. It would be simpler, and I wouldn't have to work so hard.


With my tail wrapped around thorny roots, I finally managed to kill the War Ant, piercing its head with my tail and soon after crushing its dorsal vessel. Thank heavens I managed to get there before Hellen used her runes, this could have been serious. Looking around, I realized that the magical beasts were a little scared, waiting for someone to take the lead in being the first to face me.

"Helen, come here." I said in the most authoritative voice I could, but still, yes, it sounded soft. I need decent vocal cords to speak with authority again....

Hellen was staring at the blood dripping from my body with glazed eyes, her eyes turning blood-red as hunger almost got the better of her. Noticing this, I moved my dying and tired body towards Hellen. Seeing me approach, although she was still looking at my blood dripping from my body, she began to take steps backwards, afraid of losing control.

"S-San Meili, I ask you to step back, I am somewhat tired and... I..." Hellen began to mutter lightly, looking for an excuse for her own condition.

Hellen had once told me that for vampires, showing bloodlust in front of others is a big joke. And Hellen, being of the high class, was certainly taught not to show this 'ugly side' in front of anyone.

My 32 feet (9.75 m) length is not just for show. At this moment, while Hellen was still backing away, my tail bumped lightly on her feet, causing her to stumble and fall. Before she hit the ground, my long body cushioned her fall, and soon my head was in front of Hellen's beautiful face.

"My beautiful, beautiful, stunning vampire Hellen. You are a good girl, aren't you?" My voice sounded almost like a whisper in this place full of explosions and roars. Hellen unconsciously nodded, turning her gaze from my blood to my eyes that were glowing from the continuous use of spiritual energy. She seemed to be mesmerized by my eyes, staring.

"So, you're being a good girl, you'll do as I say, won't you?" My soft, light voice sounded once again.

Hellen nodded with her cheeks slightly flushed. Seriously, woman, what the hell are you thinking? I'm still a snake, you know! Put away your impure thoughts!

Putting my head on her shoulder... or at least trying to, my head is too big. I only remember my real size when I'm around someone who is the normal human size. Lu Bao Shi, who is on my horn now, is so small that even in Hellen's small hand, she would still fit and have room left over. Jorge is so small and cute that he never seems to grow. My mother, every time I grow, she increases her size too. This competitive woman.

"Then suck my blood, my favorite vampire." My voice sounded the wrong way, but there's nothing to do...

Hellen's eyes sparkled, and she stopped holding back, sucking my blood greedily. Even at this moment, I was not distracted and watched all the movement of the magical beasts, which seemed to be getting restless. When Hellen was about to fill her stomach, I made her stop sucking my blood, to which she responded by crossing her arms and making a cute pout. This girl... is it just me, or is she getting cuter every day? Am I falling in love?

"If you want more blood, promise me that until the end of this battle, you won't use any more runes," I said in a serious voice,

"But if I don't... you and Lady Amanda could be in danger, and..." Hellen tried to justify, looking at me with those big beautiful eyes that had already returned to their normal color.

"No need to worry, my beautiful vampire, I certainly won't die today."

Seeing that she still wanted to argue, I sighed internally, knowing that if I didn't convince her, she would put herself in danger again.

"Listen well, silly girl. Seeing you in danger is more painful than any harm I might suffer. My heart squeezes, my mind goes into chaos, and I feel as if I am going to die. So as long as I live, allow me to be your sword and shield. If you need me, I will be a thousand-year-old tree, which feeds you and produces shade for you to rest in. If you need me, I will be a thousand-year-old tree that falls to the earth and creates chaos and destruction. I will be the destruction you need and the protection that will shield you from harm. So be a good girl and stay here, safe, so that my heart may be at peace."

Finishing what I wanted to say, I soon climbed down from the tree to kill our way away from these cursed lands.

"I'm older than you, you idiot." Hellen's face was all red, and she muttered those words when I had come down, but I obviously didn't hear it.

Soon, I was back in the battle against these magical beasts, bathing in their blood.

That is today's chapter. I chose to post one chapter a day instead of two, because I still have a cold, and I realized that this is a better way to not make so many mistakes. My special thanks goes to EdeGarden, thank you very much for the power stone, it makes me very happy. Good reading, everyone, and see you tomorrow!

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