

Chapter 117: Guild Growth 2

Demon King

Guild Growth – 2

I wanted to spend more time with L, but the situation wouldn't allow it. Cain's stalling for time was reaching its limit, and Lee Chan-yu and Mireina were heading up to the top of the spire. L, angry with them, was chasing them off. I stood up; Cain's face was peeking in from the window to warn us.

[I'm sorry I couldn't stop them.]

I ignored Cain and said goodbye to L, walking down the stairs of the spire. I found A standing in the shade of the hallway. Since I had evolved into a Belkena Predator, my sensing ability had expanded immensely. Still, I was only able to catch him when I drew close.


"I thought you wouldn't notice."

"Is that a compliment?"

"Hm." He turned away from me.

"You're still far away. The castle you had before wasn't this small."

"I know. If that's all you have to say, I'll be on my way." I continued down, thinking he was a sleazy guy, but he called out to my back.

"…Thank you."

"For what?"

"You don't need to know." He left with those blunt words, without any trace nor pretense. I felt like I could understand his brief show of gratitude, but I decided not to think too deeply about it. I still needed to collect Mireina and Lee Chan-yu before I headed back above ground.

The world had fallen into chaos with the emergence of the dwarves. There had been the elves' claims, the battles, and deaths, and yet at the end of it, the dwarves had disappeared. But that hadn't been the only change. The difficulty of the dungeons had soared. They were incomparable to what they had been like before, and now the large guild's battles over them felt foolish. Dungeons had the ability to call out to monsters nearby. Thus, as time passed, they would naturally expand and threaten humanity's settlements.

The dungeons that had appeared were at least level 120, and considering safety, you wouldn't want to deal with one until you had reached level 150. Certainly, it wouldn't be a problem if you collected everyone and removed them one by one. There were some who had such idealistic thoughts, and many considered them foolish. As the situation quickly worsened, such ideas began to gain ground.

Now, however, there were the Chaos Souls and 'demons' to contend with, forming a solid stumbling block. If the dungeon were the only thing the capable focused on, those monsters would attack the powerless. In this new world, it was no different. A lot of manpower was required. The skilled couldn't be confident in their safety and had to hire troops to prepare for the Chaos Souls.

Mankind had fallen into a vicious cycle, irreversible through their normal methods. Some claimed it to be God's punishment, while others claimed it was a moment of transition as humanity became monsters. Both points, however, agreed that humans now faced the worst crisis since the Great Fusion.

"It's underground." Cain and Lee Chan-yu looked momentarily taken aback by my spoken aloud thoughts.

[Every one of the fallen among the human society will realize it.]

"Thanks to the damn elves, the number of fallen survivors in human society is near zero." Lee Chan-yu's voice was poignant, evidence of his past.

"Anyway, it's clear that underground monsters are popping out from the dungeons…which means that following the Devil's Night, the dungeons will only increase."

"It's like it's trying to attack the humans." Lee Chan-yu muttered, and I could tell that he was neither discouraged nor delighted. I was beginning to understand his heart better.

"Regardless, I'm going to fix it. And, in the process…" I tapped on Mireina's shoulder, who had been quiet so far.

"Have this one grow as fast as possible. Lee Chan-yu too, of course."


"I have a lot of work to do in the future. At this point, you're the only one who can spy on the Elakatra in their home territory."

"…I'll do anything!" A sense of purpose burned in Mireina's eyes. Maybe this would be too simple. She was the type to be easily used by bad men. Lee Chan-yu looked at us with an expression of, "Why couldn't I have met her?" but I ignored it.

"We'll continue as planned. Rescuing the fallen and the dwarves. Erkindra will assist us with the fallen."

"Captain, the artifacts used to rescue the dwarves were destroyed, right? What are you going to do now?"

"We still have time until the next attack on the castle. Using my own power, I will strengthen my abilities as much as possible, then…" I spoke firmly.

"I will collect enough gold to buy a record that won't be broken."

"You plan to resolve it with the power of gold?"

"Yeah, so you cooperate too." A strange silence overtook those in the fortress of stone. Mireina sniffed her nose.

