
A New World

Thanks to Tio_Iroh99, Orthos and mastergamer7745 for gifting me powerstones.

Tio_Iroh99 is an author who writes DC : Spirit Of Vengeance. It is about Ghost Rider being in the DC world. I quite like that story, so do go check it out.

And special thanks to Orthos for gifting me three powerstones. I will try my best not to dissapoint you.

Also thank you to everyone who read and liked this story. It is you support which motivates me to write further. But as for now, story time-


-Great Tomb of Nazarick, Throne Room-

*Suzuki/Galadriel POV*

When I was touching Albedo's breast, I came to the conclusion that I wasn't in the game anymore as Yggdrasil forbade any 18+ acts. And my eyes went up to her face I was shocked again. I know, I have been shocked quite a few times during the last 3-4 minutes, but this is not exactly a normal situation either. The reason I was shocked this time was because Albedo's face was flushed, and her breathing was heavy. And her next question just straight up stunned me.

"My lady, will my first time be here? Should I take off my clothes?"

I was thinking why she was behaving like that when the exact reason came to my mind.

'[She is deeply in love with Galadriel Melkor]'

God dammit. I had to do that. Now I had a lover, embarrassingly my first one. Embarrassing because I was 34, and I never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I am more inclined towards girls because of a certain dark alley experience, and also because the only man I loved was already married. He did cared about me but he couldn't just leave his family.

But anyway, as I was about to decline Albedo, I noticed my hands were still molesting her breasts. I noticed my hands were almost sinking in her breasts. Before I got more distracted, I quickly pulled back my hands and apologized to her.

"I-I am so-sorry Albedo, but now is not the time for that." As I said that, I noticed that her face fell but she quickly regained composition and said,

"Please don't apologize, my lady. We exist to serve you."

"Ok. Now I must go to my room. There are a few things I need to confirm. For now tell every floor guardian except Victim and Gargantua to come to the amphitheater on the 6th floor in one hour."

"Yes my lady."

After this, I walked to my designated quarters to check out a few other things as the 9th and the 10th floors do not allow teleportation except for a few places.

*Albedo POV*

I was devastated when I saw my love's crying face. My love didn't told us why she was crying but I am determined to make sure that she is never sad again. My happiness didn't knew any limits when she was feeling me, due to the fact that I love her and also that I thought that she was no longer sad. But then the disappointment came in like a dragon when my love said that now is not the time. My pent up feelings aside, I must tell the other guardians about the meeting.

*Suzuki/Galadriel POV*

So, I am somehow in Nazarick for real, in a body which feels like my avatar, which was also is somehow, shrunked. Yup, sounds about right. Now to check on my body, I removed all my clothes to inspect myself in the big mirror on the wall. I noticed that this body looked very much like my avatar, but not shrunked. More like de-aged.

I still had my avatar's hip length hair which was white as snow, shining golden eyes, a pair of horns on my head, and a pair of pitch black, yet regal looking wings. Though a little bit scary, I looked very cute and gorgeous. As for my age, I looked like a child of about 7-8 years old.

This all was still very confusing. I am somehow taken out of my home, and put in a place which wasn't real before. The only good thing I felt among all this was when Pleiades maids and Albedo consoled me. It felt like an eternity since my someone made me feel good. I still couldn't understad how they had looked and felt alive. But since the NPCs apparently have come to life, I will do my best not to dissapoint them.

With newfound determination, I start to practice my spells and attacks. From what I observed, those look exactly like they looked in Yggdrasil. I need another person to test the effects on, but I would never do that to a denizen of Nazarick. Maybe I can practice on some summons. Wait, I can summon strong monsters with the help of staff of Ainz Ooal Gown. I will probably do this somewhere with more space. Not to say that my room here was small, it is quite big.

Actually, my quarters in itself was practically a small mansion. It had a master bedroom, with a bed which was the size of some of the rooms in my house from the real world. And the bed was so confortable, that I felt like sleeping on it the moment I saw it. But that was not the only bedroom, there were multiple small ones, but small only compared to the master bedroom.

