
Demonic Cultivator Reincarnated as a Snake

Once known as the most feared demonic cultivator in the Immortal World, San Meili met his end and does not know how he died or who killed him. Helpless with his fate, San Meili thought his Dao had come to an end, but it was far from that. "Am I still alive?! And I'm reincarnated as a snake?! How the hell am I supposed to live like this?!!!" -------- My first language is not English, and I speak it very poorly. Good reading! Support me on Patreon, and receive exclusive benefits!! https://www.patreon.com/DearDukkha

DearDukkha · Fantasy
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60 Chs

A Mother's Fury!

When I woke up, I was in a bit of an awkward situation. First, Jorge was clinging to my body, as if mourning the death of a relative. I wasn't even dead, and I wasn't a relative.

When I was unconscious, I still didn't know if what I had done was a success, and apparently it was a great success.

Fuck me! I am amazing!

Apparently, Jorge's desperation is due to the time I was unconscious. Even though I am not injured, I can spend days sleeping and when I wake up, I will still be sleepy. But this time, besides my body being all broken up, my soul was also wounded by forcing the use of soul power.

I don't even want to imagine how long I slept...

Looking at Jorge, I was lucky that I didn't have a human body at that moment, otherwise I would have ended up laughing at the poor creature's suffering. Because he didn't have a body made of flesh, the tears that rolled from his shiny black eyes were just water. And before this water could fall to the ground, the roots that were its feet would soon absorb it back, making an endless cycle.

Although I couldn't laugh, the rattle on my tail was still rattling strongly, perhaps an expression of what I was feeling at the moment. Seeing that I had woken up, Jorge began to cry even harder, hugging me as tightly as he could. Stroking his head a little with my tail, I started to observe the surroundings and see where I was.

I was in a cave... or it should be if it wasn't for a giant hole in the ceiling. Easy... this is the cave where I was born! How do I know this? The bodies of my dead brothers, my mother made a small hole in the ground and created a tree on top, a kind of burial place.

It was only now that I noticed that my mother was a little further into the corner of this place that was once a cave. Her look was not at all cheerful.

Haaa... so in the end, I actually ended up being rescued by my mother. What a point I have reached. The great San Meili can no longer wipe his own ass.

Putting Jorge in my head, I obediently went where she was, to find out what she wanted to talk about. Only now I noticed, however, that my body had no more wounds. My soul was still in a precarious state, but my body was completely healed.

Miracle! Calm down... miracles don't exist for good and pure people like me... something is missing...

Arriving in front of my mother, who was irritated about something, I saw that next to her there was a small blue bird with green eyes. He looked a bit gloomy, but that didn't matter to me now.

What did matter is: he was very close to my mother? Does he want to steal her away from me? Does he have the strength to do this? How much of my power should I use if he is stronger? Should I try to use the Dark Dimension? But it's been so long since I could sleep and not go to the one abandoned by the heavens...

Unbeknownst to me, my body began to release thick killing intent, forming a blood mist around me as I stared at the blue bird. My eyes were wild as my body stiffened for a battle, or rather a one-sided massacre.

The bluebird could only think one thing: like mother, like son. The white snake's reaction was the same when she saw Jorge. She only calmed down when the bluebird showed once again the images of how much her son sacrificed to save Jorge.

Slapping its tail lightly on the ground, my mother woke me up from my thoughts of exterminating all the birds in the universe. I still look at this bluebird with resentment, but my plans for the extermination of the birds of the universe will have to wait for a while.

The bluebird trembled when it realized my thoughts.

For the next few hours, I had to 'listen' to a lecture from my mother about how important my life is and how I shouldn't do what I did. About how if I wanted Rank 1 magic cores, I should have just asked for them.

She only stopped when I was already sleepy, I moved closer to her body and started to sleep, with Jorge still in my head, not daring to stay away from me, for not knowing what my mother could do with him.


A few hours before, San Meili found his mother.

She was still shooting through the forest, with incomparable speed, destroying everything in her path. The pressure radiating from her body, causing ripples in the surrounding space, was unmistakable.

It was the pressure of a Rank 9 magical beast!

A magical beast at the peak of its power, above many and below few!

The path that San Meili took a month to make, she made in a few hours. Feeling the connection with her cub, she soon saw him. Where he passed, there was a trail of blood. His eyes were blurry, and he had a humanoid figure in his mouth, which was moving, wanting to free itself from her grip.

Moving quickly and arriving in front of her cub, she saw the pitiful state its body was in. Several scales were missing, deep cuts everywhere, a cut that went from its horns to its mouth, and its rattle had been cut in half.

Her heart ached to see her cub like this, but she held back her emotions for now. She had to transmit security to her cub, so that he could rest properly.

As soon as he noticed her presence, she felt San Meili's body stiffen in an obvious sign that he was ready to fight until his last breath, circulating his feeble spiritual energy in a desperate attempt to survive.

She was proud of her cub, but at the same time, she felt her heart tear up at the scene in front of her. She should not have let him go. He wasn't ready, he was too young.

To hell with the customs of the magical beasts! She will never let him leave her side again!

When he acknowledged her, she saw San Meili's body clearly soften, while she felt only a feeling being transmitted by her son through his lineage ability. He felt safe. Safe enough to let his guard down completely.

Falling weakly to the ground, her son fell into the world of unconsciousness. Letting her son rest, she circulated some of her spiritual energy that was dense and stormy, creating a small, gleaming tree.

The tree was 5 feet (1.52 meters) long, resembling a miniature bodhi tree. Its trunk was bright green, glowing even without any light around it, and overflowed with vitality.

From one of its leaves, a single dewdrop fell on San Meili's body. As soon as the drop came into contact with his body, his body began to be healed at a rate visible to the naked eye.

San Meili's body creaked as it was healed, and even though he was unconscious, his body trembled slightly with the pain caused. After pouring that single drop of dew, the bodhi tree disappeared like smoke.

Suddenly, three birds arrived at San Meili's side. And surprisingly, one of them was an advanced-stage Rank 4 Dark Nightmare King Eagle. Ordering them to take her chick back to her cave, and making it very clear that at the slightest sign of any harm to it, they would suffer for a thousand years, she set off towards the battlefield where her chick had fought... or looted magic cores.

She would go after revenge!