"It's that same human smell from before."

"Is it Han Jia?"

"I believe so. With one other person." Were her abilities strengthened by the forest? I expanded my senses after hearing her report. I could feel two humans, Han Jia, and my sister, approaching from the edge of the forest. Lee Chan-yu smiled at me as I let them know.

"Should I defend the fortress?"

"Please increase the number of aerial monsters. Information from the sky is invaluable."

"Yeah." From now on, we were going to destroy a dungeon, but we didn't want to be disturbed. We waited as I anticipated my sister's purpose would overlap with ours. It didn't take them long to reach the fort. As soon as they arrived, my sister was focused on Cain, who was leaning against the wall. She raised her hand to greet him but hesitated.

"Long time no see…didn't he grow bigger?"

[I evolved.]

"You got stronger…?" She was stunned and fell in thought for a moment. Han Jia, who didn't know he evolved either, was similarly quieted.

"He really was right…"

[I'm doing fine here.]

"No, not that! I was thinking about how other humans would accept it…I'm glad you're looking healthy."

[Thanks to you and the captain.]

"I haven't done anything…give all your thanks to Fate."

"Ah, hello." As the conversation between my sister and Cain ended, Han Jia bowed her head timidly. I climbed up on the wall at the moment, Mireina behind me. I was completely ready for battle.

"What is it?"

"Wow, she looks cute too."

"Actually, the dwarves three days ago…who is that woman?"

"A colleague." When I responded, my sister's eyebrows wriggled.

"I haven't heard of them."

"Wasn't she there before?"

"…It doesn't matter." I could understand that, since our guild was composed of a small number of elites, it was natural to be sensitive to increases or decreases in our membership.

"She's not a fallen. She's a colleague."

"Oh? Then that means…"

"Why did you come here?" My sister wanted to say something else, but I cut her off in the middle. She puffed her cheeks and stared at me, but I shook my head. Finally, grumbling, she spoke up again.

"Do you know anything about the dwarves? I'm trying to find out where they disappeared."

"…" I was silent for a moment, hardening my mind as I noticed my sister watching me. She would have found out soon, so I didn't have to hide it.

"I heard from Cain that once the fallen reach a certain level, they would go to an underground battlefield to fight monsters alongside the dwarves."

"So it was related to the fallen…"

"I don't know more than that." My ability to lie had also improved. I could speak calmly without batting an eye, leaving my sister no choice but to accept it.

"Okay…if you know something, please let us know…and…" Her eyes shone brightly.

"Let's clear the dungeon together."

"I refuse."

"Why? Our guild members aren't of the level to solve the dungeon that appeared, but they are strong. Jia and I both have enough skills to keep up with you guys. It'll be good for both sides."

"Captain, are you sure? They are our allies." Lee Chan-yu, who favored the two young women, gave me a thumbs up. Did he not realize he wouldn't be able to transform back into a wolf with them around? He was a strong colleague, but I sometimes worried about his head. Surprisingly, it was not only him who was thinking about it.

[I'm inclined to agree. I'm unable to accompany you into most dungeons, but with power like theirs, it would be easier to protect Lee Chan-yu and Mireina. You can trust them.]

"You're just weak to her charms." It was none other than my sister and I who had been protecting him, after all, which was why Cain came up with a plausible reason to agree with her proposal. He let out a laugh as he noticed me seeing right through him. The final vote of favor came in at the same time from Mireina.

"I agree! They're so cute, I want to talk to them!" I covered her mouth and pondered. If they joined, the amount of experience and our speed in exploring the dungeon would increase.

"We also have information about the dungeons in Seoul." After hearing that final incentive, I made my decision. We didn't have their information, and it would be useful in avoiding the large guilds in the future. I also, admittedly, wanted to help my sister grow under my protection. I wasn't human by any means, but she was still my younger sister. With a deep sigh, I opened my mouth.

"You can accompany us."

It was the start of our dungeon hunt.

