
Spoilers Constellation Breathing and OC Demons

For those who want to know what the MC's own breathing style will be.

Constellation Breathing

First Form: Aries Ram

The user charges at the attacker and slashes twice first in an upward diagonal slash left to right and then using the momentum doing a downward diagonal slash right to left.

Second form: Taurus Charge

The user first positions himself in a running stance with the blade in its sheath an does a one effort impulse, when the user reaches the attacker he quickly takes the sword out of the sheath in any form the user wants though the most optimal is a vertical slash down to up.

Third form: Gemini Twin Blades

For this form the user needs two blades, it consists on four consecutive attacks by the two blades at the same time so 8 attacks in total. The first two are one to the left leg and right arm, the second two are one the left arm and the heart, the third are one to the right leg and the stomach and the final two are both to the neck. This form can only be used in very close distance and when the user is fully concentrated.

Fourth form: Cancer Pincer Attack

For this form the user again needs two blades, it consists of first locking down the opponent by piercing the head and the other blade slashes through the demons neck.

Fifth form: Leo Strikes

For this form the user only needs one sword. The user puts the sword parallel to his body and swiftly approaches the enemy while doing diagonal slashes and using the momentum of each slash to make the next one faster for people outside the user this form looks like a lion's swipes because of the speed of each slash.

Sixth form: Virgo Feint

The user drops his first sword directing the enemies attention to it, after that the use starts walking toward the enemy and directs the enemies attention to his second sword and while the enemy is distraught thinking in what way the user will attack the user claps in the enemies ears disorienting them and then with the fastest speed possible the user slashes the enemies neck.

Seventh form: Libra Balance Of Swords

In this form the user uses just one sword and he quickly tries to gain altitude through the environment and do a downward slash to the enemy kind of like a gavel in a court room. In this form the need of environment also makes it one of the fastest and the strongest of the entire breathing style.

Eighth form: Scorpio Sting

In this form the user first does a front flip with the katana in a backhand grip depicting a scorpion sting.

Ninth form: Sagittarius Arrow

In this form the user uses one of his swords to stab through the demon's head it can at most be done from a range of 60 meters and the user must be used of it's sure hit if he doesn't want to lose his sword.

Tenth form: Capricorn Sea Goat

In this form the user uses just one sword moves with a fluidness that comes with water and strength from land, in essence the more enemies there are the faster and stronger the form gets over time since the moving doesn't stop.

Eleventh form: Aquarius Rain Piercings

For this form the user only uses one sword. The user puts the sword in front of him and does fast pierces that don't stop until the user feels satisfied the longer the piercing the faster they will be. Simulating a rain catching on.

Twelfth form: Pisces Conjoined Blades

The two blades of the user are joined by a chain and the user is able to use all other forms except for a select few. In this form the previous forms are all stronger, this form is more of a passive that makes all other swings stronger, faster and longer in exchange for control.

Thirteenth Form:???


Name: Akumuji

Appearance: Akumuji is a demon of average height with a lean, sinewy build. Its skin is a sickly pale gray, almost resembling the color of ashes. It possesses a pair of narrow, yellow eyes that gleam with a sinister intelligence. The demon's mouth is filled with jagged, razor-sharp teeth, and its fingers end in long, pointed claws.


Nightmare Manipulation: Akumuji has the power to induce and control vivid, horrifying nightmares in its victims. These dreams can range from their deepest fears to their most traumatic memories, leaving them mentally and emotionally drained.

Shadow Meld: It can meld into shadows, becoming nearly invisible to the naked eye. This allows it to move stealthily and launch surprise attacks.

Fear Aura: Akumuji emits an aura that instills fear and unease in those nearby. This aura can weaken an opponent's resolve, making them more susceptible to its nightmare manipulation.

Clairvoyant Sight: It can see through darkness making it a formidable adversary in low-light environments.

Regeneration: While not as rapid as higher-ranked demons, Akumuji possesses a moderate level of regenerative abilities. It can heal minor wounds and injuries over time.


Sunlight Sensitivity: Like many demons, Akumuji is burned by direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure can lead to severe injuries or even disintegration.

Limited Physical Strength: Compared to higher-ranked demons, Akumuji's physical strength is relatively average. It relies more on its abilities and intelligence in combat.


Akumuji was once a psychotics kidwho met a tragic end.He met Muzan in an alleyway and loved the idea of tormenting people. Over time, he honed its abilities to torment humans in their most vulnerable state—while they slept.

It doesn't hold any particular grudge against demon slayers, but it revels in the chaos and fear it creates. Its actions often draw the attention of demon slayers, leading to confrontations in which Akumuji employs its nightmarish abilities to gain the upper hand.

Though not as powerful as ranked demons, Akumuji is a cunning adversary, and its unique abilities make it a formidable opponent for any demon slayer.

Name: Morioka

Appearance: Morioka is a towering demon, standing at nearly nine feet tall. Its body is covered in gnarled, bark-like skin, resembling a twisted tree trunk. Its eyes are a piercing shade of green, and its limbs end in thick, branch-like appendages with sharp wooden spikes protruding from them. Vines and leaves entwine around its form, giving it an eerie, natural aura.


Wood Manipulation: Morioka possesses the power to control and manipulate wood with unparalleled precision. It can make branches extend, form barriers, or create weapons from nearby trees and vegetation.

Regrowth: If injured, Morioka can rapidly heal itself by absorbing nutrients from the earth. It can mend wounds and regenerate damaged limbs, provided there is an ample source of plant life nearby.

Camouflage: The demon can blend seamlessly into wooded environments, becoming nearly invisible to the untrained eye.

Root Trap: It can send out underground roots to entangle and immobilize foes. These roots can extend over a wide area and are incredibly strong.


Fire Vulnerability: Like all wood-based demons, Morioka is highly susceptible to fire. Flames can quickly consume its wooden form, causing significant damage.

Limited Mobility: While powerful within wooded areas, Morioka's abilities are less effective in environments lacking substantial vegetation.

Sunlight Sensitivity: Like all demons, Morioka is burned by direct sunlight. Prolonged exposure can lead to severe injuries or even disintegration.


Morioka was once a simple woman that loved the forest that protected and was around her home but after some bandits came to her house they raped her and burned everything down in the house which spread to the forest. Muzan found her all burnt up and decided to give her his power after seeing her hate for humans in her eyes.

Morioka is fiercely protective of her wooded domain and views humans as intruders, seeking to kill whoever enters it. It has clashed with demon slayers who ventured into its territory, using its formidable wood-based powers to defend its domain.

Though not as cunning or versatile as higher-ranked demons, Morioka's mastery over wood-based abilities and its connection to nature make it a formidable adversary, particularly in densely forested areas.

This is just for reference for me so I don’t forget lol and if anybody wants to know some spoilers they can.The OC demons may seem op but they really aren’t you will see when we get there.

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