
Information And Information

"Granting talents? That function was pretty good. If I started learning breathing styles, it'd come in handy. After all, Tokito Muichiro, the Mist Hashira, became a Hashira in just two months because of his talent."

Quinn was quite surprised as he discovered the system's abilities.

"So you're telling that you don't have anything like shop where I can buy physical items?"

[Indeed. The system can't provide things out of thin air.]

"Hmm? But you did give me that cure for Muzan's blood, didn't you?"

[It's not a physical item, but something created through the system's power. As I mentioned, I wasn't allowed to do something like that, and I faced consequences for what I did. That's why I urge host to be careful with your actions in the future. If the host were to encounter a similar situation, even I wouldn't be able to do anything.]

'Well, thanks for what you did back than. Now, how about you tell me, how can I level up? I've been stuck on this 25th level for so much time, and you mentioned that the cure's effects are wearing off. So, what do I need to do to prolong it, at least until I'm fully prepared?' Quinn questioned, realizing he had wasted a lot amount of time. But being stuck in ancient Japan without any knowledge, he also felt quite powerless.

[Host has hit the limit of his natural human potential. Typically, regular humans can only reach a maximum of level 10 in their entire lifetime within a 100 levels. However, exceptional individuals like the Hashiras and yourself can surpass those limits even before becoming Demon Slayers. Nonetheless, the 25th level marks the end of how powerful one can become.]

[To break past this limit, the host must train in the breathing styles and try to gain control over your demon blood.]

'Well, I had already thought about learning those breathing styles. But even if I master them all, taking on Muzan single-handedly might still be a dream.'

'If he hadn't underestimated demon' slayers and let Tomoya weaken him with that medicine, even the combined strength of all the Hashiras probably wouldn't have stopped him. What I really want to know is, how can I become powerful enough to face Muzan head-on?'

[It's a difficult task, but there is a way. Search for the Twelve Demon Moons and devour their bodies. Not only will this help you delay becoming Muzan's slave, but it will also boost the strength of your demon form, increasing your chances of resisting his control.]

"Now I'm starting to have some good ideas to create my own breathing styles. But for now, let's set that aside. System, what missions do I have?"

[There are currently two main missions.]

[Mission 1 - Eliminate Kibutsuji Muzan, the ultimate antagonist of the world.

Merit points - 15 Million]

[Mission 2 - Slay the Twelve Moons.

Merit points - Varies depending on the demon's rank. But even the lowest-ranked one is worth a million points.]

[The host currently possesses 1000 bonus merit points.]

"Well, those missions sound pretty straightforward, but the thing is, I'm nowhere near strong enough for them. Forget about slaying the Twelve Moon demons, I couldn't even take down four regular demons."

"Sigh, today I consumed a lot of information. But I've got two final questions for you. I've been telling myself countless times over the years that I'll find a way back to Earth, but I don't even know if it's possible. Can you tell me if I'll be able to return?"

"And my last question is about the system. You mentioned your were created by a goddess, so are you loyal to me or to her?"

[To answer your first question, you don't need to worry about being unable to return to your former world. However, it might not be as simple as you thought it would be. You'll need to accumulate enough merit points.]

[Even than, that would not be enough, you need to reach a certain level of strength, as the primordial worlds are guarded by formidable people. I can't provide more details than that, but time works differently in the primordial worlds compared to the world you currently reside in.]

[As for your second question, the system's loyalty is unwavering towards host, despite having to abide by certain rules set by the goddess. I was created by the goddess, but I will be with host until the end, so my loyalty lies with you and your my only master.]

'primordial worlds? This Omniverse seems to much more complicated than I thought.' Quinn thought in his mind.

'That's somewhat comforting.' Quinn said, finding a sense of relief. Just as the thought crossed his mind, he heard a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

The door swung open, revealing a stunning woman with luscious crimson hair, gracefully holding a tray with a delicious-looking meal.

Her long hair flowed down as she wore an elegant white kimono. She seems to be in same age as quinn, her features resembled those of a fairy.

She approached him and placed the tray right in front of him.

"So you're the one who rescued me and my mother." Quinn spoke, recalling the face of the person he had glimpsed before losing consciousness.

"Oh, you remember me! If my memory serves me right, your mother mentioned your name is Quinn. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Yumi Kurogane. It's impressive how quickly you've recovered from those injuries. Well, Grandma did mention they were only minor wounds." The girl spoke, her tone filled with cheerfulness.

'Seems like that old lady didn't tell anyone about my broken bones.' Quinn thought to himself.

"First of all, I want to express my gratitude for saving me." He stated, rising to his feet and bowing to Yumi as a sign of appreciation.

"I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. It's my duty to rescue people from those filthy demons, so there's no need to thank me. Besides, you held your own against the demons quite well. Your physical strength seems Insane." She replied with a smile, nudging the meal closer to him, pointing him to eat.

Afterward, he dug into the meal she had brought, savoring the flavorful combination of meat, rice, and a delicious soup.

"I used to hear stories about demons and demon slayers from an old man in the village. So, you're a demon slayer, huh? That's incredible." He praised between his bites.

Yumi's face suddenly contorted into an awkward smile.

"Um, actually, I'm not an official demon slayer yet. These clothes and katana belongs to my grandmother. Hehe, I just wear them during training sessions, haha."
