
Demon Slayer : Becoming A Student Of Shinobu

After dying unexpectedly, Aiden is transported to the Demon Slayer universe and gifted a mysterious demon-slaying system. Bound to the sentient Demon Blade Senjin, Aiden adopts the name Kenshi Tanaka to survive and accomplish his goals. ---------- [System initiating binding!] The sudden voice in his mind made Aiden jump. [Binding successful, welcome host to the Unnamed Mysterious system. Scanning...scan complete.] [Neither the host's body nor mind is currently strong enough to fully bond with the system, In the meantime, the host will only have access to limited functions of the system] [Daily Draw Function : As the name suggests, you can draw from the chest once per day. The items received are extremely varied and unpredictable. Draws do not accumulate, they expire if unused, So always check the chest status to avoid wasting resources from forgetting.] Aiden opened his first daily draw. System discription : [—The Demon Blade Senjin! The blade was formed from thousands of fragmented pieces and it can break apart and pieced together. The hilt and half the blade were black, with blue stripes on the blade depicting evil spirit patterns.] --------------------------

Mario_0000 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

CH. 11: New Skill!

Afte 7 days of training, kenshi started to pickup the sword style and skills, he learned the four forms of insect breathing, which he slowly changed into his own version, he included slashes and cuts from keeping it's original attack power of piercing.

He stood in the training area while performing the Sword skills, behind him, Shinobu is watching while looking at his stances and the amount of power he was generating.

After demonstrating of the four techniques, Shinobu threw kenshi a bamboo sword. "Use this sword with gripping and sword stances I just told you, and come at me."

He took the bamboo sword from the ground, gripping it with both hands, taking the stance as Shinobu said. Then slashed down vertically.

Shinobu directly parried upwards with one hand, dissolving his slash with the same force.

"Not enough power, hands aren't tight enough. Again!" Shinobu pointed out his shortcomings while defending.

At first he was still considerate of Shinobu's trait of weak wrists. Only later realizing, those who could become hashiras were all exceptional after all.

This so-called weak wrists was probably only weak compared to the other Hashiras.

Shinobu easily blocked all his attacks one-handed. She didn't even move her foot position.

While he was astonished, Shinobu was also astonished.

Because the more she saw his learning ability the more she understood that he might not take a long time to reach her stage. The errors she pointed out were basically immediately corrected. Even the moves she demonstrated, he only had to watch twice to learn them.

If not for his current poor physique being unable to keep up, she wouldn't have been able to remain so calm.

Time ticked by bit by bit. The training hall echoed with the sounds of bamboo swords clashing.

Shinobu no longer purely defended, occasionally using the bamboo sword to strike places kenshi failed to defend in time.

But as his swordsmanship became more and more polished, Shinobu's chances to hit him grew fewer and fewer.

It seemed that to pressure him again, she would have to raise her speed and power another level.


Shinobu looked outside, the sun was nearly setting.

"Let's stop here today!" She put away the bamboo sword.

Kenshi was also panting while using the bamboo sword to support his hands. After an afternoon of all out training, his hands were now uncontrollably shaking.

Seeing Shinobu had only shaken her hands a couple times, he once again marveled at the hashira's might. After that, he started using the breathing techniques to alleviate the soreness in his hands.

"Big sister..."

Kanao who had come midway to watch walked over, handing Shinobu a clean towel.

Shinobu smiled accepting it, also patting Kanao's little head.

Kanao closed her eyes, then took out another towel handing it to kenshi.

He was a bit surprised, but still smilingly accepted it. "Thank you!"

Kanao took out a coin.

Tossed it, then caught it.

"Plop" -

Reverse side.

Kanao put away the coin, smiling at him without speaking.


So you still haven't given up on tossing coins for me...he looked at her black-lined, his smile nearly slipping.

"Alright, stop looking at Kanao like that. Her giving you a towel already shows great progress!" Shinobu mediated from the side.

She had also been surprised for a moment by Kanao's actions earlier. Unfortunately for communicating she still needed the coin toss. This inevitably disappointed Shinobu a bit.

Afterwards was rest time.

After showering, he returned to his room to rest.

This room was arranged by Shinobu, next to Kanao's room.

While her room was across from kanao's.

The room across his was also unoccupied. Shinobu said it was her storage room, telling him not to randomly go in.

But he guessed it should be her sister's room, inside were probably all the things she left behind. Perhaps not valuable, but definitely sentimentally significant to Shinobu.

Thus he didn't try his luck investigating.

The following days were spent repeating training.

And through these days of training, his improvements grew greater and greater.

From starting at one set of fifty push-ups, to later fifty in one go. Then seventy, eighty...

At first not daring to run on the enclosing wall, later he slowly grasped balance. Not only daring to sprint on it, he even added difficulty doing weighted sprints.

He knew his great improvements were all thanks to that Impurity Cleansing Potion.

