
Demon Slayer : Becoming A Student Of Shinobu

After dying unexpectedly, Aiden is transported to the Demon Slayer universe and gifted a mysterious demon-slaying system. Bound to the sentient Demon Blade Senjin, Aiden adopts the name Kenshi Tanaka to survive and accomplish his goals. ---------- [System initiating binding!] The sudden voice in his mind made Aiden jump. [Binding successful, welcome host to the Unnamed Mysterious system. Scanning...scan complete.] [Neither the host's body nor mind is currently strong enough to fully bond with the system, In the meantime, the host will only have access to limited functions of the system] [Daily Draw Function : As the name suggests, you can draw from the chest once per day. The items received are extremely varied and unpredictable. Draws do not accumulate, they expire if unused, So always check the chest status to avoid wasting resources from forgetting.] Aiden opened his first daily draw. System discription : [—The Demon Blade Senjin! The blade was formed from thousands of fragmented pieces and it can break apart and pieced together. The hilt and half the blade were black, with blue stripes on the blade depicting evil spirit patterns.] --------------------------

Mario_0000 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

CH. 13: You're Hundred Times More Beautiful

Kenshi was also surprised by Mitsuri's rash style of doing things... Has she always been like this? But seeing the look Shinobu gave him, he didn't dare ask...

After hearing shinobu's words, Mitsuri blinked her pretty eyes. "Really no problem?"

"Really no problem..."

"Phew! That's great!" She breathed a sigh of relief and patted her full chest. "I was really scared to death just now."

As she spoke, a book suddenly slipped out from her clothes.

Kenshi looked at mitsuri who was chatting happily with shinobu without paying any attention, and reached out to pick up the book.

The book's packaging was pink, and the cover depicted a man and a woman holding hands and looking at each other with expressions of affection. Several large words were written on it —

The Secrets He and She Must Talk About!

He flipped through it and saw that it was actually a comic book! How interesting!

A romance comic, it was indeed something Mitsuri would read.

But as he flipped through more and more pages, his expression gradually changed from interested to shocked!

Because as the plot developed, the male and female protagonists in it were actually engaged in human physiological research! And the actions were also very diverse!

Are comics in this era so open?

Shinobu, who was chatting, suddenly noticed his expression and couldn't help but be curious. That was a comic book, right? Where did he get it from?

She couldn't help but ask. "What are you looking at with such a big reaction?"

Kenshi and Mitsuri were both stunned. When Mitsuri saw what he was holding, her face instantly turned red.

"Ah! My study materials!"

Before anyone could react, Mitsuri instantly pounced at him.

Her original intention was probably just to quickly retrieve it before the situation got out of control. But with her blushing state, she seemed to have an even harder time thinking properly than usual.

She actually changed her target from the comic book to kenshi.

As a result, when she pounced on him, the comic book in his hand slipped out instantly, drawing a parabola in midair and falling next to Kanao who had been quietly drinking tea.

She was also a little curious, so she picked it up.

"Don't look!" He and Mitsuri shouted in a very indecent posture.

But unfortunately, the scream still couldn't stop Kanao's curiosity.

After just two glances, her face turned visibly red. As she read, she kept looking at him and mitsuri.

Hmm! The posture of Mr. Kenshi and Miss Mitsuri now seems to be the same as the one above!

Noticing Kanao's gaze, Mitsuri's face turned even redder as she buried her head tightly in kenshi's chest.

Shinobu quickly walked over and took away the troublesome book that had caused the incident. After casually glancing through two pages, her face instantly turned both embarrassed and angry.

"Kenshi, I need an explanation." Shinobu could hardly keep the smile on her face, with two blushes on her cheeks.

He decisively pointed his fingers at the right culprit. "This fell from Miss Mitsuri!"

Hearing his words, Mitsuri buried her head even lower...

"Is that so? Then how long do you two plan to stay in this posture?" Although Shinobu was smiling, a few hideous veins popped up on her forehead as she looked at the two on the ground.

Kenshi finally reacted—their current posture was indeed a bit... intimate?

