
Demon Slayer : Becoming A Student Of Shinobu

After dying unexpectedly, Aiden is transported to the Demon Slayer universe and gifted a mysterious demon-slaying system. Bound to the sentient Demon Blade Senjin, Aiden adopts the name Kenshi Tanaka to survive and accomplish his goals. ---------- [System initiating binding!] The sudden voice in his mind made Aiden jump. [Binding successful, welcome host to the Unnamed Mysterious system. Scanning...scan complete.] [Neither the host's body nor mind is currently strong enough to fully bond with the system, In the meantime, the host will only have access to limited functions of the system] [Daily Draw Function : As the name suggests, you can draw from the chest once per day. The items received are extremely varied and unpredictable. Draws do not accumulate, they expire if unused, So always check the chest status to avoid wasting resources from forgetting.] Aiden opened his first daily draw. System discription : [—The Demon Blade Senjin! The blade was formed from thousands of fragmented pieces and it can break apart and pieced together. The hilt and half the blade were black, with blue stripes on the blade depicting evil spirit patterns.] --------------------------

Mario_0000 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

CH. 14: Mitsuri's Training

His last words finally helped Mitsuri overcome her inferiority complex.

Taking a deep breath and figuring it out, she suddenly stood up. Under everyone's surprised eyes, she bowed deeply towards him.

"Thank you kenshi-Kun! Thank you for making me understand my charm! Thank you very much!"

"It's nothing." He waved his hand.

What he had said earlier really couldn't stand scrutiny. There would be loopholes everywhere if he thought about it carefully.

But still, who cares! As long as Mitsuri was happy, nothing else mattered!

And now the most important thing was—

He looked at the swaying, huge peaks. Just standing and lying down earlier made him feel they were very big already. Now bent over, they were really... !

Suddenly he felt his hyper senses go crazy with warnings as he felt a cold gaze stabbing fiercely into his skin.

He quickly lowered his head, even though his back was already covered in cold sweat, he still pretended nothing had happened.

Shinobu retracted her gaze with a smile and put her hand on Mitsuri's back. "Alright, if you really want to thank him, just stay and rest in the Butterfly Mansion these days and help me give him special training!"

Mitsuri's special training?

Kenshi suddenly thought that in the original work, Mitsuri's special training for the Demon Slaying Corps members was to forcibly pull their tendons and bones with brute strength. Although not cruel, the process was extremely painful.

Now there would be special training just for him alone. With Mitsuri's strength...he didn't even dare to think about it.

Weakly raising his hand. "Um... I think..."

"What do you think?" Shinobu looked at him with a smile.

After staying in the Butterfly mansion for more than half a month, he also figured out the characteristics of Shinobu smiles. For example, this smile meant: Go ahead and reject me if you dare!

"Cough... I think it's not bad..." He silently retracted his hand.

She couldn't be punishing him for looking at things he shouldn't have looked at just now right? Shinobu shouldn't be that petty...


On the other side, upon hearing shinobu's suggestion, Mitsuri immediately nodded. "Of course! Although I don't really know how to train others, I will teach him everything I know!"

Shinobu nodded in satisfaction and stood up. "Time is precious. Let's start now!"

And so his happy time ended...

After some warm-up training, Mitsuri decisively gave her advice. "Kenshi-kun's flexibility is too poor. But don't worry, I'm an expert in this area! I will help you well!"

There was really no escape huh...

He didn't care anymore. Bring it on! It's just...

"Um... Miss Mitsuri, please be gentle, this is my first time..."

"Don't worry! I will control my strength well. Although it will hurt a lot at first, it will feel very comfortable in the end!"

There was something strange about how she said that sentence no matter how he heard it. Was his mind too dirty?

The two sat down on the ground.

Mitsuri used her feet to split his legs apart, then grabbed his wrists.

"I'm going to start!"

After she said that, she started pulling back on his wrists.

He was fine at first, but as her strength increased, so did the pain.

Finally! Upon reaching a certain threshold, he quickly shouted. "Slow down, slow down! Pain, pain!"

Mitsuri didn't continue leaning back. Instead she maintained this angle.

He also breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed Mitsuri was quite sensible after all. He had misunderstood her.