Although tortured to death daily, on early mornings he could clearly feel the progress and changes in his body.

Under this positive feedbacks, his fear towards the agonizing training also gradually disappeared.

And most importantly, during this time he finally got another good thing from the system lottery again!

Hyper active senses (Beginner level)!

That's right, he can actually sense his surroundings.

Don't underestimate it for just being Beginner level.

Although, the system specifically didn't mention if it had any stages, he can tell that he can actually master this skill and improve it.

Moreover, training this skill is very easy. Just train until you're exhausted!

Whether daily training or staking his life in battle, as long as he used it more, his senses would become stronger and stronger.

After getting this skill he started having doubts about how powerful the system is, after all, it just give him sensing powers. However, the system didn't speak him to much and didn't even tell him how and when would it completely bond with him.

After trying his best, he just let it go, exhausted.

Aside from this, he also discovered another function of the system, system actually opened its space, where he can keep his items!

It only made him more suprised!

Suddenly, as if sensing something, he looked back to see Kanao walking over, staring at him curiously.

Looking at her, he knew exactly how to familiarise himself with her.

He suddenly took out a packet from his clothes and ripped open to reveal small cookies neatly arranged. "These are cookies that I purchased in villages when I went out for training, Want to try some? Should taste pretty good!"

Kanao looked even more curiously at the packaging she had never seen before. She vigorously nodded.

He handed the opened small cookies to Kanao. "Here! Try one! Should be pretty tasty!"

She took one. Looking at the cookies she had never seen before, she bit off over half in one go.

Nom Nom!

Her eyes instantly lit up. A never before experienced deliciousness lingered on her tongue, making her happily narrow her eyes.

He also took one and tossed it in his mouth.

Not bad!

Didn't expect he could still eat cookies from his old world after transmigrating. This feeling was indescribable!

As he chewed, he counted 6 cookie pockets left in the system storage.

Just right for giving three kids each!

Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi, they were introduced to him when he started training. However, they seem to be treating the Demon slayer corps members, so they didn't appear much in his training.

As for the 2 remaining packs, he planned on saving one for Shinobu.

She was out on missions these days, not at Butterfly mansion.

Although he would get more things in the future, he still want to save one for Shinobu.

Then the last remaining pack...

Kenshi looked towards kanao who had finished eating but her eyes were still brightly looking on the pack in his hands. He smiled slightly, taking out another pack he placed it on the table saying. "Miss Kanao, accompany me for sword practice. If you win, this pack of cookies is yours!"

Hearing this, she immediately agreed with a nod.

During this time, she had been acting as his combat practice partner.

Even with Shinobu away, she did not slack off in supervising and training kenshi.

And most importantly, he had never won against her before!

So wasn't this just giving them to her for free!

With an excited and joyous small, Kanao and kenshi went to the training area together.

The two faced each other, bamboo swords in hand.

Feeling kanao's greater than normal fighting spirit, he couldn't help finding it a bit funny. Just a pack of cookies, was there a need to get this excited.

But very soon, he adjusted his breathing and mental state

Seeing this, Kanao similarly adjusted her condition.

After that, kenshi said in a low voice. "Here goes!"

Exerting strength in his legs, he instantly shot forth, arriving before her in a flash, while slashing down with his bamboo sword!

After over half a month of special training, his physique had greatly improved, and his sword motions were more standardized.

But in this battle, it still wasn't enough!

Kanao looked at the incoming attack with tranquil eyes, suddenly dodging to the side avoiding the attack and arriving behind him. She fiercely struck at his waist with the bamboo sword.

He didn't even turn his head, raising the bamboo sword behind himself to block.

But Kanao didn't stop, failure to hit once prompting her to swiftly kick at his calves!

This time he finally couldn't react in time. His whole body was struck, stumbling and falling to the ground. But he quickly rolled with the momentum, rapidly getting up and pulling back to widen the distance.

Taking a deep breath, kenshi retook his stance, simultaneously concentrating to trigger his hyper senses as much as possible.

His skill was now a bit stronger compared to when he first obtained it.

After all, when he obtained it, he didn't even know how to use it.

Even on the rare occasions he succeeded in using it, the sensing was extremely vague and weak.

To raise his mastery, he increased his combat training.

Although in the beginning due to unfamiliarity with control he ended up full of injuries, he could still feel his mastery slowly and steadily rising.

Blocking Kanao's attack just now was precisely relying on his own senses.

Shinobu and kanao had also noticed this bizarre change before. But only he gave them another lie.

Said it was an innate talent of his family - sixth sense!

Able to briefly predict the enemy's actions in battle.

Shinobu actually showed interest in his sixth sense and started to study it.

She also felt that the "sixth sense" seemed not only assist in sensing the surroundings but also able to predict an attack that was about to happen. However, she also discovered if she increased her speed, she could still hit him.

Thus until now, he had never won against Kanao in a match.