And I have to say, although he was being pressed down, Mitsuri's body really felt very soft. Unfortunately, now was not the time to carefully appreciate it.

He tried to push her away, but looking at her hands tightly grabbing his clothes, if he really pushed her away, his clothes would probably have to be changed.

So he could only try another method. "Ahem! Miss Mitsuri, please get up and explain to my master."

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt she bury her head even lower...

"...Miss Mitsuri, you pressing on me like this is very ungraceful. If word got out, it would damage both of our reputations!"


This time, with a "whoosh" Mitsuri sprang up instantly and got off of him. "Sorry, sorry! Are you okay?"

He waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

The four of them sat down again, but this time, three of them had their heads lowered.

Shinobu also ordered the three little ones in the Butterfly mansion to go out and help little Aoi.

Seeing the three silent people, she sighed and returned the comic book to Mitsuri. "So Mitsuri, why did you bring this kind of comic with you?"

Mitsuri quickly put away the returned comic book and hid it in her clothes. Hearing shinobu's question, she couldn't help lowering her head again and muttered. "Because... I want to learn more about this kind of knowledge, so I can serve the person I choose better in the future..."

Shinobu couldn't help sighing again. "So you've been carrying comics like this all the time?"

"Not really, only few times."

Upon hearing this, kenshi became curious and couldn't help asking. "Do you also bring it with you during battles?"

"Ah? No, if it got damaged during a battle, that would be troublesome."

He thought about it and agreed. If this kind of comic book was accidentally damaged, the chaotic scene of papers depicting all kinds of indescribable pictures flying all over the battlefield would be quite...exciting just thinking about it!

Ignoring his interruption, Shinobu continued to work on Mitsuri's ideology. "Even if you want to learn this kind of knowledge, you should look at professional books instead of this... er... obscene comic!"

"How is it obscene..." Mitsuri muttered in a low voice. "It's obviously drawn very well..."

Kenshi suddenly realised something and nodded in agreement next to her. "Yeah Shinobu! Miss Mitsuri was looking at it with the proper attitude of studying seriously. So to her, whether it's a professional book or this kind of comic book, it's the same. On the contrary, it is us who thinks this kind of comic is obscene that are a bit... er... ahem! Forget what I said!"

When Shinobu's dangerous smile turned to look at him, he quickly lowered his head to look at the table below, while constantly nodding.

Ow! This table is so tabular!

Ignoring him, she spoke to Mitsuri again. "But Mitsuri, no matter what, things like this are still difficult to discuss openly. Don't look at it anymore in the future, okay?"

After speaking, she glanced at kenshi twice—if he dared make trouble again, she would throw him out immediately!

Kanao next to her had already fallen into a daze due to the shock earlier. She would need counseling later...

Thinking of this, Shinobu felt a little headache. Things have been like this every day with this guy...

Suddenly, she noticed mist emerging in Mitsuri's eyes, as if she could cry at any time.

"I know, but..." Mitsuri's slightly nasal voice attracted everyone's attention. "Only these comics will tell me how not to be disliked and how to find someone who really likes me..."

Kenshi looked at the comic book on the table and thought, can this book be that powerful?

But thinking of her past, he suddenly understood...

Kanroji mitsuri was born into a family of five siblings. She was the eldest of the five.

Her physique was far superior to ordinary people, with her muscle density being 8 times that of an average human. Her seemingly slender body actually contained incredible strength.

At the age of 17, due to her hair color and her body being even stronger than most men, Mitsuri was harshly rejected by her matchmaking partner. This hit her hard.

Afterwards, she realized she should conceal her true condition.

She deliberately restrained her appetite. Not only did she re-dye her hair back to black, but she also made up a bunch of lies, making herself appear weak. Unexpectedly, she actually succeeded in the matchmaking.

However, although finally someone was willing to marry her, she discovered: the happiness gained through lies was not what she wanted. Even if she ate a lot, had a strong body, and weird hair color, that was the real her.

Therefore, Mitsuri's next matchmaking meeting also fell through in the end.

Afterwards, in order to find a boy who could accept the real her, she chose to join the Demon Slaying Corps, hoping to find a husband stronger than herself who could protect her in the corps.

