
Demon Slayer: I love Stars

An astronomer obsessed with stars is reborn in the demon slayer world. How will he change the fate of this world with a little outside help from a ROB? I don’t own anything from demon slayer all credits go to the author also the cover isn’t mine all credits go to the artist if he wants me to take it down do tell me

Joanjudo · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 18

{Kusakabe Mansion 10:00AM}

The past two weeks spent with my family had been a much-needed rest from the pressures that had weighed on me throughout the previous year. The familiar embrace of home, the laughter around the dinner table, and the shared moments of joy had worked wonders to lift the burdens from my shoulders. However, the world of demons never slept, and duty called me back to my investigations.

This time, the urgency was greater than ever. The demon I sought seemed to lurk dangerously close to our family's mansion, a fact that had spurred my return. After dispatching the fifth upper moon, strong demons seemed to have increased their attacks and activities allowing the hashira to find greater traces of the upper ranks. But after upper moon 2 killed Kanae and I lost him it seemed their activities stopped for a while but a month back they started increasing again.

I began to delve into a series of curious cases, all involving individuals who vehemently professed their innocence despite facing a sentence of death. What struck me as particularly odd was their shared claim: "It were his hands." The most recent incident had occurred in a town not far from our family estate. While our remote location offered a degree of protection. But I wasn't willing to leave anything to chance so I stayed here for two weeks checking every nook and cranny of the perimeter around the house but since I found nothing I decided to go investigate the town where the last case happened.

With a heavy heart, I bid farewell to my family, their warm smiles etched in my memory. Turning towards the distant village.

{Tsurui Town 11:00AM}

The town gates welcomed me with the lively bustle of a small festival. Streets lined with stalls and markets, showcasing an array of products, painted a vibrant picture. It was heartwarming to see so many familiar faces from my family's shops, each displaying their finest cloth and silk wares.

As the day progressed, I made my way to the local police department, where I was greeted with recognition. They promptly escorted me to their captain, and I inquired, "Hello, may I please review your latest cases?" The captain's response was swift and courteous, "Of course, Lord Hashira." With him leading the way, we delved into the files, which covered the events of the past month.

One case was the one I was searching for—a man who fervently claimed, "He was innocent and it were his hands." According to the records, he had been condemned to death for setting another man on fire. Yet, from what I could see in this file it looked more like the victim was electrocuted since his hair was still there and charred black but that was something impossible for a human in this era it could only be the work of a demon. A triumphant realization surged within me and I said in a low murmur "Bingo". I took it upon myself to reorganize the files and expressed my gratitude to the captain before leaving the premises.

Settling into my room at the hotel, I took a moment to collect my thoughts. The village and its surrounding area stretched far and wide, and I knew that investigating every nook and cranny would be a task in itself. With the demon undoubtedly lurking nearby, I resolved to begin my thorough exploration, determined to uncover its lair.

The quaint hotel provided a much-needed respite, and I decided to rest for the remainder of the day. And only investigate at night since it was common knowledge that demons could only move in the dark or shadows since the sun disintegrated them. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long, elongated shadows, I knew it was time to venture forth.

Stepping out into the dimming twilight, my senses heightened. Every rustle of leaves and whisper of the wind seemed to carry a hidden message, a clue to the demon's whereabouts. The village streets, once teeming with festival-goers, now took on an eerie stillness, an ominous prelude to the nocturnal hunt that lay ahead.

My plan was clear—comb the village meticulously, seeking any signs, no matter how subtle, of demonic presence. It was a daunting task, but I was armed not only with my blades, but also with unwavering resolve. Every alley, every corner, held the potential for discovery, and I would leave no stone unturned in my pursuit of justice.

As the hours ticked by, the night embraced the village in its inky cloak. The world seemed to hold its breath, as if anticipating the clash between hunter and hunted. I pressed on, focused and resolute, knowing that my every step brought me closer to confronting the malevolent force that threatened this peaceful community.

Through the winding streets, past the silent houses, I moved with purpose, my senses keenly attuned to the slightest disturbance. Each passing moment only served to strengthen my resolve, my determination unwavering in the face of the impending battle that awaited me.

