
Demon Slayer : Becoming A Student Of Shinobu

After dying unexpectedly, Aiden is transported to the Demon Slayer universe and gifted a mysterious demon-slaying system. Bound to the sentient Demon Blade Senjin, Aiden adopts the name Kenshi Tanaka to survive and accomplish his goals. ---------- [System initiating binding!] The sudden voice in his mind made Aiden jump. [Binding successful, welcome host to the Unnamed Mysterious system. Scanning...scan complete.] [Neither the host's body nor mind is currently strong enough to fully bond with the system, In the meantime, the host will only have access to limited functions of the system] [Daily Draw Function : As the name suggests, you can draw from the chest once per day. The items received are extremely varied and unpredictable. Draws do not accumulate, they expire if unused, So always check the chest status to avoid wasting resources from forgetting.] Aiden opened his first daily draw. System discription : [—The Demon Blade Senjin! The blade was formed from thousands of fragmented pieces and it can break apart and pieced together. The hilt and half the blade were black, with blue stripes on the blade depicting evil spirit patterns.] --------------------------

Mario_0000 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

CH. 17: Mission Accomplished?

"The locals are living it up!" The boss said somewhat enviously. "They don't need to do anything, just rent out their houses or turn them into inns, money keeps pouring into their hands every day. Sometimes the mayor even splits the earnings with them!"

"Is that so..."

The boss also whispered. "I saw you come from the mayor's place. You must've noticed how nice their clothes are!"

Kenshi thought for a bit. He actually didn't notice any important things. But the mayor's residence did have many extravagant things.

Antiques... paintings... exquisite glass tea sets and more. He had only hastily glanced around, not examining closely.

Thinking back now, the mayor's family was indeed wealthy!

"Sigh! No choice, the locals here are all filthy rich now! We're the ones working hard, but... oh well, forget it, won't spoil your meal." The boss waved his hand and said no more.

But kenshi fell into contemplation.

He felt the cause of all this was unlikely that old mayor.

He had heard the crow brief him on the mayor's profile.

He had been mayor for almost twenty years.

Why would he only now think of these innovative methods to change Sakurai Town's impoverished state?

This was clearly not something that greasy old mayor could think up.

Or rather... someone was helping him.

Sakurai Town's development, the gaze in the residence.

Could it be the Demon!

He immediately grasped the key points.

Could the demon be hiding in the mayor's residence! Or on the surrounding areas of the residence.

The hand holding his chopsticks trembled. He took a deep breath and finished the rest of his udon in a few bites.

Although not knowing why the Demon was in hiding, he still decided against rash contact.

Now was not yet the time for contact, he could only take it step-by-step.

Seeing Kanao had neatly finished eating, he asked. "Done eating?"

As always, Kanao just nodded.

"Then let's go somewhere else to take a look!" Kenshi suggested.

Kanao didn't refuse either.

And so—

They ate, drank, and played for the entire afternoon.

Sampling a little from small stands here and there, sometimes watching street performances, sometimes participating in little games and winning some souvenirs.

Finally, tired from walking, they decided to rest under the Sakura tree in the east of town, while also keeping an eye out for any intel.

He and Kanao sat beneath a sakura tree, leisurely enjoying the fragrance of cherry blossoms.

Both their faces showed fatigue and satisfaction. They had been training hard lately, finally getting to some free time for once today.

Kenshi stretched and laid beneath the tree.

There weren't many tourists in this area, but still a fair number.

Most came in groups.

There were couples in the throes of passion, happy families, and friends heartily toasting each other.

After experiencing the bustling streets of Sakurai Town's center, everyone was enjoying a moment's tranquility here.

Suddenly, a sobbing female voice sounded in kenshi's ear. "Excuse me... are you from the Demon Slayer Corps?"

He opened his eyes. Together with Kanao they looked over.

A disheveled woman with bloodshot eyes as if not having slept well for days stood beside them.

"Excuse me... are you from the Demon Slayer Corps?" Seeing them not respond, the woman anxiously asked again.

"We're from the Corps. What's the matter?" He sat up asking.

But unexpectedly the woman burst into loud sobs the next moment.

The great volume even attracted most of the people around.

He felt somewhat awkward. He had to comfort the woman while also guessing inside.

Sure enough, the woman immediately began recounting her tale.

She originally had a doting husband. Soon after marrying, he had brought her here for vacation. She was having great fun, but just two days ago, her husband suddenly disappeared!

She was scared witless, yelling for him to stop hiding while desperately searching, but could not find her husband anywhere. She had even frantically grabbed people asking "Have you seen my husband?"

This matter also alarmed the mayor. After investigating, they finally concluded.

