

After some time huga was woke up. He is in the room. His mother was cried and told about his life to the unknown person. Huga was shouted. Huga mother scolded and told about the unknown person. She said he was the fury of our clan. Huga asked why he is cover his face. Huga mother said he was the secret gaurd of our clan. So he was to cover is face. And the fury was talked to huga and introduce himself my name is haruki and I am will be your gaurds now onwards. Huga said what mom I know how survive. Haruki said I know how you survive in the last fight. Huga was silently getting out of the room and going out of the house and the setting on the edge of the mountain. That time haruki follow huga and sit with him. Haruki ask why you killed the leader of the hunter clan. Huga said because he only killed my clan members and my beloved father. In our town all the students have father and they spend more with their kids. But me that happiness was lost for the whole life. And my mother told me I have a brother but he also not with me he died in the great clan war. That's only I killed the leader of the hunter clan. In that time one a sword was slash the hand of haruki. Huga was shocked. Huga was turn around and he was scared because the death warrior of hunter clan was arrived his name was daiki. Daiki was said. Hello huga I am here to finish you. In that haruki said I am still alive. And my hand was not injured. Daiki was shocked and said what the world are you. Haruki hand was recover that it self. Huga ask how do you do that haruki said please stay out of this. I will handle this I will teach you how to do that. Haruki used his power against daiki. But daiki defend with his single hand. Haruki was tired but he want finish daiki so he use the power of demon inside of him called aki. Haruki eyes was changed into blue and haruki strike daiki with his little finger. Daiki was fly and crash in the mountain. But also daiki was standing in front of haruki in that time huga was slashed daiki with his sword. Daiki was shocked and he lied down. Daiki said I am not only try to kill you huga my whole clan is trying to kill you. In that time haruki said no one try to keep hand on huga when I am here with him. Daiki was laughed and he was dead.. .....