After learning about her situation, the head of the Ubuyashiki family, Ubuyashiki Amane, even personally comforted her.

She vaguely remembered the gentle and warm words said by her blind master.

"Wonderful! You are someone specially favored by the gods, mitsuri!"

The days in the Demon Slaying Corps were the happiest times for her.

In the corps, all the team members deeply respected her.

People who were rescued from demons were also filled with gratitude as they thanked her.

Master Kagaya, Shinobu, Mr. Iguro and other strong individuals like her were willing to be friends with her.

But even so, there was still a painful scar in the depths of her heart.

"The only ones who can marry you are probably bears, boars or cows! If that weird hair color is inherited by children, how horrifying would that be! Let's pretend this matchmaking meeting never happened. Please forget about me and farewell forever!"

The cold words spoken by her matchmaking partner were like a dagger, piercing deeply into her heart.

It was also a pain that mitsuri could never get over.

Even surrounded by adoring people, even depended on by everyone, the sunlight outside still failed to erase the deepest darkest wound in her heart.

As a result, she craved a romantic love more than anyone else, wanting to prove that even she could be liked.

To that end, she would make use of anything she could, including the comic books to learn how to be a girl everyone liked.

"Sorry, I've talked so much useless nonsense!" Mitsuri wiped her somewhat flushed eyes. After speaking out, she also felt much better.

Shinobu held Mitsuri's hand. The words of guidance from before now couldn't come out.

On the side, kenshi couldn't help but rub his head.


He got up and went out. When he came back, he was holding a mirror.

He held the mirror up to Mitsuri and said seriously. "Miss Mitsuri, please tell me, is the person in the mirror beautiful?"

"Huh?" Mitsuri looked at herself reflected in the mirror.

Was he asking her to evaluate if she was beautiful?

Hmm! But it's so embarrassing to say it in front of so many people!

She blushed and lowered her head.

Shinobu squeezed her palm to encourage her. "It's okay Mitsuri, just say your most honest thoughts."

Only then did she pluck up her courage and raise her head again. "I...I think.I am..beautiful!!!"

Mitsuri almost shouted the last word. After shouting it out, she felt her strength drained away as she didn't dare to look at everyone's eyes and lowered her head again.

But kenshi just shook his head. "I think you're wrong!"

"Huh!" Hearing that, she raised her head in surprise.

He continued seriously."Because I think the person inside is a hundred times more beautiful than you think!"

"Isn't that too exaggerated?" Mitsuri asked uneasily.

He shook his head. "No, your evaluation is just too low!"

He could see that because of the successive matchmaking blows, Mitsuri had great doubts about her own charm.

So raising it a hundredfold was not excessive at all.

He held up the mirror again. "Miss Mitsuri, I hope you can understand that you are a more charming woman than you think. Maybe you have suffered some unfair insults in the past, but just remember that they were simply jealous of your talent and gifts."

"Humans... are very complicated creatures...." He went on to say. "They will admire and like more powerful and beautiful things. But similarly, don't they also want to personally smash and taint those beautiful things?"

"Huh? Is... that so?" Mitsurii was shocked.

Even Shinobu and Kanao cast surprised looks over.

"That's right!"he nodded very surely. "It wasn't your fault that the matchmaking failed. It was because they didn't match up to you. They also knew that but human hypocrisy prevented them from admitting their own failure. Instead, they blamed everything on you, trying to step on you to satisfy their own vanity!"

Seeing Mitsuri lost in thought, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He had summarized those words after reading countless novels. Although biased, who cares!

As long as Mitsuri was happy, nothing else mattered! It's not like he was lying.

Suddenly, Mitsuri looked up, still a little unsure. "Did they really think that?"

"Who knows? But it's also possible, right?" He decided to add fuel to the fire. "Don't think too well of human nature, because you don't know what they will do. And don't think too badly of human nature either, because the beauty in the world all comes from the truth, These words may sound contradictory and it's okay if you don't remember them. But Miss—"

He stared at Mitsuri and said seriously. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. Just be yourself, eat your favorite food, live the life you want, and be your true self!"