But unfortunately, he had only considered internal factors and didn't consider external factors.

"Ara ara! Mitsuri, that won't do! If you're not strict enough you won't be able to make him grow!"

The usually gentle voice now sounded like a demon's whisper to his ears.

He realised, Shinobu was actually angry for some reason!

A pair of hands covered his back. Before he could react, a weight pressed down.

"Ow ow ow! Oh ow ow ow! I will die from pain!"

Kenshi really felt like the muscles in his lower thighs were about to snap! But unfortunately his painful screams failed to elicit even the slightest sympathy from Shinobu.

Seeing Shinohu so determined, Mitsuri also showed no intention of letting go.

She also knew that only by enduring the hard training now would the chances of survival during missions be higher in the future.

How much time had passed?

A few minutes? Or a few hours?

He didn't know. All he knew was that he had lost feeling in both legs. By the end he didn't even make a sound.

Feeling bored, Shinobu released her hands. "Alright Mitsuri, that's enough already."

Mitsuri also cooperated with Shinobu and slowly let go. Unfortunately, he still maintained the forward leaning posture of his upper body.

"Um... Shinobu, help me, I can't move my legs..." He asked for help while enduring the discomfort.

But Shinobu just rolled her eyes at him. "Your hands can still move right? We still have to help Kanao train! You can just slowly relax yourself!"

No sympathy, no love. What happened to the lovely Shinobu Today...

And she didn't even think about who caused him to become like this...

Mitsuri wanted to help but was directly pulled away by Shinobu. Seeing this, he finally gave up hope.

Kenshi tried flipping over tentatively. Doing nothing was fine, but the slightest movement of his legs caused a strong tingling sensation, making him suck in a breath of cold air.

After resting for a few moments, he took a deep breath. Finally gritting his teeth, he exerted his strength!

His body finally turned over and his legs were also adjusted in the process. But the numbness that followed instantly drowned his brain, nearly causing him to suffocate!

Although it was only a few seconds, he felt as if centuries had passed.

As the numbness subsided, he finally caught his breath again.

At this time, Shinobu and Mitsuri were training Kanao the same way. But unlike him, Shinobu would ask Kanao about her feelings from time to time...

Differential treatment huh...

He painfully turned his face away. His leg muscles hurt badly now. Lying down, he didn't even want to move.

After some unknown amount of time, Kanao's training was also completed.

Shinobu carefully helped Kanao up. Only then did she notice him still lying on the ground.

After confirming Kanao was fine, she walked over to him.

"Ara ara! How long does Mr. Kenshi plan to keep lying down? You'll catch a cold like this. Could it be... you're trying to skip training this way?" She asked with a lively tone.

Kenshi could only weakly reply. "it hurts..."

Seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, Shinobu suddenly felt a little guilty for going too far.

"How can a man not endure such a little pain?"

Although she was reprimanding him, she still helped him up and supported him as he hobbled to a chair not far away.

Now kenshi couldn't move at all, so today's training could only end early.

Time flew by in the blink of an eye, and three days had passed. Mitsuri looked at him who had just finished her special training and was relaxing his muscles, feeling somewhat surprised.

On the first day, after finishing special training, he was in so much pain that he couldn't even move. It was Shinobu who helped him and massaged his muscles.

However, on the second day, after Mitsuri put him through training of the same intensity, she discovered that he was much better than yesterday!

Although his face still had the pained grimace, he could immediately stand up and relax his muscles by himself.

And then today, kenshi's condition was even better than the previous two days!

After completing the training, he only frowned slightly. His body which had been ravaged by the tendon training now looked completely unaffected.

What shocked Mitsuri even more was that his body flexibility had improved far too much compared to the first day!

Many difficult movements could now be easily accomplished by him.

Yet it had only been three days!

"Kenshi-kun is so amazing!" Mitsuri kept nodding while looking at him relaxing. "I really have nothing more to teach you. It just so happens that I have to leave Butterfly Mansion today too."

Hearing this, he was somewhat surprised. "Miss Mitsuri is leaving today?"

She nodded, waving the bandages on her arm. "Shinobu checked me and said my wounds are fine now. The bandages can probably be removed this afternoon."

