
Demon Orchid Academy

I had it all, and that's when I realized that only the small things matter, that small smile that little kiss, a good hug and having people around you Ten thousand years later am reincarnated in a new body and given a second chance to live the life I once desired, not minding that my the fact that my name had been changed over time I tried to live my life until " You know I like you right " A soft voice whispered Uber her breathe " Am in love "Her voice was strong and her eyes stared right in to mine " I can't stand you stupid " Her voice didn't carry any remose in it as she said this Three faces turned my life up side down and gave me a new reason to fight " Eeeeeee!!, that's definitely my son he is back with wife three " My parents cried as I stood at the door

CloverXIIV · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


<p>I walked Eleanor home the kitten rolled around in the basket with a tummy ache <br/>" What ability was that ?' she asked <br/>" Phantom reincarnated, it should work faster and reincarnate full grown things if you practice more, " I said giving her a light peck on the cheek <br/>" Goodnight Nora !" I added vanishing in the night, Nora's face was blush red, she had ever kissed me but I had never really done it, which made the little peck I placed in her cheek more special than all the kisses we had together, Nora danced into the big build but as soon as the door opened her face dropped, she had almost forgotten how much she hated it here.<br/>The next day after I teleported to the school grounds I was met with shooked faces, most people thought I died in the dual and didn't expect me to show up the next day, as I walked through I got a different attention from the usual scared looks, the looks had respect and astonishment, so royals had anger in their eyes but since the school was mainly made up of hybrids the respectful stares where much more I walked in to the class where I saw Lilly seated carefully on the first desk slowly circling her finger around a ring as a soon as I walked in her attention quickly diverted from the band to me on seeing my usual face she hurriedly run and embraced me in a hug <br/>" I thought you died stupid !" she snapped her hand tightly around neck <br/>" So you care, " I added trying to place my hands on her back but as soon as my fingertips touched her back she quickly stepped back a frown on her face <br/>" What was that!" she scolded <br/>" Ha, I hugged back, I thought that's how hugs work " <br/>" Stupid, not that, what you did in the arena, no one saw what happened one second you had a sword though your chest the next Xavier's body exploded and after that everything lost signal what happened, and am not taking any excuses if you're still alive it means that you beat him " <br/>She pointed specific pocking the point where the sword went through to see if she could receive a reaction ' No wound, I knew it ,that something else happened ' <br/>" Nothing, I lost and begged until he let me live " I pushed her finger off my chest " We don't have all morning do you want me to help you with Domin spell or should we discuss about how I begged for my life " I said walking to her desk <br/>The band was still on the desk, at a close distance I could clearly tell what it was, a wedding band, she got married yesterday, as soon as she noticed I was staring at her band she quickly grabbed it from the best and hid it behind her back, I could tell she didn't want to talk about it so u didn't ask and started with the Domin spell <br/>like yesterday I end up explaining the spell right from it's origin ten thousand years ago, after explaining every detail on the spell I drew an inscription on her scroll and told her memorize it, and left her as she marveled at the inscription drawing for a while she didn't notice I was gone until Diana walked in her long blonde hair braided, and wore long high heeled boots, a pair of black leggings and a shirt tight mini skirt which didn't hinder her movements, a light white of shoulder crop top and black iron wristlet a black handled knife was strapped to a shirt and to finish the look a golf ankle length cloak for identity, she looked like she was going for battle, the two girls laughed a little before taking there seats, eavesdropping was tempting but I kept cleared my mind from those thoughts, after a little while Eleanor walked in with rest of the group and shortly after them a man walked in, <br/>"The school tournaments are being soon so your teacher won't be joining us for the next week, " He said with no introduction and quickly started to explain the rules<br/>" The first team will get free, twenty points added to there total in the final exams and the last team will have twenty reduced " he said and the class fell silent they expect something like this, every semester had these tournaments, where students would battle one on one and in groups to gain point, in total at the end of a semester a student has to have at least fifty points to move to the next, if they fail to gain these points they are transferred to another campus, even though this campus isn't the best in the city it isn't the worst either, it is the third in a line of five campuses, the first is the Asce Campus, no one gets admitted there, only what Eleanor explained as the reincarnate are admitted, I found that strange because from what Lucie told me only one person has been reincarnated in the city, the second campus is for the gifted, it is where most royals are right now, the third is our and the strength level keeps reducing until you get to fifth campus <br/>" The tournament will begin in a months time, it will begin with group competition of which the winning groups will earn twenty points, after a month of group competitions, you will have individual duels where one can show case there powers, I expect you all take this seriously, ow and lastly theory thirty points for the winner for the theory, the group and individual competitions can have more than one winner" the old man said stocking his beard, " If you have any questions please raise them if none I will take my leave " <br/>He asked not giving the class a glance but his name was called out from the back which made him stop <br/>"What is it son " he asked a I stood up <br/>" I was ill yesterday and missed the summoning test can I have a retake now ?" I asked a devil like simple appeared on his old wrinkled lips making them slowly twitch<br/>" I suppose you are Donatus Cole, " he stroked long beard that flowed to his stomach, I nodded response " Then am sorry but that test has already been graded " he stretched his hand out and names started to appear on the board <br/>" Those are the test results, and class ranking, the school has declared everyone one below the red line is useless and will be leaving us after tournament if they don't improve, Mr. Donatus you seem to lead the list from behind, and at this point if I where you I would start packing, because your stay here is useless, " he insulted me an ugly look in his eyes, <br/>Every body in the class froze after seeing the results, only twelve were above the red line eighteen where under more than half the class where going to be expelled, and the worst at the very bottom shocked everyone, getting a zero was a normal mark in the class, actually only seven people below the line had point higher than Zero ten students had zeros the other eleven had negative points and at the bottom was my name, eighty negative points where boldly written more clearly the red line was at twenty points, I was a hundred points away from the red line, even if I were to grab all points from the tournament they still weren't enough to get me above the red line, at this point my gate in the school looked sealed .<br/>looking at these pathetic marks u couldn't help but let out a sigh,' I wouldn't be going back with the perfect marks but I wasn't getting expelled '<br/>" Sir!" I raised my head, faith in my self, I had turned four realms to dust with a snap of my finger gaining points wouldn't be hard " I there a way I could gain any bonus points" the unshaken smile on my face shook the old man's devilish smile, <br/>But he quickly regained it knowing nothing could change it " NO!, pack your bags, this campus isn't for losers like you " the man laughed stocking his long beard as he left the room </p>