The man-eating demons had returned. Her husband must have been captured.

To rescue her husband, they could only seek the Demon Slayer Corps who specialized in slaying demons.

And members of the Corps all wore black uniforms with the words "Demon Slayer Corps".

Hearing the woman's account, he fell silent, while also feeling somewhat wretched.

The woman's husband was probably doomed. These Demons are really annoying and disgusting!


The sun slowly set behind the valley, the skies gradually turning dusk.

There were fewer and fewer tourists in the Sakura forest, but some couples still lingered, murmuring sweet nothings.

He and Kanao also began patrolling, on guard against the impending danger.

The woman from the afternoon had been arranged lodging by the mayor.

Just thinking about still needing to provide her psychological counseling gave him a headache.

He gradually stopped thinking.

Night fell—


Kenshi spread out his hyper senses to see any abnormality in the area. He currently doesn't even know the full range of his senses.

However, his eyes suddenly shined as he looked at Kanao beside him. "Follow me, something seems to be off over there!"

Kanao nodded, closely following behind.

He brought Kanao to intercept the target's path, lying in wait.

Despite the continued tranquility, kenshi was fully focused ahead. Kanao also vigilantly watched their surroundings.

Suddenly, with sound of rushing wind, a black shadow suddenly leapt out, landing before the two.

Judging by the aura from his senses, it was a demon!

Kenshi looked over. The demon had a hideous face, its entire skin shriveled like deadwood.


As if sensing him and Kanao's threat, the shriveled demon let out a loud shriek.

Next, its entire skin began twisting and swelling, seemingly becoming even tougher.

When the shrieking stopped, its size had grown threefold.

It was Blood Demon Art!

The strengthened shriveled demon roared and charged at the two.

Kenshi deeply inhaled, concentrating to the utmost. Using his skill to predict it's actions, while keeping his attack ready. Meanwhile, under his control, the demon blade Senjin was also in its current toughest state!

Finally, as the shriveled demon neared, he forcefully drew his blade.

Insect breathing - Dance Of The Bee Sting: Consecutive Slashes.

His hands suddenly moved in a blurring motion as blood splattered on his body. With blood, the demon's limbs and organs flew everywhere as the demon suddenly rooted at the spot it stood.

Kenshi senses suddenly tingled, he opened his eyes only to see a headless demon.

The wind slowly blew away the demon's remains into the distance, even bringing together the fluttering cherry blossoms, forming an odd beauty under the moonlight.

Finally the demon's remains fell, and kenshi also sheathed his sword.

"That's it?"

Looking at the dispersing remnants, then at Kanao who had done nothing, he scratched his cheek somewhat awkwardly.

Should he have exchanged more moves with it to get a feel for real combat?

Or should he have given Kanao some chance to display herself?

One-shotting it like this, he didn't feel anything.

Well, he felt that it was not quite right, if his speculations are correct about the demon being in cahoots with the mayor, it wouldn't be this stupid and appear infront of him.

He stubbornly spread his hyper senses again, but unfortunately only sensed some panicked humans, no demon aura.

Sighing, he turned to Kanao with a wry smile. "Sorry for snatching your prey. Looks like the demon that plaguing Sakurai Town was not that strong."

Kanao shook her head indicating it was fine.

"Alright then! Let's head back to rest! It's late, we'll return to the butterfly mansion tomorrow." He suggested.

Kanao nodded in agreement.

Although Sakurai Town's demon was dealt with, he still felt something is wrong.

Kenshi planned to stay another night, gathering more intel tomorrow or directly confronting the mayor.

Heading back to rest, he intended to get two rooms at an outside inn. He had also heard the cherry blossom baths here were great, perfect for relaxing after a long day.

He had picked a place earlier, but it was on the other side of town, requiring a detour.

Sakurai Town was much quieter at night, but some venues were still hosting night events, drawing many night visitors.

Wanting somewhere more tranquil, he took another path with Kanao.

After walking halfway, they saw a gigantic sakura tree.

This sakura tree was larger than all others in Sakurai Town.

It was said that the mayor spent a heavy sum to have it transplanted from elsewhere into the town center as a symbol of Sakurai Town.

With the crowds during the day, many who came to this tree offered prayers for good fortune.

He and Kanao also visited this landmark while playing around in daytime.

Now deep into the night, there wasn't a soul here.

He only glanced at it briefly before intending to leave with Kanao directly to find an inn.

Suddenly, he sensed a trace of demonic aura!

Kenshi abruptly halted, he calmly and slowly put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

In a blink, the Aura grew stronger as he also started feeling it's presence. And its origin was actually beneath his feet!

Kanao tilted her head, somewhat confused as she looked at him.

"Prepare to fight!"