
Demonic Cultivator Reincarnated as a Snake

Once known as the most feared demonic cultivator in the Immortal World, San Meili met his end and does not know how he died or who killed him. Helpless with his fate, San Meili thought his Dao had come to an end, but it was far from that. "Am I still alive?! And I'm reincarnated as a snake?! How the hell am I supposed to live like this?!!!" -------- My first language is not English, and I speak it very poorly. Good reading! Support me on Patreon, and receive exclusive benefits!! https://www.patreon.com/DearDukkha

DearDukkha · Fantasy
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60 Chs

A Snake Who Just Wants to Go Home... And Has Found A New Home

After screaming and raving in my mind for a long time, and only hearing a hissing sound coming out of my mouth, I managed to calm down a little. Just a little. I started to observe the surrounding things. It was still hard to see everything in infrared, but I should get used to it. I should find a way to contact Xiao Lian as soon as possible. And most importantly... I needed to know if my little girl had gone to that dangerous place!

I was in some kind of cave, it was at least six meters high and ten meters long. There were several broken eggs around me, and most of them looked like they had been eaten by something, as you could still see some small snakes similar to myself that had been half-eaten.

There was no apparent way out, apart from a hole in the ceiling, which was about five meters in circumference. I didn't know it yet, but my color was pitch black, and my eyes were blood-red, and seemed to glow even in the complete absence of light. I was one meter long, and had two small horns sticking out of my head.

My next step should have been to find a way out, and so I did. But I failed miserably. For a whole day I tried to get out of that hole, and I could not. I was already feeling weak and hungry, very hungry. After all, I am just a newborn baby anyway, right?

Day two.

By the second day, my judgment was betraying me, and I was hearing things that I clearly should not be hearing. Dehydration and starvation were threatening my life. I felt ashamed to stoop so low. I mean, I am San Meili, the Demon Destroyer! How low did I sink to have to do what I will do?

Approaching the corpses of my brothers... I think they are my brothers, I did something I will surely never forget. I fed on their bodies. May the heavens have them, their bodies will allow me to see a new day and live a tomorrow.

After filling my stomach, I felt a strong sleep. I still managed to resist for a few minutes, but eventually, I fell asleep.


An earth-shaking explosion happened, and I instinctively rolled my body and raised my head as high as I could, hoping to see where the threat was coming from. Looking up at the hole in the cave ceiling, I couldn't see anything, but then my eyes slowly twitched and began to glow, and then my vision changed completely.

It was a gray world, instead of the outline of things, I could now see clearly. Not having time to worry about what was happening to me, I looked again into the hole. All I could see was a flash, as if I was looking directly into the sun. Unable to stand it any longer, I looked away and looked for a place to hide.

Why do you wonder? I have lived for millennia. For someone who has lived so long, we have developed a kind of sixth sense. Whenever my life is in danger, it's like my own soul trembles. And the trembling that I am feeling now, is as if I am in a canoe in the middle of a storm!

The shaking continued, and soon other explosions were happening again. Thanks to the tremors, some cracks opened up in the cave floor, and soon I found one about my size to hide in.

And soon after, I heard hissing sounds, a high-pitched cry like a bird's, and a strange roar that I could not associate with any other living thing I had ever encountered. Just hearing that roar made my insides twitch, my brain functioned in a strange way, and my body refused to breathe the same air as that being. My whole body and being denied the existence of the one that roared!

After a while, the commotion died down, but I still didn't dare to get out of the fissure. What? It's not because I like to fight that I have become suicidal!

Soon I saw something that I will always consider one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my entire life. A white snake, at least fifteen meters long, entered the cave. As soon as I saw it, I ran... I crawled as fast as I could towards it. I knew instinctively that this was my mother, her red eyes were a good indication of this, every fiber of my being known this.

When I got close to her, I noticed that she was badly injured. She looked at the half-eaten eggs and baby snakes and, I can swear, I saw a sad look in her eyes as she hissed and looked at her children.

She went out to protect us, and yet only one survived.

As soon as she saw me, she wrapped herself around me and looked into every nook and cranny intently, as if searching for a possible enemy. Despite being completely wounded, instead of worrying about herself, she worried about me.

From a human orphan, to a snake baby with an overprotective mother. So what if she's not human? Who cares if she is not what human standards dictate she should be? To everyone, since my childhood, I have always been a demon. Only one person didn't think so back then. She, that serpent, is my mother, who sacrificed her own flesh for mine, and anyone who dares to doubt. He will be killed by my hands.

And defying all logic, a serpent cried.

In my mother's comfortable "embrace," I slept that day with a sense of security that I hadn't felt in millennia.

From the next chapter on, we will have longer chapters. Enjoy your reading!

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