Chapter 118: Guild Growth 3

Demon King

Guild Growth – 3

Erkindra's intelligence certainly was commendable. If we had started on our own without my sister's help, we would've been met with a lot of trouble conquering the dungeon before others could access it. With their help, however, things were proceeding surprisingly fast. The level of combat power could be a problem, but so far, it wasn't too bad.

"Jia, get out of there!"



[You received 1 silver.]

Both my sister and Han Jia were close-ranged fighters. As I had seen in the last battle when defending Cain, my sister used two daggers. Han Jia, who was strangely fast for her level, mainly relied on her legs.


Han Jia's legs emitted a red light, cutting neatly through the body of a slime that appeared behind her. It was a bit sloppy in terms of technique, but it was fast enough and had a sharp blow. In the time since the Great Fusion, the process of struggling to survive had engraved itself on her legs.


"You sound like a pervert, Lee Chan-yu." Lee Chan-yu couldn't help his aching heart as he watched the two high school girls whirling about.

"The captain told me to keep an eye on them!"

"On their level and abilities, not her legs! You need to know their level." However, we didn't have much else to do. My sister quickly cleaned up the remaining monsters.

"They're barely at level 120."

"Monsters like these aren't profitable enough to fight." I nodded at Lee Chan-yu, and he called out some small monsters. They appeared from the shadows, running down the dungeon passage. My sister turned to me excitedly.

"How many are there?"

"You think I'll tell you?"

"Cheh, this side is determined to hide all their secrets."


"You laughed?! You really laughed?!"

It was more efficient to hunt together, but I couldn't help but think my sister had another reason for suggesting this. Perhaps it was anxiety, born from the difference in the balance of power between us. We had to maintain an equal relationship until the end, but if either side was more powerful, the alliance was liable to change. That was why she felt nervous and wanted to reaffirm the alliance to make it stronger, which meant that behind the childish behavior of the group, some adult-like reasoning had occurred.

"Captain, it looks like a double-layered dungeon." Lee Chan-yu reported as my sister glared at me. I had been thinking quietly without paying any mind to her.

"Fate, what is that?"

"It means there's another dungeon below this one." It was a dungeon that didn't consist of a single layer. Mireina just said as much, though I didn't expect her to know much about dungeons. The face of my sister and Han Jia changed.

"So that monster was too weak because…"

"How will we do it, Si-yeon? I've never explored a double-layered dungeon before." I expanded my senses, stretching my mana in all directions while the two conversed. It was only about five stories deep- a poor dungeon compared to the Black Palace.

"Among the dungeons that appeared with the dwarves, were all of them double-layered?"

"The examples I've heard of were only single-story dungeons."

"How did you know?" Han Jia turned to ask Lee Chan-yu, who smiled.

"You just need to feel out the space beyond the boss room, right? If it's just empty, then it's fine. But if you can sense something there, it means there's another dungeon."

"Does that mean we've already reached the boss room…?"


"No way, it's too strong to fight…"

"It's not strong at all." Lee Chan-yu casually dismissed Han Jia's astonishment and turned toward me. I knew what he wanted to say, but I wanted him to speak it out loud for my sister and Han Jia.

"What should I do, captain? Open it?"

"Open it, wait…without the key?!" My sister cried out.

"That's suicidal! There's nothing more stupid than judging an entire dungeon based on the first floor alone!"

"Don't worry about the difficulty level."

"Don't worry…?" She looked puzzled, but I told her we knew all the levels of the bosses in this dungeon already. She didn't seem happier from my explanation.

"So we'll clear the dungeon now?"

"Yes, our purpose here is to gain as much experience as possible." As soon as the decision was made, I immediately moved us with Ubiquitous. We were in front of the boss's room in only two minutes, much to my sister's surprise.

"How did you get this ability?!"

"Han Jia didn't tell you?"

"Jia, you…!"

"Hey!" While the guild master scolded an unreliable guild member, I laid my hand on the iron door of the boss room. Normally we would have to wait for the monster with the key, but now that we had agreed upon a quick clear, that wasn't necessary. I hesitated for a moment in front of the door. Thoughts of the dungeon haunting and the issues above ground worried me, but before I could reach a conclusion to those thoughts, Mireina grabbed my arm.