There was also a piano room, a dining room, a kitchen, an office, a separate room for my wardrobe, and a bathroom with a huge bathtub. In fact, the bathtub was bigger than the size of the house which I used to live in! I was stunned by how awesome it looked. True, I have seen it before, but despite the realistic graphics of Yggdrasil, it didn't hold a candle to what it looked like in reality.

Quickly, an hour passed by and it was time for the meetings with the guardians. I tried to use [Message] to connect with Sebas and soon I felt something connecting within my mind.

"Sebas?" I asked. And he replied quickly,

"Yes, my lady?"

"Is Nazarick still in the marshes? Or is it a different area? Have you found something?"

"No my lady, we appear to be on an island. I-"

"Wait," I said cutting him off, "come to the Amphitheater on the 6th floor. There is a meeting with the floor guardians within a few minutes. Give the details there."

"Yes my lady. I will be there soon."

I ended the [Message] and mentally prepared myself for the meeting. After I fortified my mental health, I teleported to the 6th floor.

The 6th floor was very different from the rest of the floors. And the main reason being that this area -while was the largest-, it also had a fake sky. The fake sky wasn't just painted blue, it had a fake sun, a realistic day-night system and even winds are produced time to time. The fake sky was the fruit of the labour of BluePlanet, the most nature loving member of our guild. He always wanted to see the real sky and stars bit never fot to fulfill his wish as the sky on Earth was always covered by smoke. He was the one who worked the most on creating the 6th floor so big and beautiful. And it was.

The 6th floor was almost four square kilometers big. This area had a lot of things. From poisonous pits to mangrove forest, from overgrown ruins to bottomless swamps. There was the Amphitheater, which we created based upon the long destroyed Coliseum of Rome. There was also a huge lake, but it was smaller than the one on 4th floor. Also, there existed a giant tree which seemed to reach to fake sky, which was already 200 metres high. The tree was the residence of the two floor gaurdians of this floor, Aura Bella Fiora and Mare Bello Fiore, who were twins. The twins were created by Bukubukuchagama.

〔Image of the Twins〕

When I reached the Amphitheater, the twins were already there. Despite looking only 10, these twins were over 70 years old. The reason they looked so young was because they belonged to a species called Dark Eleves, who aged very slowly. After greeting them, I tried out a few spell with them, where I accidentally discovered that friendly fire is on.

Slowly, other floor guardians arrived. The first one to arrive was Shalltear Bloodfallen, who was a true vampire. She was the guardian of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor and was the strongest among the floor guardians created by Peroronchino who was the brother of Bukubukuchagama. When she saw me she just immediately hugged me,started rubbing herself on me and started proclaiming her undying love for me. And when Aura interrupted her, they both just started arguing like their creators, which made me very nostalgic.

The next one to arrive was Cocytus, guardian of the 5th floor. He was created by Warrior Takemikazuchi. Despite looking big and scary, he had very soft personality.

After him, Demiurge was the next one to come. He was the guardian of the 7th floor and was created by Ulbert Alain Odle.

Albedo arrived soon and just by seeing her face I started blushing. She smiled when she noticed my blush but Shalltear looked downright depressed. Sebas was the last one to arrive.

When they all gathered in front of me they stood in a horizontal line, and kneeled to me proclaiming their utter obedience and loyalty. I was stunned by this gesture but smiled and told them that I will be happy being their leader.

〔Image of the Floor Guardians〕

After this I asked Sebas about our location,

"Sebas, can you tell everyone here about what you found."

"Yes, of course my lady."

He proceeded to described that Nazarick was not in the marshes anymore, but was on an island, he also brought a map. And when I looked at the map, I got shocked again.

"Isle of Man, Great Britain!?"

- to be continued


Hello there. It took time for me to write this chapter because I had a lot of tests going on. The ending of this is a bit rushed as the chapter's length proportionalities might have gotten a bit too far. The main story will start from the next chapter so please stay tuned. Bye.

PS- I made an anime reference in this chapter. Can you find it?

Next chapter: The Girl-Who-Survived