"I see... then I'll be in charge of lunch today!"

"Great! That's wonderful!" Mitsuri cheered and jumped with joy.

Today's lunch was the happiest time she had eating at the Butterfly Mansion!

Originally, she was still a little worried that kenshi had just finished training and his body might feel some fatigue.

But he said he was completely fine, and was even in better condition than the first day!

Then he cooked a bunch of dishes that she liked.

"Mitsuri, eat slower, there's no hurry." Shinobu reminded from the side.

Only then did she pause, raising her head to peek at kenshi through the gap in the half-man-high stack of plates.

Seemingly noticing Mitsuri's gaze, he smiled back. "It's fine, just don't choke."

After speaking, he also thoughtfully placed a cup of tea next to her.

Mitsuri's face turned red as she lowered her head to continue eating, only at a much slower speed than before.

Shinobu suddenly took his rice bowl which only had a little rice left, filled it up completely, then placed it back in front of him, leaving him confused.

"Uh..., I'm already full."

"It's fine." She pressed down on the freshly scooped rice two times, added another spoonful, then passed it back. "You're still growing now and exercises often, so you should eat more."

"But I'm really already..."


Shinobu's smile suddenly became dangerous.

He hurriedly lowered his head to eat while racking his brains on how he offended her.

Finally, when the rice at the bottom of the bowl was visible, he was stuffed.

Noticing Shinobu's gaze looking over again, he quickly got up. "I'll go wash the dishes!"

Although not knowing why she was angry at him, it was still better to not prance around in front of her eyes for now.

After the meal, Shinobu brought Mitsuri to remove her bandages.

He was also resting in the lounge with his stomach bloated. He couldn't help it, too full, he didn't want to move at all now.

After some unknown amount of time, the wooden door was suddenly opened.

Aoi stuck her head in and said. "Miss Mitsuri is about to leave, do you want to go send her off?"

"Of course I have to go!" Hearing that, he immediately stood up.

At this time, at the front door of the Butterfly Mansion, Shinobu, Mitsuri, Kanao, and the three little ones were all here.

"Be careful on the road, Mitsuri." While sending off, Shinobu also warned. "Pay more attention during battles next time. Don't get ambushed by demons again."

"Hahaha! There won't be a next time!" Mitsuri scratched her head somewhat embarrassedly.

"Miss Mitsuri"

In the distance, Aoi brought kenshi running over.

Everyone noticed that he was still holding a package in his hand.

"Mitsuri, here! This is for you! Slowly eat it on the way back!" He handed over the package he was holding.

"Thank you!"

Mitsuri accepted it. Through the feel of it with her hand, she immediately realized that it was the snacks he had prepared for her.

Mitsuri weighed the package and couldn't help feeling somewhat surprised. "So much... isn't it too much?"

"It's fine! You're leaving now and who knows when we'll meet again next time." He said unconcernedly.

"And don't be concerned about your hair colour or your appearance. you're beautiful and your hair really gives you more charm!"

Mitsuri's face turned even redder. This was the first time someone had expressed their liking of her hair color so straightforwardly that she panicked for a while.

"Um... Shinobu! I'm leaving now! Kenshi-kun.. and little Aoi, see you next time!"

With a red face, Mitsuri hugged the snacks he gave her and ran away in panic.

Seeing her leave like this, kenshi couldn't help but ponder if his actions were too overboard. After all, this girl really liked to overthink.

But whatever, he had only said those words afraid that she might still be in the shadows of her past when leaving. As long as it worked it was fine.

He didn't know when but shinohu had arrived at his side, still with the ever-present smile on her face. "You really care about her!"

He rubbed his nose somewhat awkwardly. "After all Miss Mitsuri really is hard to deal with..."

Shinobu also deeply agreed with a nod.

"How gentle you are, Mr. Kenshi!" Shinobu brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

"I'll take that as praising me then!"

She turned away. "Let's go!"

"Where to?" he followed.

"Training of course!"


"Today's training is doubled."


"Because your physical strength is already very high! Without raising the difficulty of training there would be no effect!" Shinobu gave a reason that couldn't be refuted.

Kenshi sighed: "Alright then..."