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a pale glow upon the village. It was time to venture beyond its borders, to explore the perimeter and seek any traces of the demon's presence. The path ahead was uncertain, but I was unyielding in my pursuit. With each step, I drew closer to the heart of the darkness that had infiltrated this once serene village.

Venturing deeper into the forest, my senses heightened, I looked at every corner of the forest with my X-ray vision. It wasn't long before I stumbled upon a small wooden house, its timbers still fresh and new, a stark contrast to the ancient woods that surrounded it. As I pushed open the creaking door, I was met with a sight that seemed like a paradox in it and of itself.

Within the confines of the humble abode stood a demon, its form frail and skeletal, a grotesque visage that spoke of malevolence. Dark, wavy hair framed its face, the hairline uneven and jagged. Its eyes, red as blood, held a strange intensity, the left one marked with the kanji for 'upper rank,' while the right bore the kanji for 'four.' The demon's presence seemed to ripple with a mixture of fear and desperation.

As it turned it and looked at me, it whimpered"P-please don't hurt me," the words tinged with an unmistakable plea for mercy. I regarded the creature with a measured gaze, unyielding in my resolve. Unsheathing my blade, I intoned in a monotone voice, "Constellation Breathing Second Form: Taurus Charge."

In a swift motion, I closed the distance between us, the blade slicing through the air with precision. The demon's head tumbled to the ground, a grotesque display of the end of its wretched existence. Yet to my intrigue, the macabre scene did not conclude as expected.

Before my eyes, a new body sprouted from the severed neck, and a new head emerged, a grotesque transformation that defied all logic.

"Interesting," I mused, my intrigue piqued by the supernatural spectacle. The two newly formed demons that stood before me were markedly younger, each possessing a distinct air of menace.

One bore green eyes with the kanji for 'pleasure' marked on his tongue, while the other's eyes blazed red, the kanji for 'anger' etched into his tongue. Their weaponry, too, spoke of their individuality—the green-eyed demon brandished an Uchiwa fashioned like a maple leaf, while the red-eyed counterpart wielded a Khakkhara, a staff adorned with ringing ornaments.

"You will die!" the red-eyed demon roared, his voice dripping with venom. Beside him, the green-eyed demon seemed almost eager for the impending conflict.

Preparing myself for the battle that lay ahead, I focused on the red-eyed demon. In a surge of motion, he brought his staff crashing against the floor, igniting a storm of lightning that crackled and seethed. As I looked at the lightning coming at me in slow motion thanks to my X-ray vision, I bellowed, "Constellation Breathing Fifth Form: Leo Strikes."

With unwavering resolve, I hurtled towards the red-eyed demon, my blade cleaving through the electrified air. The clash was imminent, victory nearly within my grasp, but in an unexpected twist, the pleasure demon intervened. Unleashing a powerful gust of wind with a sweep of his Uchiwa, he sent me crashing against the wall and bursting out of the house, mere moments from reaching the red-eyed demon's vulnerable neck.

As I soared through the air, my mind raced, calculating my next move. As I was maneuvering myself in the air to land on my feet I thought to myself "Well this is gonna be a pain in the ass."

*Author Note and Vote I can make the nivel go two ways:

After this fight drag it on a bit more and have more dialogue and character interaction this would be around 15 to 20 chaps more or less probably don't quote me on that and they would be spread out.

Or we could continue with action and investigations from MC and other Hashira's POV

you choose and vote I will check so not voting twice guys lol*

Welp Hantengu vs Hoshi this is gonna be the longest fight to date I am probably going to make it two more chapters. Also the plot has already changed since Gyokko died the 5th Rank is now Daki and Gyutaro so the 6th Rank is the place without a demon right now. Also yeah I am going fast but I am making this only 100 chapters so I am sorry if it is too short for some people this is my first one and I didn’t want to make it super long and drag it on. My next will probably reach 200 chapters but not more most of the novels I have planned are between 100-200 chapters since I believe that stories can be told in between 150,000 to 300,000 words like Lord of the Rings, the Iliad, Don Quijote so don’t expect my novels to ever reach 500 chaps.

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