"Fate, what is it? Are you okay?"

"…I was just blanking out. Everyone get ready." I would know if I was right after beating the boss. I took a deep breath and kicked the door open. As soon as they swung open, the energy hanging in the huge room was transforming before us into something solid.


I put Lee Chan-yu ahead of me as soon as I heard the roaring groan. He would fight it with the help of the other three.

"This guy will help you raise your level."

"Captain, that smells dangerous…" While exploring the Black Palace, Lee Chan-yu had developed a remarkable ability to sense danger. He transformed his hand into a claw in preparation for the fight.

"It smells like Cain."


"No, not quite. It stopped just before reaching the level of a parent entity." There was only one monster here, and its size was so small that the large room felt like a waste. It had a blurry shape to it, like a camera out of focus. It was focused on us with eyes that burned like fire, but it felt odd. I had a hard time figuring it out, but it clearly had an abundance of power.

"You can win."

"But it's almost there?! It's almost a parent entity! How can I beat one without Miss L's buff?!"

"Don't be stupid. There's a huge difference between a parent and a child. Besides, this isn't the Devil's Night, he's not buffed either. Oh, he's coming now!"


The moment the monster bounced off the floor like a frog to rush us, Mireina fired an arrow. However, the arrow that was destined for the monster's head passed right by him.

"Quick!" Lee Chan-yu rushed out with both arms raised, swinging his claws. An attack from a different direction than he had anticipated tore into his thigh. My sister and Han Jia ran in. Although they hadn't planned it, the two attacked the monster from each side as Lee Chan-yu got hit. Red and blue mana violently exploded in the air, but their attack missed. I now understand the ability of the enemy. The way it avoided Mireina's arrow and broke through Lee Chan-yu's defense, on top of the movement it had while avoiding the two women's attack. It was clear now.


"…This one disturbs your vision!" Lee Chan-yu recovered thanks to his superlative regeneration skill and let out a yell at the monster. His attack only cut through the air.


It was the wrong answer, but I remained silent. As long as I was here, their lives wouldn't be in danger, so I would give them a chance to grasp the enemy's ability on their own.

"It doesn't appear to mess with your vision, uncle." My sister responded in a cold voice as if to laugh at me. Cold air was rising from the daggers in her hands.

"Rather than affecting us with their abilities, it seems like they use their abilities to deflect our attacks."


The monster bounced off the floor again and hit my sister, but this time Han Jia was waiting. The moment her stretched-out leg collided with the monster, my sister threw out a dagger as if she had been waiting for that exact moment.


"If I'm right…!" For the first time, my sister's attack hit the monster. It appeared as if dozens of snowflakes bloomed along the trajectory of the dagger, concentrated on the blade that seemed to freeze the entire space. It was a short moment, but some of the parts that made up the monster's body were revealed in the realm of ice.

"What is that?!"

"It's a slime!"

"If you know, attack it quickly!" The body made of mucus vibrated, expanded, and contracted repeatedly. It could freely change the shape of its body to avoid the opponent's attack.

"Suddenly, my motivation is falling…"

"What if we die?"

"Captain?!" I took a step back as I watched Lee Chan-yu throw himself forward to protect the other party members. Mireina, seeing my sister's attack, was firing arrows imbued with cold mana.

"Go away!"


Thanks to my sister's quick identification of the enemy, the slime quickly died. Even if it grew to be almost on par with the higher system, it was still a slime. This was its limit.

"Damn, if you say you were hurt by a slime, Cain will make fun of you…"

"If it were Cain, he could've just killed it with a single kick. Not that he would fit in here." I pointed at the treasure chest that appeared in the center of the dungeon. The fight was over, so the spoils were for the other four. Now that we had cleared this dungeon, we would move on to the next one quickly. Or so I thought, as a notification window appeared before me. It confirmed my suspicions exactly.

[You have defeated the owner of the dungeon and conquered it. The dungeon will be absorbed into your own area.]

I let out a sigh and cleared the window; my colleagues were surprised by the sudden flow of mana changing the dungeon around them.

"Let's go before we get caught."