
Fight of the Ace

CHAPTER 1 : Fight of the Ace

The man looks at the sky and says "This world is really a beautiful place".

"Who are you?" Shizuka asks

"That is none of your business. If you tell someone about this incident I will hunt you down. Got it?" the man replies

"Who are you?" Shizuka is trembling but her face shows determination.

"I am a semi S class" the man replied and started walking away.

Just then he saw Ren Ryuji the captain of the third branch of the organisation at Tokyo.

Ren says "You know that he is one of the great families, right?"


"Yet you have turned your back against him without even knowing if he is dead or not" Ren said


When he looks behind Tatsuya is standing behind him quietly.


"Why are you after me?" Tatsuya asked

Before he could say anything Tatsuya's fist was flying in front of his face. The punch was too fast and the man couldn't see it. He was sent flying. He couldn't believe his eyes. The guy he killed has come back alive.

"How?" the man was shocked

"I don't have any interest in fighting you so let's finish this quickly"

Tatsuya's eyes turn red  and his eyes symbolising a magic circle and his aura changed.

The man couldn't believe his eyes.

The man starts sweating.

"What are you?" the man asked.

"A highschool student"

Ren was surprised. He couldn't believe what was happening.

The guy attacked him with his katana but couldn't slash him and in the next moment the katana was broken into pieces.

Suddenly the guy pulls out another katana and attacks him.

Ren thought that the sword will cause no damage to Tatsuya but to his surprise the sword slashed through him.

Tatsuya's body was covered in blood.

The man was panting heavily.

"Huff huff huff"


"Heh I guess I was wrong about you" the man smirked

Tatsuya didn't understand anything.

"I am a semi S class not because of my swordsmanship but because of this sword"

"What are you talking about?"

"This is a rare sword that contains divine energy. By mixing my soul energy with divine energy I can create a strong slash that can cut through anything"

"But you didn't kill me"

"I have no idea why but it seems like I am unable to fully use this sword against you"

"Well whatever" Tatsuya said

Tatsuya starts running towards him and the guy gets ready.

The guy says"Divine energy is a positive force and soul energy is negative. By combining positive and negative we can create an unstoppable force that is neutral in nature."

"Is that so" Tatsuya said

"This sword is a special sword which contains divine energy"

"Then the only way to get rid of this problem is to take away that sword"

"Do you really think you can get the sword easily"

"Who knows"

Tatsuya starts running again. The guy pulls out the katana and charges at Tatsuya. The guy is confident about his speed. He thinks that no one can catch him.

But he is wrong. Tatsuya's speed is even faster.

Tatsuya punches the guy in the gut. The guy gets launched into a building. He is barely able to stand.

"You are a monster" the man said

Tatsuya looks at him and says" I will say that I have never seen someone as stubborn as you"

"I won't stop till I kill you"

Tatsuya doesn't say anything and walks towards him.

The guy uses his sword and tries to slash Tatsuya.

But before the guy could even touch him, Tatsuya punches him again.

The guy flies into another building.

He is covered in bruises and is bleeding.

"How? How can you be this strong?"

Tatsuya doesn't reply.

"Damn it. If only I had a normal body" the man said.

"But the only thing that matters is strength and I am sure that you are stronger than me" the man continues

"What are you trying to say?" Tatsuya asked

"You are talented you will not know" the guy said

"What do you mean?"

"You have a broken gate"

Tatsuya's expression changes

"What do you know about a broken gate?"

Tatsuya said with anger in his voice.


"I don't believe you"

"It is the truth"

"Then how do you know about it"

"My family told me about it"


"Well I don't care as long as I am getting paid" The guy said

Tatsuya was furious

"Who told you to attack me" Tatsuya said

"Figure it out yourself", the man replied.

The man puts all of his energy and gives one final blow to Tatsuya.

The man is covered in injuries. His right leg is broken.

Even though he was able to land a slice through Tatsuya's body Tatsuya also gave him a direct blow in the chest.

The man's internal organs are injured and is bleeding internally.

"I can't believe that I was beaten by a kid" the man said

"You don't have to die. Just tell me who ordered you to attack me"

"Do you really think that I will talk" the man smirked.

"If you won't tell me I will make sure that you die a painful death" Tatsuya said.

This time the man comes at Tatsuya at full speed. Tatsuya before he could figure it out was thrown into the school in which he was studying.

The whole school building collapsed.

Ren is watching the fight from afar.

"I never knew that the Saiki's clan was this strong. The Saiki's are indeed a scary clan." Ren thought

"To think that the kid can beat a semi S class is unbelievable. What is more unbelievable is the fact that Ryugi can withstand Tatsuya's punch even  for 5 seconds. This is truly amazing."

Tatsuya hears Ren from far apart as his senses are also at its fullest.

"So his name is Ryugi" Tatsuya said

"Looks like he didn't plan on telling you his name" Ren replied.

Tatsuya runs at Ryugi and punches him with a lot of force. Ryugi was thrown into a building.

Ryugi from behind slashed Tatsuya

"Did I get him" Ryugi said.

"What a durability"

"But the kid can't last forever"

"As long as I keep cutting him he will die"

Tatsuya was covered in blood.

At last Tatsuya finally used all of his strength and punched Ryugi in the chest but this time Ryugi didn't blacked or dodged. He took the punch.

He was sent flying into a wall.

When Tatsuya went near Ryugi he vanished.

The next second he realised Ryugi was attacking Shizuka.

Ryugi had a smile on his face.

"If I can't kill you I will kill her" Ryugi said.


Tatsuya tries to stop him but his legs refuse to move.

"I won't be able to reach him" Tatsuya thought

Just then someone appeared in front of Shizuka and parried Ryugi's attack.

It was Ren.

"Why are you getting in the way"

"If I let you kill her then there will be problems" Ren replied

"Do you think you can defeat me?"

"Of course"

"What makes you so sure"

"Cause I am the strongest" Ren said

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, just giving a warning"

"You don't have any right to interfere"

"Do you think the world is yours?"

"It doesn't matter"

"It does matter actually"


Ryugi rushed towards ren but ren blocked his attack single handedly.

"You've gotten strong" Ryugi thought

Ryugi was trying his best to win the battle but couldn't do it.

"If you leave the girl I will not interfere" Ren said

Suddenly Tatsuya attacked Ryugi from behind

"Damn" Ryugi thought

"I guess I have no choice"

"Out of all the people on earth I've fought you are not the strongest but still you managed to make me use my last attack, Tatsuya Shindo you are the chosen who will witness the power of  Ryugi Maeda"

"The Shindo clan is the strongest of the seven great families."

"It's a shame that the descendent of the strongest of the clan is going to die"

Ryugi's eyes glow green and his whole body becomes covered in a green aura.

"With the power of a semi S class you can't possibly stop this power"

"If I go all out, you will not be able to withstand this much power"

"This will kill me but it will surely kill you"

Ryugi disappears

And reappears behind tatsuya and slashes him.

"What did he do?"

"This is my last attack. I am going to die anyway"

"If I die, I will take you with me"

Tatsuya couldn't feel his body anymore.

"I will surely die" Tatsuya thought

"If I get killed it will be over"

"I will die here"

At that moment Tatsuya realised that he was going to lose in that final strike when suddenly an attack from behind cleaved Ryugi's body into two halves.

*A note from Ariyan Mosrang (writer)

Hey guys! This is the third chapter. Hope you enjoy it.

Thank you for reading.

If you have any criticisms or suggestions pls tell me in the comments.*

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